Nival Entertainment, 1998
Nival Entertainment, 1998

时间回到上世纪末,彼时 CDProjekt 还没通过 3A 大作赚得盆满钵满,波兰的游戏公司也还只因为成功本地化 Black Isle 和 BioWare 的经典作品而为人所知[1] 。这个时期,东欧的游戏开发者都生活在一层名为“盗版小厂”[2] 的阴影之中。
创立于 1996 年的 Mir Dialogue 正是这样一个工作室。它是苏联解体后俄国的第一批游戏厂商,没过多久就更名为 Nival,并发行了它的第一款游戏《阿罗德斯:隐秘之封印(Allods: The Seal of Mystery)》。这是个 RTS[3] 与 RPG 结合的游戏。在俄罗斯之外,人们更常称它为《愤怒的魔法师(Rage of Mages)》[4] 。
开始游戏的第一步是创建角色,但你仅仅能在魔法师(Wizard)和战士(Warrior)之间二选一,然后决定姓名、性别和主要技能。你也能对 4 个基础数值进行微调,不过它们基本不起多少作用。
《愤怒的魔法师》不设人物等级,你的强度主要取决于装备和五个专长的等级——这些专长对魔法师而言是法术学派(Magic Schools),对战士而言则是武器(Weapons)。和《上古卷轴(Elder Scrolls)》的机制近似,只要你使用某种武器或某个法术,对应的专长就会获得提升。
Before CDProjekt could sell millions with AAA games, back when the Polish company was just known for adapting Black Isle and BioWare classics to its domestic market, there was a time when Eastern European developers lived in the obscurity of low budget “shovelware” titles.
One of those studios was Mir Dialogue. Founded in 1996, it became one of the first game developers of the modern capitalist Russia. Soon the company became Nival, and its first game was an RTS/RPG hybrid called Allods: The Seal of Mystery – best known outside Russia as Rage of Mages.
You start the game by creating your character, which here just means choosing between the Wizard and Warrior class, then your name, gender and main skill. There are also four stats you can slightly alter, but they play a very small role.
There are no levels in Rage of Mages; your power is mainly defined by your equipment and skill level in five specialisations – Magic Schools for wizards, Weapons for warriors. As in the Elder Scrolls games, you improve these skills by simply using particular weapons or spells.
在《愤怒的魔法师》一代和二代作品中,玩家可以通过编辑快捷方式调整游戏分辨率。如果你在快捷方式的“目标(target)”一栏末尾添加“-1024”,游戏将以 1024x768 的分辨率运行。
In both Rage of Mages 1 and 2 you can change the resolution by editing its shortcut. If you add “ -1024” at the end of the shortcut's “target” field, the game will run in 1024x768.

Wizards have five magic schools: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Astral. They increase as you use them, but you'll only learn new spells by buying books.
然而在实际的游戏过程中,最开始的角色创建显得无足轻重:无论如何,你都将操作 4 个英雄(分别是男性/女性战士和男性/女性魔法师),因为另外三个角色总会在故事中出现并加入你的队伍。
游戏中的地图正是九十年代 RTS 游戏的经典设计,也即一个个长方形的、被战争迷雾覆盖的未探索地块。游戏的美术风格多少让人联想到《魔兽争霸 2(Warcraft II)》,不过前者相对更写实一点,并且地形更为丰富,还附带天气变化和昼夜更替。
最终,你会抵达一个名为普雷盖特(Plagat)的城市。通过设计精良的菜单界面,你可以购买装备、与 NPC 及同伴交谈、雇用佣兵、训练角色以及接下更多的任务。
In practice, however, choosing your character at the start is barely relevant. You will play with the four heroes (male/female Warrior and male/female Wizard) anyways, since the other three characters will appear later in the game and join you.
Your adventure starts in a swamp and you have to escort a woman to a nearby village. This basically means killing everyone in your way and not dying until you reach a certain point of the map. Then you achieve victory and go to the next map.
The maps are what anyone could expect from a 90s RTS; rectangles of undiscovered territory hidden by the fog of war. It has a graphic style reminiscent of a less cartoony Warcraft II, with more varied terrain, weather changes and a day-and-night cycle.
You'll eventually reach the city of Plagat, a greatly presented menu where you can buy equipment, talk with NPCs and companions, hire mercenaries, train you characters and start more missions.
As you start to hire more units, you'll truly notice the hybrid nature of the game. There's no resource management, base-building or unit-producing, but the basic and most important mechanic of the game is the micromanagement of units. It even has functions like assigning keyboard numbers to different groups of troops – though formations are sadly missing.
In every map you have some objectives to accomplish, usually killing some particular monsters or reaching a certain part of the map. There's no indications or marks on the map so exploration is necessary, which may lead to additional battles or hidden items.
You move your units, fight the enemies, usually using a lot of hit-and-run tactics, (don't feel guilty about it, enemies use it too) and little else. You have to be fast and skilled enough with your mouse since the game is hard and there's no way to pause and issue orders.
1 译者注:例如前文提及的 CDProjekt 就曾接下 BioWare 著名作品《博德之门》的本地化工作,启用了 10 名译员、20 多名配音演员,将这个数百万词文本量的游戏译为波兰语版本,并大获成功。
2 译者注:原文“shovelware”在该语境下意为装有许多盗版游戏的卡带。上世纪末的波兰刚刚走上市场经济的道路,知识产权保护法还未到位,这就催生了当时大量的盗版游戏生意。
3 译者注:即 Real-Time Strategy Games,即时战略游戏。
4 译者注:也译作《巫师之怒》,不过这个名字经常用于指代后问题到的《Allods Online》。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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