BioWare, 2011
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 和 PS3
BioWare, 2011
Windows, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3

随着威胁整个世界的枯潮入侵被《龙腾世纪:起源(Dragon Age: Origins)》里的角色所解决,出乎意料的是,《龙腾世纪 2(Dragon Age II)》将目光放到了这场战争中受到影响的群体上。
乍一看整个游戏的设计你就会惊叹于这游戏的勃勃野心。《龙腾世纪 2》讲述了霍克(Hawke),一个身无分文,跟着家人来到了黑暗之城柯克沃(Kirkwall)的故事。在接下来几年里,他需要学习如何在夹缝中生存,游戏里并没有古老的邪恶力量,但是却充满了人性之恶,包括但不限于贪婪的奴隶主、绝望的贼、宗教狂热分子以及令人憎恶的宗教审判。更重要的是,游戏的故事还是从一个不靠谱的讲述者口中为人所知的,那人曾经是霍克的一个同伴,现在正在被一个神秘女子所审问。
可惜的是,这些大胆的野心不得不妥协于生软被迫做流水线快节奏 RPG 的要求,因为当时《龙腾世纪 2》需要赶在《质量效应 2(Mass Effect 2)》和《质量效应 3(Mass Effect 3)》之间发售。最终,据报道称制作组只有一年多一点的时间开发本游戏,因此最终质量也不尽人意。虽然《龙腾世纪 2》的美工进步了很多,但仓促的开发时间也导致很多元素都被舍弃,同时很多模型不得不重复利用,而且游戏里可探索区域也变得很少。
不过,《龙腾世纪 2》真正的缺陷还是在于剧情的设计上。游戏剧情跨越 10 年,展示了霍克与他的家人朋友在柯克沃的生活,但是却鲜有一些真正关键的时间节点,导致整个剧情沦为了普通的陈腔滥调。
With the world-threatening invasion of the Blight solved by the player in Dragon Age: Origins, we now unexpectedly turn our sights to the lives of those affected by the war.
A quick glance at the concept of Dragon Age II and you'll be in awe at how ambitious it is. This is the tale of Hawke, a war refugee who just arrived with his family at the dark city of Kirkwall, not a penny to his name. Over the next years, he will have to find a way to survive not an inhuman ancient evil, but the worst of humanity itself – greedy slavers, desperate thieves, religious zealots and a hateful mage-hunting inquisition. To crown it all, the story is told by an unreliable narrator: a sleazy companion of Hawke under interrogation by a mysterious woman.
Unfortunately, this bold premise was met with BioWare's demand for a streamlined, fast-paced RPG, to be released between Mass Effect 2 and 3. Thus, the team reportedly had little more than a year to make Dragon Age II; and it shows. While the art style is vastly improved, the limited development time led to cuts, reused assets and very few locations to explore.
This wouldn't be such a big problem, if not for the drastic simplification of the game's systems. Gone are elves and dwarfs as playable races, the prestige classes, crafting, non-combat skills and even your companion's armour. What's left is an action-heavy, console-friendly combat system that has some interesting ideas, such as cross-class combos and friendship/rivalry talents, but it still gets repetitive fast – in part because it's paired with poor level and encounter design that just throws wave after wave of respawning enemies at the player.
However, DA2's biggest disappointment is its story. It spans a decade, showing Hawke's life alongside his family and friends in Kirkwall but, rare intimate moments aside, it plays as a generic power fantasy.
《龙腾世纪 2》有 4 个剧情资料片,总共加入了 3 个新同伴。同时其还有一个名叫崇高的长征的资料片计划发布,进一步讲述霍克的故事,不过后期这个资料片被取消了。
Dragon Age II got four story DLCs, which added three new companions. An expansion called Exalted March was planned, providing closure on Hawke’s story, but was later canceled.
剧情基本上就是带领玩家曲折的走过一个又一个常规套路,结果这些套路还非常的令人出戏。霍克在战斗中会召唤各种流星然后大杀特杀,其动画之华丽,血浆之肆意喷射。结果在剧情对话里却天天哀怨自己非常的弱。《龙腾世纪 2》的粉丝会说游戏里的同伴算是游戏最后的遮羞布了,但除了瓦里克和艾芙琳的故事写得很好以外,其他角色的存在似乎只是为了推进剧情发展或是充当恋爱角色罢了。
本作试图在多年的剧情中制造冲突,但没有打好基础,几乎跳过了所有苦难剧情。剧情中讲述了贫困、迫害和社会动荡,但这些只是空谈,从未在游戏中表现或让玩家体验到。霍克像是一台杀人机器,总是在控制之中,免受任何后果影响。游戏里的同伴算是游戏最后的遮羞布了,可能是任何一款 BioWare 家游戏中最两级分化的阵容。每个玩家都会喜欢几个角色,可能还会恨几个其他角色。
说实话,开发者能在这么短时间内赶工出这样的成果已经挺不错了。但依旧,《龙腾世纪 2》还是一个重复性很高并且充满矛盾的游戏,虽然它声称游戏将会通过讲述一个关于共存的故事来革命化 RPG 游戏叙事,但最后呈现出来的故事却还是一个迎合大众的传统的拯救世界,到处谈恋爱的故事。
The game tries to build up conflicts over the years, but doesn't lay the groundwork and literally skips all hardships. The plot talks about poverty, persecution, and social unrest, but those are told, never shown or experienced. Hawke is a killing machine, always in control and is safe from any consequences. The game's saving grace are its companions – perhaps the most polarizing cast in any BioWare game. Every player will enjoy a few characters – and likely hate a few others.
To be fair, it's impressive how much the developers delivered in such a short time. Nonetheless, Dragon Age II is a repetitive and rushed game that promised to revolutionise RPG storytelling with a personal tale about coexistence, only to deliver yet another pandering tale about saving the world and romancing everyone.

The dialogue wheel is similar to Mass Effect, but introduces a Humorous attitude, besides Diplomatic and Aggressive.

《龙腾世纪 2》的故事全都发生在柯克沃城内以及附近地区。虽然故事横跨十多年的长度,但场景基本就没变过。
DA2 is entirely set in the city of Kirkwall and its immediate surrounding areas. The heavy re-use of environments and enemies gets very repetitive after a while.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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