作为以《红色派系(Red Faction)》[1] 和《黑道圣徒(Saint’s Row)》[2] 系列而闻名的 Volition 的第一款 RPG,《召唤师(Summoner)》出于某种原因被或多或少地掩盖或遗忘。该作有着超长的加载时间、笨拙的战斗、存在缺陷的 AI、完成度低且不平衡的系统以及很难给人留下印象的画面。尽管如此,它的设定、故事以及配乐还是值得你挺过冗长笨拙的教学关。
The first RPG developed by Volition – known today for their Red Faction and Saint's Row series –, Summoner is rather obscure and forgotten for a variety of reasons. The game has long loading times, awkward combat, flawed AI, unfinished and unbalanced systems and not exactly impressive graphics. However, the setting, story and soundtrack reward you for getting through the long and clunky introduction.
《召唤师》是一款面向 PS2 平台发行的游戏,后被移植到 PC 和 Mac 平台上。《召唤师 2》则只在 PS2 和 NGC 平台上发售。
Summoner was a launch title for the PS2 and was later ported to PC and Mac. Its 2002 sequel, Summoner 2, only came out for the PS2 and GameCube.

Combat is realtime-with-pause, but based around timing your mouse clicks and key strikes to chain attacks.

Each character has a variety of attacks and spells, but some also have unique skills, such as Joseph's summoning and Flece's sneaking and lock-picking.
游戏发生在梅德瓦(Medeva,取材自欧洲中世纪)和奥尼亚(Orenian,不由得让人想起同一时期的中国或日本)这两块风格截然不同的大陆上。这并非是另一个受托尔金作品设定影响的奇幻世界[3] ,而是 Volition 所力图创造出的独创世界观。虽然有些种族和设定既视感很强,但其故事却相当新颖并能促使你去探索这个世界,了解它背后的历史、事件以及角色们的日常生活。
尽管游戏非常线性且没有提供额外的选择,有时让它看起来像是款 JRPG,但该作却有着十分优秀的支线任务。其中有些任务需要运用到发散性思维,有些能带给玩家额外的细节扩充、出人意料的结尾以及爆笑的场景,所以不要犹豫不前,慢慢来探索你周遭的世界吧。
最后也是最重要的一点,《召唤师》采用令人血脉喷张的电子乐取代了传统的管弦乐,这使其摆脱了传统奇幻 RPG 的固有印象。
如果你能无视掉乏善可陈的战斗、糟糕的 AI 以及让人恼火的漏洞,那么请给《召唤师》一次机会,游戏那独特的背景设定、有趣的故事、鼓舞人心的配乐还有精心设计的支线任务足以弥补它任何的不足之处。
The game takes place on two different continents: Medeva (inspired by medieval Europe) and Orenia (reminiscent of China/Japan of the same period). Instead of creating yet another Tolkien-inspired fantasy setting, Volition tried to create its own, and while certain races and designs resemble the familiar concept, the rest of the lore remains rather original, which motivates you to explore the world and learn about its history, events and everyday lives of its characters.
Summoner's story is centred on a young farmer named Joseph. Nine years after accidentally destroying his home village and promising to never use his summoning powers again, Joseph is living a peaceful life in the village of Masad. However, Orenian troops attack the village in search of a boy with a mark of a summoner. With his attempt to escape the village and find his old friend, Yago, begins Joseph's saga, filled with enough twists to keep you entertained until the final credits. Even if the story provides some genuine “I've seen this before” moments, it uses them wisely and sometimes pulls off rather unpredictable situations.
Even though the game is very linear and doesn't offer a lot of choices (which makes it feel like a JRPG sometimes), it offers surprisingly good side-quests. Some require thinking outside the box, and quite a few lead to additional lore details, surprising outcomes and hilarious situations, so don't hesitate to take your time and explore the world around you.
And last, but not least, Summoner moves away from traditional fantasy RPGs by replacing orchestral scores with an exciting electronic soundtrack.
If you can look past the exploitable combat system, poor AI and a number of annoying bugs, then give Summoner a chance. Its unique setting, interesting story, inspiring soundtrack and well-designed sidequests will pay off any frustration.
1 译者注:《红色派系》,是 2001 年推出的由 Volition 开发,THQ 发行的科幻题材动作游戏。
2 译者注:《黑道圣徒》,是由 THQ 于 2006 年发行的黑帮题材第三人称动作射击游戏。
3 译者注:这里指的是托尔金作品《魔戒》中的“中土世界”,现代奇幻作品中许多约定俗成的设定都能从中找出原型,例如精灵(Elf)和兽人(Qrk)的形象及设定。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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