Rogue Entertainment, 1996
Rogue Entertainment, 1996

1993 年发行的《暗影术士(ShadowCaster)》是第一款尝试将 FPS 与 RPG 元素进行融合的游戏,接下来的几年里,该类型又诞生了《毁灭巫师(Hexen, 1994)》、《巫魔天境(Witchaven, 1995)》、《网络奇兵(System Shock, 1994)》、《赛博法师:达莱觉醒(CyberMage: Darklight Awakening, 1995)》等游戏。然而大多数人一提到 FPS/RPG 游戏,他们首先想到的却是《冲突(Strife: Quest for the Sigil)》。
这是有原因的,它的开场就让人感觉不同。游戏开始,你先是和一群守卫战斗,接着不是去杀怪物,而是走进一个和平的小镇,那里有各种商店、一个酒吧和一些正在闲谈的、可以与之互动的 NPC。
随后,“黑鸟”(Blackbird)通过无线电联系你,要求你加入反抗邪恶神权政体“教团”(The Order)的地下组织“前线”(The Front),这并不是在简单地交代背景故事,你的确会前往反抗军总部和他们共事。
你的第一个任务是拿下教团在城镇的基地,因此需要执行一些破坏行动,完成一些 NPC 的任务——他们有着迷人的声音和精美的肖像。基地的防御一旦被摧毁,你将和反抗军一起发动攻击,杀死敌人的将军,将总部搬到这里!这个任务的回报非常丰厚。
ShadowCaster first attempted to blend FPS/RPG elements back in 1993, and the following years saw other hybrids such as Hexen, Witchaven, System Shock and CyberMage. Yet, the game most often remembered as “the first FPS/RPG” is Strife.
There's a reason for that. Even the first minutes of Strife feel very different. You start the game, fight a couple of guards and then, instead of killing demons, you walk into a peaceful town, with various shops, a bar and some interactive NPCs throwing gossip.
You're then contacted via radio by “Blackbird”, who asks you to join The Front, an underground resistance against the evil theocracy of The Order. This isn't just some throwaway backstory – you'll actually go to the rebel's HQ and work with them.
Your first objective is to take over The Order's base in town. For that you'll have to perform a few sabotage missions and trade favours with other NPCs – all of whom have charming voice acting and portraits. Once the base's defenses are down, you'll attack it alongside rebel troops, kill the enemy general and move your HQ there! It's a nice, satisfying pay-off.
After that, the town's gate opens and you're sent to another location, to further battle the forces of The Order. The world is hub-based, with the maps linking together to form an overworld of sorts you can freely explore, thought the main quest is mostly linear.
Some of your missions can also involve stealth, meaning disguising yourself and only killing enemies with a poisoned crossbow. As your quest advances you'll uncover more about The Order, learn about the mythic Sigil and experience some great plot twists.
You'll also gain access to new weapons and upgrades, such as a grenade launcher or increased accuracy stat. Just be sure to carefully manage your money between health kits, armour and ammo.
2014 年,《冲突》以《冲突:老兵版(Strife: Veteran Edition)》之名在 Steam 平台重新发行,这款游戏基于Chocolate Doom 引擎,做出了许多改进,并免费开放了源代码。
Strife was re-released in 2014 on Steam as Strife: Veteran Edition, using an engine based on Chocolate Doom. Many improvements were added, and its source code is freely available.
《冲突》是最后一款使用 Doom 引擎的游戏,这种引擎在当时已经严重过时了。不过,在 FPS 游戏都在专注于使用 3D 图形时,《冲突》用令人难忘的 NPC、早期的开放世界和炫酷的分支剧情,在 FPS 类型中开辟出一条崭新的道路。
Finally, while most of the dialogue options are illusionary, there's a choice about half the way into the game that forks the game into two different routes, each with different missions and endings.
Strife was the last game to use the Doom engine, which was already heavily dated. But, while other FPS focused on new 3D graphics, Strife instead presented a new path for the genre, with memorable NPCs, an early open world and a cool, branching story.

Strife's combat isn't the best among Doom clones, but it presents some great set-pieces and fun weapons.

Dialogue choices are mostly pointless. Here the first choice begins the main quest line, the second one kills you and the third one just ends the dialogue.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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