Infogrames, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST 和 SNES
Infogrames, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST and SNES

你通过一个自由漫游的 3D 第一人称视角来探索这个岛屿,这在当时是一个惊人的壮举。而且这个岛非常大,即使大部分是空的。岛上有八个城堡、一个商店、一个寺庙、一些旅馆、房屋和传送器,还有一个漂亮的昼夜循环。
一旦你进入其中一个城堡,游戏就会切换到 2D 侧视图,您可以在其中单独控制每个英雄,与怪物战斗,收集物品并解决一些非常简单的谜题。
除了新颖的 3D 世界地图外,2D 图形也令人印象深刻且富有创意,游戏将细致的像素艺术与更多奇特的风格融合在一起,例如 3D 多边形士兵或可以旋转镜头下的人类剪影。界面也值得赞扬——《屠龙传记》是最早允许玩家实时控制每个小队成员的 RPG 之一,但它以一种简单而直观的方式做到了这一点。只是遗憾的是,类似于冒险游戏的操作并没有被大量使用。
Drakkhen is a very original game, starting from its story. A glory-seeking Paladin slayed the Great Dragon – but it turns out that he was the keeper of magic, so now all the world's magic is gone, leaving humanity in chaos and unprotected.
You must create a party of four heroes (Warrior, Scout, Wizard and Priest) to explore a mystical island inhabited by eight warring dragon princes, collecting their treasures to resurrect the Great Dragon.
You explore the island through a free-roaming 3D first-person view. This was an amazing feat at the time and the island is huge, even if mostly empty. There are eight castles, a shop, a temple, some inns, houses and teleporters, plus a nice day-and-night cycle.
Once you enter one of the castles, the game switches to a 2D side-view, where you can control each of your heroes individually, fighting monsters, collecting items and solving very simple puzzles.
Unfortunately, the combat is also very simple. Battles happen in real time and automatically – once you've ordered the party to attack all you can do is change the spells the Wizard and Priest are casting.
The difficulty is rather unfair, as the game is filled with traps that instantly kill a character (or the whole party), and you'll have to grind a lot to beat the game. There's only one save slot and you can't save when inside the castles, so things can get frustrating fast.
Besides the novel 3D world map, the 2D graphics are also impressive and very original, blending detailed pixel art with more exotic styles, such as 3D wire-frame soldiers or rotoscoped human silhouettes. The interface also deserves praise – Drakkhen is one of the first RPGs to allow the player to control each party member individually in real time, yet it does it in a simple and intuitive way. It's just a shame that the adventure game-like actions aren't used much.
《屠龙传记》的结局预告了续作,但 Infogrames 并未制作续集。负责 SNES 移植的日本公司 Kemco 在 1994 年发布了 Super Drakkhen ,一个与其略微相关的侧向滚动卷轴游戏。
The ending of Drakkhen teased a sequel, but Infogrames never made it. Kemco, the Japanese company responsible for the SNES port, released Super Drakkhen in 1994, a loosely related side-scroller.
该游戏被移植到多个系统,但 SNES 版本是迄今为止最好的。增加了新的对话、提示、物品和世界地图,同时降低了难度,删除了许多令人恼火的死亡事件。
总的来说,《屠龙传记》是技术和创造力的杰出成就——一个领先于其时代的实验性作品。虽然它是一个原创的和奇怪的游戏,但也是一个隐晦和令人沮丧的 RPG。不管怎么说,它绝对值得一玩。
The game was ported to multiple systems, but the SNES version is by far the best. New dialogues, tips, items and a world map were added, while the difficulty was reduced, with cheap deaths removed.
Overall, Drakkhen is an outstanding feat of both technology and creativity – an experimental title that was way ahead of its time. The result is an original and weird title, but also an opaque and frustrating RPG. Regardless, it's definitely worth a look.

《屠龙传记》有不少异国情调的敌人,比如巨大的狗头、3D 多边形、一个一边跳舞一边高喊“我爱你”的女人剪影。
Drakkhen has exotic enemies such as giant dog heads, 3D polygons and the silhouette of a woman dancing and shouting “I love you”.

While the game has an open world, your quest must be done in a specific order and manner, which isn't always clear. The dialogues don't help much either.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明