Streum On Studio, 2011
Streum On Studio, 2011

2011 年发布的《黑客战队:异度神兆(E.Y.E.:Divine Cybermancy)》是法国游戏工作室 Streum On Studio 的处女作。本作是一款很有想法的独特游戏,混合了射击游戏和 RPG 元素。有趣的是,本作还厚颜无耻地“借鉴”了许多其他流行作品,如《战锤 40 K(Warhammar 40k)》、《暗影狂奔(Shadowrun)》、洛夫克拉夫特式(Lovecraftian)恐怖要素和许多别的电子游戏等等。
游戏的背景是许多经典作品的融合体,你可能一眼就认得出来——故事发生在反乌托邦未来世界,人类受到企业巨头的统治,财团之间争执不断,同时又与充满敌意的外星人有所牵连;此外,还有逐步逼近的“异魔之力”(metastreumonic force)——由人类的灵能与噩梦所孕育出的神秘兽群——威胁着世界。玩家扮演一名黑客战队(E.Y.E,同标题)的士兵,该组织全是灵能超群的生化突击武僧。然而,即使 E.Y.E 这样的组织也没法免俗:昔日情同手足的两大支派 Jian Shang Di [1] 和 Culter Dei [2] 现在变的水火不容,双方剑拔弩张。
Released in 2011, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is the debut of French Streum On Studio. It is an ambitious and unique shooter/RPG hybrid, which is interesting, considering how shamelessly it “borrows influences” from various sources, especially from pulp fiction like Warhammer 40k, Shadowrun, Lovecraftian horror and other video games.
The game takes place in an amalgam of various settings that you might recognise immediately – a dystopian future where humanity is ruled by feuding megacorps, where contact has been made with hostile aliens, and where the world is threatened by the coming of the “metastreumonic force”, a mysterious throng of beasts spawned from psionics and nightmares. The player is a member of the titular E.Y.E – an organisation of psionic cybercommando warrior-monks. But E.Y.E is no exception to the rest of the world – its once brotherly factions of Jian Shang Di and Culter Dei are now at each other's throats.
E.Y.E is a game about many things, but it is primarily about confusion, chaos and betrayal. Make no mistake, the paragraph above shows just about the only things you can be certain of (or can you?) when it comes to the game's narrative.
在《黑客战队》之前,本作的开发者们给《半衰期(Half-Life)》做过一个 mod,名为“辛迪加黑色行动”(Syndicate Black Ops),于 2004 年发布,世界观与《黑客战队》一致。
Before E.Y.E., the developers created a Half-Life mod called Syndicate Black Ops. It was released in 2004 and set in the same universe as E.Y.E.
Events that will make you question the entire game start happening very soon, and accompany you all the way to the “end”. The atmosphere crafted in this game is superb, and it takes you on a true roller-coaster of emotions and sensations. This is achieved thanks to the mix of the mundane and the mystical.
On one hand, you have typical special ops missions that require you to infiltrate various places, perform false flag operations, etc. But on the other, everything is coated with a layer of esotericism – unexplainable events take place, your character suffers repeated bouts of amnesia, delusion and insanity. As you keep playing, you realise you simply have no one to trust, not even yourself, and the game laughs in your face every time you think you finally understood it.
All these aspects also contribute a lot to another of E.Y.E's highlights – the non-linearity. There are a few moments where you need to take sides and make decisions that influence the rest of the campaign. This adds tons of replayability, but also further enforces your paranoia. Do I betray the guy that is probably betraying me as we speak for the other faction that is shady as hell? Or maybe I should choose the third dude who's been acting suspiciously since the start!
1 译者注:一般解读认为此名称为“见上帝”或者“剑上帝”的汉语拼音,制作组可能是想表达“上帝之剑”的含义。
2 译者注:此名称源自拉丁语,可被大致翻译为“上帝之刃”。

The visuals vary between cyberpunk dystopias, cryptic dreamscapes and windswept wastelands.

The character-building options are vast, including skills, implants, psi powers and even a research system.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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