Capcom, 2012
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3*
Capcom, 2012
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3*

你手中的提灯噼啪作响,忽明忽暗,微弱的灯光只照亮了像你们队伍摇摇晃晃走来的独眼巨人。伴随着吼叫,你的战士冲上前去,随即你也立刻加入战斗并且以及悬挂在独眼巨人壮硕的手臂上,并借此机会爬到了他装有护甲的头部,巨人奋力挣扎并向你回击,不巧反而打到了自己的头盔。头盔应声落地,你的法师为游侠的箭上附上火焰,游侠顺势一箭射到了他的眼睛。欢迎来到《龙之信条(Dragon’s Dogma)》。
《龙之信条》的游戏核心便是其强大的动作系统以及其交互系统。该游戏灵感来自于上世纪 90 年代 Capcom 所开发的一众奇幻街机游戏。同时,一些其他游戏同样对它产生了不可忽视的影响,从《旺达与巨像(Shadow of the Colossus)》中学来的在怪物的身体上攀爬,到《黑暗之魂(Dark Souls)》/《恶魔之魂(Demon’s Souls)》中学来的现实主义的沉重感,以及一部分来自卡普空自己游戏像是《怪物猎人(Monster Hunter)》或是《鬼泣(Devil May Cry)》系列中获取的灵感。(该作导演 Hideaki Itsuno 也曾执导过《鬼泣》系列的 2、3 和 4。)
Your lantern sputters to half-lit status, only dimly illuminating the massive form of the cyclops as it lurches towards your party. Hearing your fighter pawn yell, you move closer and allow yourself to be launched into the air, grabbing hold of the cyclops's arm and climbing to its armoured head. As the cyclops swipes at you, it misses and knocks its helmet to the ground below. Your mage pawn casts a flame enchantment on your strider pawn, who takes the opportunity to shoot an arrow straight into its eye. Welcome to Dragon's Dogma.
The heart of DD is its action-based combat
system, and the interactivity it allows. Inspired by Capcom's 1990s fantasy beat ‘em ups, it also encompasses a great amount of more recent influence, from the monster-climbing of Shadow of the Colossus to the weightier realism of Demon's/Dark Souls, as well as Capcom's own Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry series (Dragon's Dogma director, Hideaki Itsuno, also directed Devil May Cry 2, 3 and 4).
In combat, characters may grapple a small opponent to hold it in place, pick up and hurl an explosive barrel at foes, or climb onto large monsters and hack away at weak points. Frequently, they call out tactics to each other, depending on cooperation for success.
*2012 年,主机端发售了《龙之信条》,2013 年发售了黑暗觉醒版[1] ,直到 2016 年,Capcom 才把该游戏移植到 PC 平台上。
*Dragon's Dogma was released in 2012 for consoles. The Dark Arisen version came in 2013, and in 2016 Capcom finally ported the game to PCs. The PS4 and Xbox One versions were released in 2017.

Equipment is diverse, and can be upgraded by finding the necessary items. Tasks range from mining rare ores to breaking a monster’s tusk during battle.
怪物也同样可以从其互动性中获取优势,有时玩家会被哈比[2] 用爪子抓起来,狼也会死死地咬住不松口,更别说独眼巨人或是巨魔会抓住玩家狠狠的揍了。
Monsters, too, take advantage of interactivity, and a player may find himself dragged into the air by a harpy's claws, bitten and held down by a wolf, or seized and crushed by the hands of a cyclops or ogre.
Magic also possesses a rarely seen physicality. Spells differ not only in elemental effects but also in how they manifest themselves, from a wall of flame, to a pillar of ice (which you can climb over), to a maelstrom sucking up smaller foes and flinging them.
You play as the Arisen – a hero destined to battle the Dragon. In a unique online component, you can be joined by up to three AI-controlled pawns – a main pawn that you create yourself, plus two others recruited from a pool of pawns created by other players (or randomly generated, if you're playing offline).
Pawns are drawn from six vocations (i.e. classes), each with access to a multitude of skills and categories of weapons with only some overlap, causing each vocation to play distinctly from the others. Rangers have a more powerful and further reaching bow but are less effective at melee than Striders; Sorcerers sacrifice some of the healing and support magic of Mages in exchange for powerful offensive spells; and Warriors hit harder than Fighters but are less defensive. The Arisen also has access to the hybrid vocations: Mystic Knights combine melee ability with magic spells, Assassins can mix the weapons of the Fighter and Strider vocations, and Magick Archers combine dagger-wielding with magical bow abilities.
There are interesting nuances in character creation. Unlike other games where appearance is purely cosmetic, in Dragon's Dogma the choices you make determine your height and weight class, which has tangible effects such as making heavier characters more difficult to knock down while smaller characters can fit through small openings.
1 译者注:《龙之信条:黑暗觉醒》(Dragon‘s Dogma: Dark Arisen)作为前作《龙之信条》的加强版本,游戏中基本上除了将会收录前作所有要素之外,还将会以全新场景『黑咒岛』作为冒险新舞台,并追加许多新的地图、任务、武器、防具与动作,在之前备受玩家们好评的人物创建部分,也会追加更多新的细节让玩家们来选用。
2 译者注:哈比,希腊神话中的鹰身女妖,长着妇人的头和身体,长长的头发,鸟的翅膀和青铜的鸟爪。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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