Interplay, 1997
Windows, MS-DOS 和 Mac
Interplay, 1997
Windows, MS-DOS and Mac

初代《辐射(Fallout)》对 CRPG 游戏的重大影响很难描述,不仅是因为现在大部分人已经把这个系列和贝塞斯达的开放世界[1] 游戏联系在一起,更是因为它影响广泛到很多人意识不到的地步。
JRPG、RTS 和 FPS 类别的游戏在 1997 年正经历着狂热的浪潮,然而 CRPG 游戏们看上去却好像已经奄奄一息了。《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》曾十分流行,不过和它同类型的其他游戏则已经玩不出什么新花样——大部分都是托尔金式的英雄幻想:你构筑一个角色或一只团队,外出探索地城并杀敌。这些游戏基本上都只注重战斗体验,流程极其线性,故事剧情枯燥。
《辐射》改变了一切,作为《废土(Wasteland, 1988)》的精神续作,游戏同样以后启示录风格作为背景主题,含有满满当当的黑色幽默,以复古未来主义的手法展现出来,最后点缀上些 50 年代美国的讽刺性乐观精神,就是现在你所游玩的《辐射》了。
玩家作为地下避难所中的一位居民开始游戏,肩负着离开避难所,踏入充满辐射的废土之中去寻找净水芯片的任务。《辐射》提供了一个宏大、非线性设计且充满危险的开放世界,但是这并不是一款地城刷宝 RPG——游戏的大部分时间里,玩家都在废土上残存的几个聚居点里度过,并且要对付末世之中最危险的对手:其他幸存者。
It's very difficult to convey just how important the first Fallout was to CRPGs. Not only because now most people associate the series with Bethesda's open-world games, but mainly because its influence is so widespread that it became almost invisible.
The JRPGs, RTS and FPS genres were booming back in 1997, but CRPGs were practically dead. Diablo had been a big hit, but the genre was otherwise stale most games were Tolkien-esque heroic fantasies where you made a character/party and went out exploring dungeons and killing stuff. They were combat-focused, extremely linear and usually poorly written.
Fallout changed everything. A spiritual successor to Wasteland (1988), it's post-apocalyptic, packed with dark humour and presented in a retro-futuristic style, spiced with ironic optimism based on 1950s America.
You play as a citizen of an underground vault, who must leave this sheltered life and venture into the radioactive wasteland in search of a Water Chip. Fallout offers a large, non-linear open world full of perils, but is not an RPG about raiding dungeons most of your time will be spent in the few surviving towns, dealing with man's biggest foe: other man.
《辐射》的开发过程充满了艰难险阻,开发者在个人时间里完成了很多工作,还面对了多次项目差点被取消的警告。在《暗黑破坏神》的成功之后,他们不得不把游戏改为实时多人 RPG。
Fallout had a very rough development, filled with cancellation threats and a lot of work being done by developers in their spare time. After Diablo's success they were heavily pressured to turn the game into a real-time multiplayer RPG.

Combat is turnbased and uses action points, a simplified version of X-COM's Time Units. The game allows you to aim shots at specific body parts of enemies to blind or cripple them.
不得不说《辐射》长于打造游戏氛围和世界构筑。游戏世界中的一切都有着统一且连贯的逻辑:拿死亡爪(Deathclaw)[2] 的登场过程举例,起初玩家只会听到荒唐的谣言,但在随后的游戏过程中,它们会缓缓地成为焦点。而在此期间,游戏的音乐会散播出一种不祥的预感,文本作者也恰到好处地渲染出紧张的气氛,这种表现形式是非常高超的。
然而,这款游戏最关键的特点仍然是可供进行角色扮演选项的数量与质量。《辐射》并不是第一款有选择分支的 RPG,但它确实是第一款完全围绕选择分支设计的游戏。开发者希望让游戏中任何任务都至少能通过三种方式解决:战斗、对话或潜入,在实际游玩过程中,可以发现他们完成得非常成功。
在这一切优秀设计的背后是游戏极为强大的角色系统。《辐射》最开始打算采用 GURPS[3] ,即泛用无界角色扮演系统——一款非常流行且易用的桌面 RPG 系统,不过由于游戏中的暴力表现,授权商拒绝了这次交易。因此开发者们不得不迅速创造了他们自己的规则集:SPECIAL 系统[4] 。
基于 7 个基本属性和 18 个技能(从小型武器到潜行、修理和话术等),SPECIAL 系统在角色扮演的选项上提供了令人惊叹的深度,再加上每个任务都提供了多种解法,玩家可以随心所欲地游玩。
It must be said that Fallout excels at atmosphere and world-building. Everything follows a coherent internal logic, the soundtrack is foreboding and the writers knew just how to build up tension, e.g. the way the Deathclaw is introduced – first in wild rumours, then slowly coming to the forefront – is outstanding.
However, what defines the game is the amount (and quality) of role-playing options. Fallout wasn't the first RPG with choices, but it was the first entirely designed around them. The developer's goal was that every quest should be solvable in at least three ways: combat, dialogue or stealth. And they succeeded.
A simple side-quest such as Raiders kidnapping a girl has multiple approaches: you can kill everyone, talk them down or sneak in and lock-pick the girl's cell door. That would already be impressive even by modern standards (and it's far more than Bethesda now offers), but Fallout goes further. You can also trade for the girl, blow her cell, ignore her and join the Raiders, challenge their leader to a fist fight, or even disguise yourself as their previous leader.
Every time you play you'll find new solutions. And the designers were not afraid of letting you skip content – why battle dozens of giant scorpions when you can just blow up their cave's entrance instead?
Behind all this is the game's robust character system. Fallout was initially going to be based on GURPS, a popular and flexible tabletop RPG system, but the game's violence led to the license's owner later refusing the deal. The designers then had to quickly create their own ruleset: the SPECIAL system.
Based around seven stats and 18 skills ranging from Small Weapons to Sneak, Repair and Speech, it offers an amazing range of role-playing options. This, combined with the multiple solutions to each quest, means you can truly play however you want.
1 译者注:指《辐射》系列在被贝塞斯达公司接手后推出的《辐射 3》、《辐射 4》等游戏作品。
2 译者注:Deathclaw,死亡爪,是《辐射》系列标志性的变异生物,其体型极其巨大,行动极其敏捷,力量更是极其强大,由杰克森变色龙经过不同物种的 DNA 转基因而来。
3 译者注:泛用无界角色扮演系统(GURPS, Generic Universal Role-Playing System)是史蒂夫·杰克逊开发的角色扮演游戏系统,其特点是可以适用于任何已存在或发展中的角色扮演游戏中,体裁、玩家水平均不受限制,可以自由游玩,是一个规则百科全书化的系统。
4 译者注:SPECIAL 系统,是整个《辐射》系列中所有能力的规则集,SPECIAL 是由系统中各个基本属性的英文首字母组成的缩写词,即力量(Strength)、感知(Perception)、体质(Endurance)、魅力(Charisma)、智力(Intelligence)、敏捷(Agility)与幸运(Luck)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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