FTL Games, 1987
MS-DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, SNES 等.*
FTL Games, 1987
MS-DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, SNES, etc.*

迷宫魔兽(地下城主/ Dungeon Master)是对我影响最大的游戏之一。我永远不会忘记我第一次面对僵尸的时候。那是在监狱里,我有一把匕首,令我高兴的是,透过铁栅栏向僵尸投掷匕首居然成功了!我立即知道这个游戏是特别的。
《迷宫魔兽》是一款具有革命性意义的 CRPG,它具有以第一人称视角呈现的伪 3D 世界。玩家控制着一个由四个角色组成的队伍,扮演一个“blob”(也是“blobber”的由来。译者注:Blob - 以主视角在迷宫中探索的那种硬核游戏)的队伍,在各个方格之间实时移动。实时控制四个角色听起来像是一项艰巨的任务,但是游戏速度相当慢,并且所有动作都需要一定的时间才能执行,并且各种类型的攻击都有不同的速度,因此不会让玩家进行疯狂的点击。
战斗是游戏中最薄弱的方面,因为要避开敌人,攻击敌人然后再次避开(臭名昭著的“两步舞”)太容易了,但这是所有实时第一人称 RPG 的普遍问题,又称“blobbers”。然而,除了战斗之外,《迷宫魔兽》在大多数方面都是 RPG 游戏的一个进步。
Dungeon Master is one of the games that has had the biggest impact on me. I'll never forget when I faced my first zombie. It was behind bars, I had a dagger, and to my joy throwing the dagger at the zombie through the bars actually worked! Immediately I knew this game was something special.
Dungeon Master was a revolutionary CRPG featuring a pseudo-3D world presented in first-person perspective. Players controlled a party of four characters that acted as a single “blob” (hence the term “blobber”), moving in real time from square to square. Controlling four characters in real time may sound like a daunting task, but the game is fairly slow and all actions take a certain time to execute, with the various types of attacks having different speeds, so there is no frenetic clicking involved.
The combat is the weakest aspect of the game, since it's too easy to sidestep enemies, attack them, and sidestep again – the infamous Two Step Dance – but that is a general problem with all real-time first-person party- and tile-based RPGs – aka “blobbers”. Apart from the combat, however, Dungeon Master was a step forward for RPGs in most respects.
《迷宫魔兽》在当时大受欢迎,成为有史以来最畅销的 Atari ST 游戏,并赢得了几十个奖项,其中包括 CGW 颁发的“艺术成就特别奖”。
Dungeon Master was a massive hit at the time, becoming the bestselling Atari ST game of all time and winning dozens of awards, including a “Special Award for Artistic Achievement” from CGW.

当其他大多数 RPG 游戏还在使用文本解析器时,《迷宫魔兽》的界面是由鼠标驱动的、图形化的,而且非常直观。
While most other RPGs were still using text parsers, Dungeon Master's interface was mouse-driven, graphical and very intuitive.
游戏的视听效果在很长一段时间都是无与伦比的。《迷宫魔兽》是最早使用 3D 音频的游戏之一,所以您实际上可以使用声音来跟踪敌人。虽然整个游戏中只有一种类型的地牢,但画面效果看起来依然非常不错。
《迷宫魔兽》还是最早放弃传统经验等级系统的 CRPG 之一,而是使用了一种通过提升使用技巧来提高技能的方式,后来《上古卷轴》等游戏也采用了这种方式。该游戏确实具有传统的角色职业,包括战士,牧师,法师和忍者,并且角色可以在所有职业再转职。使用近战武器可以提高战士的能力,使用飞镖武器以及通常投掷东西可以提高忍者的能力,施放法术可以提高法师的能力,而使药水可以提高牧师的能力。
The audiovisuals were unrivalled for a long time. DM was one of the first games to use 3D audio, so you could actually use sound to keep track of your enemies. And while there's only one type of dungeon graphics throughout the game, it looked very good.
Dungeon Master was also one of the first CRPGs to discard the traditional XP system, and instead used a system where skills increased by usage, something later adopted by the Elder Scrolls games. The game did have the traditional character classes of Fighter, Priest, Wizard and Ninja, and characters could advance in all classes. Using melee weapons increased Fighter levels, missiles, weapons, and generally throwing things increased Ninja levels, casting spells increased Wizard levels, while making potions increased Priest levels.
You didn't create your own characters, but instead had to choose up to four heroes from The Hall of Champions. And what a colourful and diverse lot those champions were! Who can forget characters like Hisssssa, Wuuf the Bika or Halk the Barbarian?
Dungeon Master featured a wide assortment of enemies, from skeletons and zombies, to shrieking slow moving trees, to giant rats, scorpions and purple worms. And the most annoying creature of them all the Gigglers, who would run up to the party, steal an item, giggle and run away.
There wasn't really much of story in the game, but the manual included a well-written backstory to introduce players into the game. It tells that one day the Grey Lord found a Power Gem, but unleashing its power resulted in his essence splitting into two halves – a good wizard and the evil Lord Chaos. The player takes the role of Theron, Lord Grey's apprentice, who selects and controls the four champions. The task is to enter the dungeon, find the Firestaff and then use it to stop Lord Chaos.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明