Sierra On-Line, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST 和 PC-98
Sierra On-Line, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST and PC-98

游戏取什么名字?对于《荣耀任务(Quest for Glory)》而言这故事有点一波三折,因为在米尔顿・布拉德利(Milton Bradley)敲着桌子发出有意义的咳嗽声之前,它还叫《英雄之旅(Hero's Quest)》来着。很可惜,《荣耀任务》虽说是个更好的名字,但和这款游戏确实不怎么搭调。
对于创作者洛里(Lori)和科里・科尔(Corey Cole)而言,英雄主义是一件他们本身极其向往的事情,是成为黑暗中的光明,是仅凭人类天生的同情心就对他人施以援手,是击败任何威胁世界的人或事。还有,是去做正确的事,不是想要获得什么,只是因为那是正确的。
正如老套的英雄故事一样的展开,一座小镇,一个年轻人,一次扬名之旅(起初是有多人物选择的计划的,还有种族设定,奈何空间有限)混合了经典冒险游戏和 RPG 设定,一款标题里带着“quest”的雪乐山(Sierra)游戏(注)。
译者注:Quest,八十年代到九十年代初期,雪乐山(Sierra)对于电脑游戏迷来说就是冒险游戏的代名词,雪乐山的知名游戏的英文名中都有“Quest ”一词。类似今天的皮克斯动画中文译名中大都带有“总动员“字样。
What's in a name? In the case of Quest for Glory, an unfortunate story. The series originally began as Hero's Quest, before Milton Bradley pointed at the board game and gave a meaningful cough. It's a shame, because while Quest For Glory is arguably a better title, it's really not what the series has ever been about.
For creators Lori and Corey Cole, heroism is a thing to aspire towards for its own sake – the importance of being the light in the darkness, of saving the world through simple human compassion as much as beating up whatever threatens it, and of doing the right thing not because you're thinking of the reward, but because it's the right thing to do.
Quest for Glory started its hero's journey like many others – a young man approaching a small town, hoping to make his name. (Originally there were plans for other character options, including races, but space was at a premium.) It offered a mix of classic graphic adventure gaming and RPG elements, though unsurprisingly for a Sierra game with “Quest” in the title, it leaned heavier to the adventure side.
1992 年发布的《荣耀任务 I》重制版,采用了新型 VGA 显示与完整的鼠标操作界面。
A remake of Quest for Glory I was released in 1992, supporting new colourful VGA graphics and a full point-and-click interface.

You can create hybrid characters, such as a fighter who can cast spells or pick locks, but some acts are locked to specific classes.
不过,RPG 元素的加入为世界提供了更丰富的选择,以你的选择为准,你有三种路线可以发展:战士,法师,盗贼。后来的游戏会在此基础上增加圣骑士,要么从前一个游戏中导入英雄,要么作为一个必须通过善举才能获得的头衔。
他们还在游戏中做了一个雪乐山史上最棒的死亡方式之一——对角色自己使用开锁技能,技能级别低?那你就会刺穿大脑,当场去世;技能级别高?那恭喜你成功挖通了鼻孔!(picked your nose,get 到了么?)好吧,你要是不喜欢双关语,建议你不要玩《荣耀任务》。
In particular, it didn't matter how good your stats were, the game was full of instant death if you annoyed characters or got caught breaking the rules. Pick a fight with a thief, for instance, and there's not even a battle. Just click, boom, comedy death message.
The RPG side breathed a lot of life into the world though, with your choice of character class allowing three paths through the game – Fighter, Magic User and Thief. Later games would add Paladin to this, either by importing the hero from the previous game or as a title that had to be earned through good deeds.
In the first game, that meant a Magic User could challenge local wizard Erasmus and his pet rat, Fenrus, (or local rat Fenrus and his pet wizard, Erasmus, depending on who you ask) to a magical mini-game duel, while the Thief could join the local guild and break into houses to somewhat unheroically liberate them of their loot.
They also have one of the best deaths in Sierra's murderous history – using the Lock-pick on yourself with low skill would lead to you stabbing yourself in the brain and dying instantly. With high skills? Congratulations! You successfully picked your nose. Warning: Avoid Quest for Glory if you don't like puns.
The adventure side of the game mostly came through in puzzles, in dialogue, and the general feel of the game, though never to the crazy lengths of most dedicated adventures. It was more about using tools at your disposal, with the games playing fair.
If you need to retrieve an item and you have a spell to do that, then said spell will either work or at least give a reason why it doesn't. If it looks like a surface can be climbed to get an item, it probably can be. It might take some stat grinding to get good enough, and there might be an easier way like casting Levitate, but it'll usually work.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明