DreamForge Intertainment, 1995
DreamForge Intertainment, 1995
在 《黎明之砧(Anvil of Dawn)》的开场,你需要在五名为了打倒邪恶战争领主(Warlord)而集结起来的英雄中选择一位。然而,在其他四名英雄迎击入侵者时,你要去执行一项秘密任务:发现战争领主的力量背后的秘密。
《黎明之砧》追随了《大地传说(Lands of Lore)》的步伐,这款流畅的即时迷宫探索游戏变得更易上手。
You begin Anvil of Dawn by choosing one of five heroes who have gathered to bring down the evil Warlord. However, while the other four heroes are sent ahead to attack the invading army head on, you are taken aside for a covert mission, tasked to find the secret behind the Warlord's power.
Anvil follows in the footsteps of Lands of Lore, mixing a slick presentation with a more accessible brand of real-time dungeon-crawling.
《黎明之砧》被 CGW 评为“年度 RPG”,但它却是 DreamForge 制作的最后一款 RPG,在 2001 年倒闭之前 DreamForge 开发了一些其他类型的游戏,比如 1998 年的邪典冒险游戏《疯人院 Sanitarium》。
Anvil of Dawn got voted ‘RPG of the Year’ by CGW, but was Dreamforge's last RPG. They would still publish a few other titles, such as the cult adventure game Sanitarium in 1998, before closing down in 2001.
Combat is rather simple and does not require much more than clicking your opponents to death.
The interface is mouse-driven and intuitive, but the inventory can get confusing later on, when carrying dozens of items and containers.
每个你遇到的 NPC 都有配音,每个玩家可选的角色也都有各自独特的语音。这些语音的表现可能并不完美,但至少提供了一些辨识度。James C. McMenamy[1] 为游戏创作了优秀、具有活力(甚至有时浮夸)的原声音乐,考虑到音乐还是 MIDI 格式,可以说这是一项壮举。
自动地图是《黎明之砧》最棒的设计之一,它多次被评为 RPG 游戏史上最棒的自动地图之一。它展示了你想看的所有东西:怪物(活着的或死掉的)、门、楼梯、可交互物品等等。它甚至还可以显示你在前作中探索过的墙壁和轮廓图。真正的地图迷会把游戏的巨幅地牢地图打印出来,或者将其导出为文本文件。
1996 年,《黎明之砧》击败了《魔法门 4(Might and Magic IV)》和《魔石堡(Stonekeep)》等重量级游戏,被《电脑游戏世界(Computer Gaming World)》[2] 评为“年度 RPG”(RPG of the Year),它拥有优秀的美学、多样的可探索场景以及几乎无与伦比的自动地图系统。
There are just four base attributes, and these can only be tinkered with at the character selection screen. To increase your powers further, you will have to find items such as potions that permanently increase your hit and spell points. You will also spend experience points to increase the potency of your spells and the damage of your weapon attacks. These experience points are earned by inflicting damage, and may only be spent once you have completed a dungeon.
Every NPC you meet is fully voiced and there's a unique voice set for each of the different player characters as well. The delivery of said voices may not always be very convincing, but at least the effort has provided some good variety. James C. McMenamy has created a great, dynamic (even sometimes bombastic) soundtrack for the game, which is an impressive feat considering its MIDI format.
The automap in Anvil of Dawn is one the game's strongest points, and it has many times been called one of the best automaps in role-playing game history. It shows anything you would want to see: monsters (alive or dead), doors, stairs, interactive objects, and much more. It even shows walls and outlines from where you have explored in previous games. True map aficionados can also print maps of the game's massive dungeons, or export them to text files.
Anvil of Dawn won the “RPG of the Year” award from Computer Gaming World in 1996, trumping over heavyweight releases like Might and Magic IV and Stonekeep. It features fantastic aesthetics, great exploration with varied environments and an almost unparalleled automapping system.
It may not be a favourite among hardcore dungeon dwellers due to its simplistic character development, but I'd say it's a great starting place for anyone new to dungeon crawlers.
1 译者注:James C. McMenamy,又名Jamie McMenamy,美国作曲家,1993 年开始在 DreamForge Intertainment 为电子游戏创作原声音乐。
2 译者注:美国著名电子游戏杂志,于 1981 年创刊,2006 年停刊。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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