Arkane Studios, 2006
Windows 和 Xbox 360*
Arkane Studios, 2006
Windows and Xbox 360*

当 3DO 公司在 2003 年破产的时候,育碧收购了《魔法门》的版权并重启了这个系列。他们的第一款游戏《魔法门之英雄无敌 5(Heroes of Might and Magic 5)》展现了一个名叫亚山(Ashan)的新世界,讲述了一群骑士抵御恶魔入侵并且解开恶魔救世主(Demon Messiah)的预言的故事——其将会在未来的某一天为世界带来混乱。
20 个亚山年即三个地球年之后,别称“踢腿模拟器”的《魔法门:暗黑弥赛亚(Dark Messiah: Might and Magic)》详细讲述了萨雷斯(Sareth)的冒险经历:一名战士被派去取回一件被称为“阴影头骨”的神器。协助他的是一个名叫夏纳(Xana)的灵魂,在开头动画它就被囚禁到了萨雷斯的灵魂之中。
W hen the 3DO Company went bankrupt in 2003, Ubisoft bought the Might and Magic licence and did a complete reboot. Their first new game, Heroes of Might and Magic V, presented a new world called Ashan and followed the story of a group of knights fending off a demon invasion and uncovering the Prophecy of the Demon Messiah, who would one day unleash chaos upon the world.
Twenty Ashan and three Earth years later, the “kicking simulator” formally known as Dark Messiah: Might and Magic details the adventures of Sareth, a warrior sent to retrieve an artefact known as the Skull of Shadows. He is aided by Xana, a spirit confined inside his soul right in the game's beginning cutscene.
While the story boasts four endings (really the permutations of two major choices), it's fairly simple and linear. You can almost guess the plot points by the first hour of the game, after the introduction of all the roles. It's quite cheesy and probably intended not to be taken seriously, seeing that all characters can be easily read and predicted – especially Xana's voice steering you towards conflict. Regardless, considering the franchise's large storyline background and its context, Dark Messiah's storyline is actually quite important to the new Might and Magic universe.
《暗黑弥赛亚》于 2008 年移植到了 Xbox 360,标题为《魔法门:暗黑弥赛亚- 元素(Dark Messiah: Might and Magic - Elements)》,新增了一些额外的关卡和多人模式。
*Dark Messiah was ported to the Xbox 360 in 2008, under the title Dark Messiah: Might and Magic - Elements, with extra levels and new multiplayer modes.

You’ll be joined by the young mage, Leanna, and by Xana, a spirit that provides advice and snarky comments.
作为一款专注于动作系统的游戏,《暗黑弥赛亚》的 RPG 元素被简化了。玩家不是通过击杀获得经验来升级,而是通过完成任务获得技能点。这些技能点每章节都有许多。技能树主要有三个分支——战斗,魔法和杂项。尽管每一点的加成都不算很大,但是建议还是不要把技能点分配的过于分散了。
The game blends this convoluted setting with what's possibly the best first-person melee combat in gaming. It starts slowly, with a tutorial level that dissects some of the arguably composite mechanics of the game. But within minutes of the first chapter you're thrown right into action – and will understand that combat here is not a matter of mashing buttons.
Dark Messiah's combat is fast, deadly and offers a solid array of options to inflict damage and defend yourself, whilst demanding a careful approach to enemies. You can equip swords, daggers and staffs, attacking with stabs, slashes and lunges, depending on your movement – these can be enhanced by holding down the mouse button, unleashing a power attack. Shields will block attacks easily but can be destroyed, while parring is risky but allows for counter-strikes.
Thanks to the solid physics engine, you can also employ the environment to your advantage – setting objects on fire, triggering traps and destroying pillars placed next to patrolling guards. Another option is kicking enemies into spikes or over cliffs, a tactic so powerful on release it could be used to “cheese” the entire game and became the source of many jokes.
Being a game focused on action, Dark Messiah's RPG elements are simplified. Instead of gaining XP and levelling up by killing, you're given skill points for each objective met, of which there are plenty per chapter. There are three main skills trees to pursue – Combat, Magic and Miscellaneous. Even though they are small, it's wise not to spread your points too thin.
Combat skills allow you to deal more damage, disarm enemies and aim better with the bow, while Miscellaneous skills include passive bonus and a few Thief skills, such as lock-picking and backstabbing. The stealth system isn't always useful, but it's quite robust, based on light and sound like the Thief games.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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