Grinding Gear Games, 2013
Windows 和 Xbox One
Grinding Gear Games, 2013
Windows and Xbox One

在设计之初,《流放之路(Path of Exile)》就将自己定位为一款“绝不会金钱决胜(pay-to-win)”的免费游玩(free-to-play)动作 RPG 。《流放之路》在测试阶段就收获了 250,000 名玩家,2015 年注册用户已增长至超过 1100 万人,而这一数字直到今天仍在持续扩大。
显而易见,这款游戏的灵感来自《暗黑破坏神 2》,它抓准了很多粉丝觉得 Blizzard 在该系列第三作中所欠缺的要素:氛围与复杂度。花上几个小时斟酌技能、物品和属性,尝试给自己打造一套完美的构筑,《流放之路》巧妙地糅合了新旧设计趋势,把这种体验再次带给了玩家。
Designed from the ground up as a Free-to-Play Action RPG that “will never be pay-to-win”, Path of Exile began with 250,000 players during Beta, grew to over 11 million registered players in 2015 and keeps expanding to this day.
One of the things that drives such impressive numbers and keeps the community active to this day is Path of Exile's tireless pursuit of innovation and the developer's attention to player feedback.
Clearly inspired by Diablo II, the game captures what many fans felt was missing in Blizzard's third entry in the series: atmosphere and complexity. Expertly mixing old and new design trends, Path of Exile brings back that experience of spending hours pondering over abilities, items and stats, trying to create your own perfect build.
The game has seven classes: Marauder, Duelist, Ranger, Shadow, Witch, Templar and Scion. There are only three base stats – Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity –, and that's reflected in the class roles. Three classes focus on one stat (i.e. the Ranger relies on Dexterity), three are “hybrid” classes such as the Templar (Strength/Intelligence), and the Scion is an all-rounder. However, any character can use any item or skill, as long as they meet the stat requirements.
Path of Exile's business model relies on selling cosmetic items and quality-of-life features such as extra stash room or character slots, as well as supporter packs with physical rewards and perks like designing an item.

Some of the game’s maps make extensive use of puzzles and traps, which can be as deadly as any boss fight.
大多数动作 RPG 的设计通常围绕两个主要特点展开:主动技能和战利品。在《流放之路》中这两方面相互交织在了一起,因为所有的主动技能都来源于技能宝石(Ability Gem),而技能宝石要插入到装备的凹槽里。此外,你还可以使用至多五颗辅助宝石(Support Gem)来调整一项主动技能。你可以让火球术(Fireball)在目标之间弹跳,分裂成多个,冻结敌人,吸取生命或者在近战爆击时自动释放——甚至可以同时产生以上所有效果!
这一系统带来了极大的定制自由度,而游戏最大的特色——被动技能树(Passive Skill Tree)为此提供了完美的补充。
《流放之路》的一大特色是庞大到让人望而却步的技能树,有多达 1325 个节点!这里有各种各样的被动增益,不仅有增加属性和伤害的效果,还有更激进的变化,例如把所有的回避(Evasion)转化成护甲(Armour),使用生命值(Health)释放主动技能,或者把最大生命值降低到 1 点但获得对混乱(Chaos)伤害的免疫。所有的职业共享同一个技能树,只是在不同的位置开始。因此,玩家可以专注于附近的节点来获取与职业紧密相关的增益,也可以穿越整个技能树来混合不同职业的增益。
这一点至关重要,因为《流放之路》是一个注重可重玩性和长期体验的游戏。这款游戏主打的是巨大而充满挑战性的终盘游戏内容,而这一部分还在不断地增大。到 2017 年末为止,《流放之路》推出了七个扩展包,增加了诸如挑战联盟(challenge league)、新 NPC、玩家藏身处、腐化(corruption)等新系统。缺点就是这款游戏有些内容过剩,而且上手初期让人望而生畏,不过开发者一直非常关注玩家社区。
Most Action RPGs usually focus on two main features: abilities and loot. In Path of Exile these two are intertwined, as all abilities come from Ability Gems which are socketed into your equipment. Moreover, you can use up to five Support Gems to modify a single ability. You could make a Fireball jump between targets, split into multiple projectiles, freeze enemies, drain HP or auto-cast on critical melee hits – perhaps even all of these at once!
This allows for a great degree of customisation which is perfectly complemented by the game's defining feature: the Passive Skill Tree.
Path of Exile features a huge, daunting skill tree composed of 1,325 nodes! These provide all sorts of passive benefits, from increasing stats and damage to more radical changes, such as converting all Evasion into Armour, using Health to cast abilities, or having only 1 max HP but being immune to Chaos damage. All classes share this same tree, they just start at different points. As such, players can focus on the nearby nodes, which provide bonuses associated with his class, or travel all across the tree, mixing bonuses from several different classes.
It may be overwhelming at first, but, no matter how good or bad your build is, you're always learning and evolving – the next character will be easier to make, and you never feel like you wasted your time.
Which is great, since Path of Exile is designed as a replayable, long-term experience. It features an extensive and challenging endgame, which constantly grows bigger. As of late 2017, the game had seven expansions, adding new features such as challenge leagues, new NPCs, player hideouts, corruption, etc. The downside of this is that the game has a bit of content-creep and can be intimidating at first, but the developers keep a close eye on the community.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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