Activision, 1986
Apple II, MS-DOS, C64, iOS 和 Android*
Activision, 1986
Apple II, MS-DOS, C64, iOS and Android*

然而,很少有游戏能像《另我(Alter Ego)》一样表达角色扮演游戏的概念。在儿童心理学家彼得・J・法瓦罗(Peter J. Favaro)的领导下,这款游戏更关注的是平凡现代生活的无尽变化,而不是消灭兽人或揭露阴谋。
The phrase “computer role-playing game” brings to mind certain connotations. Heroic battles, esoteric character systems, medieval European pastiche, player control of the narrative, etc...
However, few games express the idea of roleplaying quite like Alter Ego. Helmed by Peter J. Favaro, a child psychologist, the game is more concerned with the endless permutations of mundane modern life than with slaying orcs or uncovering conspiracies.
*《另我》针对 iOS,Android 和浏览器重制了新的版本。它的开发者还在扩展和更新游戏,以适应当今社会的需求。。
*Alter Ego was recently re-released for iOS, Android, and browsers. Its stewards are also working on expanding and updating the game for today's society.

Based on several interviews by a psychologist on memorable life events, Alter Ego touches on family, relationships, work, drugs, and sexual life.

After each event you're shown moods and actions you can choose in reply. The outcome of those is based on your personality and past history.
在《另我》中,你扮演的角色将通过关键的生活事件来进行游戏,其背后有概率改变的统计数据。游戏以一系列问答开始,类似于《创世纪 4(Ultima IV)》,这些问题将决定角色的初始属性。之后,玩家可以从七个生命阶段中选择一个开始,或者直接从子宫开始。
好多 RPG 都宣称没有两款游戏的玩法是一样的,但《另我》提供了如此多样的情况,让人觉得它真做到了这点。您可以成为渴望金钱的商业大亨,或者在小巷中被谋杀。保持单身或配偶。独自一人老死或子孙满堂。游戏结束后,你会很想重新开始,看看如果你做出不同的选择会发生什么——完成现实生活中普遍存在的两难选择。
对《另我》的一个主要批评是它确实时代感太强,有些过时。这款游戏最初分为“男性”和“女性”两个版本,有时会有性别歧视,无法解释同性恋/ 双性恋关系或单亲关系,而且还会根据 80 年代的保守价值观来奖励玩家。
无论如何,《另我》直到今天仍然是一款经典游戏,尤其是对于现代冒险游戏(如 Telltale 的产品)的粉丝而言。你难道没有想过,如果过上不同的生活会是什么样子吗?
In Alter Ego you'll play through key life events with probability altering statistics behind them. The game starts with a series of questions, akin to Ultima IV, that will determine the character's initial personality. Afterwards, the player can choose one of seven life stages to begin, or start all the way from the womb.
Gameplay consists of selecting a series of themed vignettes represented by symbols for love, family, career, etc. Each scenario presents the player with an age-appropriate situation and offers choices as to how to react. Honest answers or true role-playing are both options, as is kicking the hornet's nest in order to put one's avatar through the wringer. These choices impact character relationships, finances, career and health through a set of statistics. Though most stats are visible, worrying about them isn't necessary for play. Becoming wrapped up in stats in Alter Ego is missing the point.
So many RPGs claim that no two games will play the same, but Alter Ego provides such a wide variety of esoteric situations that it feels like it delivers. You can become a money-hungry business tycoon or be murdered in an alley. Remain single or take a spouse. Die alone or die surrounded by family. When a game ends, you're tempted to start over to see what would have happened if you had just chosen differently – a ludic expression of an all too common real-life dilemma.
One major criticism of Alter Ego is that it definitely feels of its time. Originally sold in separate “male” and “female” versions, the game is rather sexist sometimes, fails to account for homosexual / bisexual relationships or being a single parent and seems to reward playing according to 80s' conservative values.
Regardless, Alter Ego remains essential to this day, especially for fans of modern adventure games such as Telltale's offerings. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to live a different life?
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明