Kevin Granade, 2013
Windows, Linux, Mac 和 iOS
Kevin Granade, 2013
Windows, Linux, Mac and iOS

将 《辐射(Fallout)》、《我的世界(Minecraft)》和《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》与尽可能多的“洛氏恐怖文学”(Lovecraftian)[1] 一起精心烹调的“大杂烩”便是对《大灾变:黑暗之日(Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead,简称DDA)》最为恰当的描述。作为一款免费的 roguelike 游戏,《DDA》时至今日依旧在不断地被更新,尽管它距离完成仍有一段路需要走。虽然游戏有待完善,但这并未能阻止我在游戏中花上数百个小时来探索满是僵尸(也有其他恶心东西)的新英格兰。
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead could be best described as a lovingly crafted amalgamation of Fallout, Minecraft and Deus Ex with a heaped spoonful of Lovecraftian horror. A free roguelike, DDA is still receiving daily updates and is a long way from finished but, while it needs some polish, that hasn't stopped me from sinking hundreds of hours into zombie- (and other abomination)-infested New England.
DDA has multiple starting scenarios, but the default one drops you into an emergency shelter with some winter clothing, a knife, a lighter and a bottle of water. From there, you can craft, hunt, scavenge, steal or murder your way from just another (un)lucky survivor to a being of near-godlike power.
《大灾变:黑暗之日》改编自《大灾变(Cataclysm)》,原游戏是 Zachary “Whales”Jenkins 于 2010 年开发但后被取消了的 roguelike 游戏。
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is based on the original Cataclysm, a 2010 roguelike by Zachary “Whales” Jenkins that was later abandoned.

Crafting is a key feature of DDA, allowing you to cook, farm, craft weapons, build walls, set traps, board up houses and even repair (or build) vehicles.

The character system is highly complex, with four stats, dozens of skills, positive and negative traits, over 100 professions, locational damage and much more.
游戏也不会设立明确的目标。有的玩家可能会想要在能活下来的同时不断地增强自己的力量,直到他们能够在不必担心道德谴责的情况下击杀敌人,但他们其实也不需要这么去做。有些人则选择关闭了城市和僵尸选项,把游戏玩成一款荒野求生模拟器,亦或是选择特定的开篇剧情来扮演骑士、女学生、科学家甚至是一个迷了路的“BDSM”工作者[2] 。四处游走的 NPC 可能会给你一个任务或是见面捅你一刀,而你则可以按照任务线索去帮助其他的幸存者。
Just don't expect it to be easy. The learning curve for DDA is quite steep and dead bodies litter the conscience of every veteran player, but each one had a reason and each taught a valuable lesson for how to survive. Or just how to not die.
There are dozens of distinct locations to explore, hundreds of items and thousands of things to do. You can spend your time sneaking past a zombie horde to get that last can of beans, spelunking through a science lab for untold treasure or even just cooking yourself a nice meal with the finest apocalyptic ingredients.
Sounds very Fallout, doesn't it? But you could also cut down some trees with your trusty chainsaw to build a log cabin, or take some morphine and jam second-hand bionic implants under your skin until you glow in the dark. Grab some mutagen and grow yourself some wings and a tail. With plenty of skill and certain books you could even put together your very own laser cannon. DDA is a deep ocean of content for you to explore, and the tap of open-source development is on and making it deeper by the day.
The game also has no set goals. Presumably the player would like to survive and grow in strength until they can slaughter their way through hordes with impunity, but they don't have to. Some choose to simply turn off cities and zombies to play the game as a wilderness simulator, or they pick specific starting scenarios to role-play as a knight, schoolgirl, scientist or even a lost BDSM practitioner. Wandering NPCs might give you a quest or stab you in the face, and you can follow quest lines to help fellow survivors.
While most games offer a story and some tools to apply in order to reach them, DDA offers a huge range of tools, and you must supply your own goals. It's a brutal playground and will bring you hours of fun – if you can get over the initial difficulty hump.
1 译者注:霍华德 · 菲利普 · 洛夫克拉夫特(Howard Phillips Lovecraft,1890 年 8 月 20 日-1937 年 3 月 15 日),美国恐怖、科幻与奇幻小说作家,其作品故事多以讲述人类无法理解的未知恐怖为主题。代表作品有《克苏鲁的呼唤》、《星之彩》、《疯狂山脉》与《印斯茅斯之影》等。后世也多以“洛氏文学恐怖”来指代同类型题材的恐怖风格作品。
2 译者注:BDSM 这个名词是用来描述一些彼此相关的人类性行为模式。其主要的次群体正是 BDSM 这个缩写字母本身所指称的:绑缚与调教(bondage & discipline,即 B/D),支配与臣服(dominance & submission,即 D/S),施虐与受虐(sadism & masochism,即 S/M)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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