Gaslamp Games, 2011
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Gaslamp Games, 2011
Windows, Mac and Linux

地下城冒险(Dungeons of Dredmor)是一次对于现代 roguelikes 游戏的有趣诠释。虽然很多其他的游戏都尝试将这类题材融入到别的游戏模式中,但《地下城冒险》却保留了核心的 roguelike 机制,并尝试使其变得更加易于理解和上手,同时又难于精通。
游戏共有三个难度等级,再加上切换为永久死亡模式的选项和增减地下城大小的选项,这让玩家能按自己的节奏来玩游戏,并在接受真正的 roguelike 洗礼之前先找到游戏的手感。其中“时间不多”(No Time to Grind)模式尤为出色,因为它能够加速游戏进程,让玩家能够快速地体验游戏。这种便利化设计有助于吸引到那些对于该类型游戏感到好奇的人,同时又提供了具有挑战性的体验。
游戏的另一独到之处就是进度系统。和更侧重于属性和装备的标准 roguelikes 游戏不同,《地下城冒险》中角色的成长则更依赖于技能树。正式开始游戏前,玩家要从 20 种技能中选择 7 种(还有额外扩展的 32 种,以及 mod 带来的无数新技能)。技能树从传统的“剑术专精”(swords)和“锻造专精”(smithing)到恶搞趣味的“情绪摇滚占卜师”(emomancy)、“共产主义者”(communist)和“观光客”(tourist)应有尽有。每种技能都会影响诸如起始装备、被动特性和主动技能等内容;然而,玩家在每个关卡中只能获得一个技能点,所以合理地分配是至关重要的。
Dungeons of Dredmor is an interesting take on the modern roguelike. While many other games try to take elements of the genre and mesh them into other models, Dredmor takes the core roguelike formula and plays around with it to make it accessible and customisable, but hard to master.
The game offers three difficulty levels, plus the option to toggle permadeath and increase or decrease the size of the dungeons. This allows people to play Dredmor at their own pace and get a feel for the game before going for the true roguelike experience. The “No Time to Grind” mode is especially nice since it speeds up the game, allowing for quick sessions. This ease of access helps to attract those curious about the genre, yet still offers a challenging experience.
Dungeons of Dredmor's main objective is to reach the bottom of the dungeon and slay the evil Lord Dredmor. While it sounds run-of-the-mill, everything else is goofy and light-hearted in nature. The game has no qualms about taking common game tropes and putting a ridiculous spin on things, such as item vending machines, enemies shouting witty remarks, countless pop culture references and some humorous item and skill descriptions.
Another unique thing is the progression system. Unlike standard roguelikes where there's a focus on stats and gear, Dungeons of Dredmor relies on skill trees for character growth. Players pick seven out of the 20 skills (32 with the expansions and countless more through mods) available to them and are dumped into the game. The skill trees range from traditional ones, such as “swords” and “smithing”, to humorous ones like “emomancy”, “communist” and “tourist”. Each skill influences things such as starting gear, passive traits and active skills; however, players only get one skill point per level, so its important to choose wisely.
《地下城冒险》有三个添加了许多新道具、怪物和职业的 DLC,其中第一个 DLC 是为了答谢玩家社区而免费赠送的。
Dungeons of Dredmor has three DLCs that add numerous new items, monsters and classes. The first DLC was released for free, as a gift to the community.
根据不同的技能选择,玩家也能利用在地下城中找到的各种材料打造出许多不同样式的武器。在游戏中你既能打造出标准的武器和护甲,也能搞出一些具有异国情调的物品,像是魔药、陷阱和法杖,甚至是发条动力外骨骼(clockwork power-limb)。物品铸造系统也是游戏茫茫多的随机变量中少数能被玩家控制的要素,允许玩家在最优解和整活之间自由地选择装备体系。
《地下城冒险》的技能系统是如此地灵活多变,以至于让我不断地往返其中,总共花去了 300 多个小时。它是一个采用了 roguelike 模式的优秀游戏,一个非常适合新手入门的游戏,同时他也是一个为每个愿意玩它的人提供了充足内容的游戏。
Depending on what skills players have picked, they can also craft various forms of gear from random materials found in the dungeon. Crafted items can range from the standard weapons and armour to more exotic things such as potions, traps, wands and – why not – a clockwork power-limb. This gives the player an element of control they can establish among all the random variables, allowing them to build towards optimal victory or silly gimmick builds.
Dungeons of Dredmor's skill system offered so much flexibility that I personally kept coming back, clocking more than 300 hours of game time. It's a great alternative take on the roguelike model, a very acessible introdution to newcomers, and it has something to offer for anyone who's willing to play it.

一个意料之外的小 boss 可能会突然终结这场冒险。除非你关掉了“永久死亡”模式。
An unexpected mini-boss can suddenly end an adventure. Or not, if you disabled permadeath.

Dredmor offers the rare chance to play as a dual-wielding vegan geologist pirate with mathemagical powers and communist leanings.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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