Squaresoft, 1997
Windows 和 PS1
Squaresoft, 1997
Windows and PS1

距 《最终幻想 7(Final Fantasy VII)》(后简称 FF7)首次问世,已经过去二十多年,如今它仍高居该系列人气榜榜首。这款游戏风靡全球,火爆程度前所未有,时至今日仍有大批玩家为此着迷。当时,这款游戏的目标受众是那些平常不怎么玩主机 RPG 游戏的玩家,正如乔治· 马丁(George R.R. Martin)的目标受众往往对魔幻题材涉猎不深[1] (但不可否认,FF7 的流行程度令人咋舌,以至于 Spacesoft 后来推出相应的 PC 重置版游戏。专门为一款主机 RPG 游戏开发 PC 重置版[2] ,这在当时甚是罕见,本书也因此将 FF7 收录在内)。
简言之,FF7 是一部堪称“世界现象级”的游戏巨作,Squaresoft(即后来的 Square Enix)后来所打造的作品,再没有一部能像 FF7 那样打动人心。
从某种角度来说,FF7 颇具独创性,所以确实名不虚传。如今,曲折的游戏剧情、精美的过场动画已成为主流游戏的常态。此外,很多游戏能在市场推广上砸下几百万美元。但在 1997 年,FF7 堪称专注游戏剧情和市场宣发的先行者。以当时的眼光来看,这很不寻常。
Over twenty years since its original release, Final Fantasy VII remains the most popular entry in a very popular series. The game was a breakthrough hit, and maintains a broad fan base even today. In its own time, it was the console RPG for people who didn't play console RPGs, much the same way that the novels of George R.R. Martin became the fantasy novels for people who don't read that genre. (Indeed, the game was so popular that Squaresoft later commissioned an extremely rare PC port, which explains its inclusion in this book.)
In short, Final Fantasy VII was a cultural phenomenon around the world, and Squaresoft (now Square Enix) has never enjoyed the same measure of cultural penetration since.
In a sense, Final Fantasy VII deserves its special reputation, because it is unique in many ways. These days, dramatic stories and high-res cutscenes are ubiquitous in mainstream games. Moreover, many of those games are preceded by multi-million-dollar marketing campaigns. But, in 1997, FFVII was a pioneer in both of those things, and few people had ever seen anything like it.
《最终幻想 7》是首批移植到 Windows 的日式 RPG 游戏之一。Eidos 于 1998 年发行《最终幻想 7》Windows 重置版,但由于该作迷之改动颇多,如游戏 MIDI 音乐的音质变差、角色建模嘴型怪异,因此口碑不佳。不过,2012 年的重置版修复了绝大多数问题。
Final Fantasy VII was one of the first JRPGs to be ported to Windows. It was released by Eidos in 1998 and became infamous for making odd changes, such as using low-quality MIDI music and adding mouths to the in-game models. Most of these were fixed in the 2012 re-release.

本作为 ATB(Active Time Battle)即时回合制,与系列前作相差无几。唯一的区别在于本作采用 3D 战斗画面,在当时来看,这让人眼前一亮。
Combat follows the traditional Final Fantasy formula, called Active Time Battle. The big change was the 3D graphics, which were impressive at the time.
RPG 游戏起初以“剑与魔法”(sword-and-sorcery)的魔幻风而闻名天下,而 FF7 彻底摒弃这一设定,转而用未来式反乌托邦主义作为游戏的总基调(虽然谈不上开历史先河,但鉴于大多数主机玩家当时还没有接触过《辐射(Fallout)》等作品,所以这对他们来说十分新鲜)。传统 RPG 里常见的巫师、骑士和游侠在本作不复存在,取而代之的是独自漂泊的佣兵、生态恐怖分子、酒吧服务生、活体实验品、飞行员、吸血鬼,远程控制的傀儡,以及最后一批幸存下来的忍者。
换个角度来看,FF7 其实也没有世人吹捧的那么“史无前例”,而是《最终幻想》系列多年发展后水到渠成的产物。早在《最终幻想 5(Final Fantasy V)》,游戏设计者就开始弱化传统 RPG 职业流派在游戏中的作用。这种现象一直延续,到了 FF7,不同人物的属性差异微乎其微,除非你是大师级玩家,否则感受不到个中差异。只有一个角色的职业显而易见——爱丽丝(Aeris)——显然她是一名白法师。某种程度上说,爱丽丝的结局也是一个鲜活的例子,侧面反映出职业流派对以情节为核心的 RPG 游戏而言具有何种意义。
那么,FF7 为何弃用角色的流派机制?通过舍弃团队部署的战略性,FF7 让玩家可以仅凭自己喜好选择同伴,其中,剧情往往起到决定性作用。如果认为希德(Cid)风趣幽默、赤红 XIII(Red XIII)可爱讨喜,文森特(Vincent)冷酷迷人,那么玩家可以将他们一直带在身边,每次冒险都与他们一起并肩作战!
FFVII also takes the sword-and-sorcery tropes for which RPGs were famous and replaces them with a futuristic dystopia. (It was hardly the first RPG to do this, but the console audience had yet to encounter games like Fallout). Gone are the wizards, knights and rogues of traditional RPGs. Instead, the player meets an aloof mercenary, an eco-terrorist, a bartender, a research specimen, an aviator, a vampire, a remote-controlled toy, and the world's last ninja.
The player's party doesn't fight against an evil empire either, but rather against a globe-spanning corporation with its own private army. The world is well-rendered, highly detailed, and deeply memorable. Years later, players of all tastes still find the gigantic metropolis of Midgar to be one of the most compelling settings they've encountered in a game.
In another sense, FFVII is not as remarkable as its reputation suggests, but instead is a direct continuation of trends which the series had been developing for years. Starting in Final Fantasy V, the series designers began to deprecate the role of traditional RPG job classes. This trend continues in FFVII, in which the statistical differences between characters were so small as to be imperceptible, except to master-level players. Only one character has a discernible job class – Aeris, who is clearly a white Mage – and her fate in the game can be taken as a kind of embedded critique of the meaningfulness of job classes in story-heavy RPGs.
But why does Final Fantasy VII get rid of character classes? By abandoning the tactical aspect of party composition, it allows the player to use whatever combination of characters he or she liked for storyrelated reasons. If the player thinks Cid is funny, that Red XIII is cute, or that Vincent is cool – well, they can bring those characters to any fight in the game!
1 译者注:这里与其理解为嘲讽 FF7 不是正统 RPG 游戏、乔治 · 马丁不是严格意义上的魔幻作家(主观判断),不如说是强调他们作品与主流传统存在不同(客观区别)。
2 译者注:此处的重置版指的是 1998 年 FF7 的 Windows 重置版。目前 FF7 最新的 PC 重置版在 2014 年发售。重置版(remaster)指跨平台移植,与原作几乎一模一样;而重制版(remake)对游戏进行大刀阔斧的改动。2020 年,FF7 重制版发售,仅限于 PS 玩家,据称 2021 年后将推出对应的 PC 重制版。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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