Blizzard, 2012
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 和PS3
Blizzard, 2012
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3

《暗黑破坏神 3(Diablo III)》的开发史见证过辉煌也经历过低谷。在 2001 年《暗黑破坏神 2》取得巨大成功后,暴雪很快就开始着手制作续作。人们对这个项目知之甚少,但据报道它具有全 3D 图形和多个 MMO 元素,以及一个大型开放世界。
然而,暴雪北方(Blizzard North)和威望迪(Vivendi Games)之间的纠纷使得游戏的主要开发人员纷纷离开,并最终导致暴雪北方在 2005 年关闭。前公司的《暗黑 3》项目最终报废,游戏开始重新研发。
2012 年 5 月,与上一段相距 11 年后,《暗黑破坏神 3》终于发布了。人们对这款游戏的期望太高了,它打破了 PC 游戏的销售记录,在头 24 小时内售出了 300 多万分份。
从表面上看,游戏的核心玩法非常熟悉。有五个职业:魔法师(Wizard)、野蛮人(Barbarian)、猎魔人(Demon Hunt)、巫医(Witch Doctor)和武僧(Monk),这些角色肩负起在四大章节里对抗邪恶的任务。
游戏经过高度打磨,引入了全 3D 图像,物理引擎使玩家的每一击都显得畅快淋漓。暴雪选择了独特的艺术风格,并专注于故事,添加了诸如跨地图事件和制作等元素,并且简化了游戏的某些方面,例如无需玩家储存药剂和卷轴。
The history of Diablo III is one of immense highs and lows. After the outstanding success of Diablo II in 2001, Blizzard soon began working on a sequel. Little is known about this project, but reportedly it had fully 3D graphics and several MMO elements, with a large open world.
However, disputes between Blizzard North and Vivendi Games led to several key developers leaving the company and, ultimately, to Blizzard North being closed in 2005. Their version of Diablo III was scrapped, and development began on a new one.
In May 2012, 11 years after its predecessor, Diablo III was finally released. Expectations were impossibly high, and the game broke PC sales records, selling over three million units in the first 24 hours.
Superficially, the game's core gameplay is very familiar. You have five classes – Wizard, Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor and Monk – who must battle the forces of evil across four story Acts.
Highly polished, the game brought in fully 3D graphics and a physics engine that makes each blow feel extremely satisfying. Blizzard opted for a more stylised art style and a greater focus on story, added elements such as events across the maps and crafting, then streamlined some aspects of the game, such as removing the need to stockpile potions and scrolls.
《暗黑破坏神 3》发售伊始的抱怨中,一些玩家认为它过于卡通和色彩丰富。他们创建了一个名为 DarkD3 的模组来让游戏变得更黑暗。暴雪的回应则是制作了一个充满鲜亮色彩的秘密关卡“小马关”。
Among the initial complaints about Diablo III, some players thought it was too cartoony and colourful. They created a mod called DarkD3 to make the game darker. Blizzard replied by making a secret level full of ponies and colourful art.

《暗黑破坏神 3》重视走位,因为精英敌人用毒药、激光、熔岩和其他危险填满玩家周围,然后尝试推、拉或锁定玩家。
Diablo III places a premium on mobility, as Elite enemies fill their surroundings with poison, lasers, lava and other hazards, then try to push, pull or lock you in place.
最大的变化来自角色系统。《暗黑破坏神 2》是在玩家升级时选择属性和技能,而《暗黑破坏神 3》则侧重于灵活性,提供了一系列可以随时自由更改的技能。
《暗黑 3》的争议之处在于就算是单人游戏,启动游戏也需要联网,进而导致在游戏发布时服务器出了大问题。
另一个令人失望的点是游戏的难度:难度分为四个等级,但需要依次解锁。许多玩家(包括我自己)在开始尝试更高难度之前会花上 15-20 个小时玩一款非常简单的游戏,玩到筋疲力尽。且无脑的的刷刷刷后也不会带来任何结局。
然而,一个简单而贪婪的想法差点杀死《暗黑破坏神 3》:游戏里加了一个拍卖行(Auction House)。
此外,每项技能和能力的伤害都与玩家的武器和装备有关,如果没有合适的装备,即使是最好的玩家也一无是处。因此,拍卖行的作用愈来愈突出,最好的道具在拍卖行中售价一度超过 50 美元。《暗黑破坏神》的“杀戮和掠夺(kill and loot)”的游戏循环就此被打破。
The biggest change came in the character system. While Diablo II was about picking stats and skills as you level up, Diablo III focuses on flexibility, offering a range of skills that can be freely changed at any time.
Each character has six slots for active skills and three slots for passive ones (four with the expansion). If at any time you're unhappy with your character build, you can easily change it. Each active skill can also be equipped with a Rune, slightly modifying the skill – reducing cooldowns, changing damage types, adding more effects, making it last longer and so on.
A more controversial decision was that Diablo III required an Internet connection, even for single-player, which led to some huge server issues on launch.
Another disappointment was the game's difficulty, divided into four modes you had to unlock one at a time. Many players (myself included) got burned out by playing 15-20 hours of an incredibly easy game before begin allowed to try a harder difficulty. And there was no endgame besides a pointless grind.
Yet, what nearly killed Diablo III was a single, greedy idea: adding an in-game Auction House.
It was made for players to sell their loot, not only for in-game currency, but also for real money – of which Blizzard would take a cut. To be sure people would use it, rare items were dropped sparsely. You could play for hours without seeing a single good drop. And when you got one, chances were that it was for another class, pushing you to sell it at the Auction House for something you can actually use.
Furthermore, the damage of every skill and ability was tied to your weapon and gear, making even the best player useless without decent equipment. Progression became inherently tied to the Auction House, the best items selling for over 50 dollars. Diablo's “kill and loot” gameplay loop was broken.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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