Troika Games, 2004
Troika Games, 2004

吸血鬼:避世血族 – 血脉[1] (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines,简称 VtMB)是 Troika Games 的第三部也是最后一部 RPG 游戏,该公司由参与过《辐射(Fallout)》开发的老将 Leonard Boyarsky,Tim Cain 以及 Jason Anderson 所成立。
本游戏使用 Valve 起源引擎(Source engine)的一个早期版本制作,但是由于 Activision 赶鸭子上架以及和《半条命 2(Half-Life 2)》[2] 同一天发售等原因,游戏出现了巨量的游戏漏洞并且销量也是非常惨淡。然而,在经历了时间的考验之后它成为了一款小众邪典。那么《吸血鬼:避世血族– 血脉》有什么好的呢?从整体的故事情节到一些小细节,有一大堆东西可以说。
这款游戏将经典 RPG 游戏玩法和现代的 FPS 视觉效果完美地融为一体。游戏中你扮演七个吸血鬼氏族中的一员,每个氏族都有其不同的能力——你可以把《血脉》玩成一款射击游戏,潜行游戏,砍杀游戏。你甚至可以在很大一部分流程中把它作为一款冒险游戏来玩,解决问题的方法也不只是武力一途,也可以利用撬锁技能,骇客技能,恐吓或诱惑来征服别人。
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the third and final RPG from Troika Games, the company founded by the Fallout veterans Leonard Boyarsky, Tim Cain and Jason Anderson.
The game was created using an early build of Valve’s Source engine, was rushed out by Activision and suffered heavily from being released on the same day as Half-Life 2, resulting in numerous bugs and weak sales. However, over time it became a cult classic. What’s so great about VtM:Bloodlines? A lot of things, ranging from the overall storyline to minor details.
The game manages to expertly merge classic RPG gameplay with modern FPS visuals. You experience the game as one of seven different vampire clans, who have different powers – allowing you to play Bloodlines like a shooter, a stealth game, a hack-and-slash or for a good part even as an adventure game, solving many situations without force, but by lock-picking, hacking, persuading, intimidating or seducing people.
《血脉》中包含九首由 Lacuna Coil, Tiamat 以及 Genitorturers 等艺术家制作的授权音乐,但是这些音乐都是由发行商选取的,Troika Games 没有参与音乐的选择。
Bloodlines features nine licensed music tracks, from artists such as Lacuna Coil, Tiamat and Genitorturers.
However, these were all chosen by the publisher, with no input from Troika Games.

Bloodlines is quite faithful to the tabletop version, including the obligation to respect the Masquerade.
根据你角色的不同,任务仍然会有很多种不同的完成方法,其他角色也会对你的行为做出不同的反应。起源引擎强大的面部动画系统,再配上足以位列游戏史最佳的旁白以及 Brian Mitsoda 的诙谐文笔,整个游戏显得真实而鲜活。Brian Mitsod 为《血脉》创造了许多令人难忘的角色和有趣的对话,特别是疯狂的末卡维氏族(Malkavian)[3] ——他们的对话选项完全不同。想象一下,你可以与电视机和停止标识对话!再想象一下,一个薄血族(Thin Blood)[4] 给你剧透游戏的故事,而你只有在通关之后才能完全理解这件事。
Besides these various options, the game world itself manages to bridge two other extremes: you get large playable hubs that open up in the progression of the storyline and offer dozens of unique side- and main quests, but the quests themselves are more linear in style and convey plot and atmosphere better than any sandbox game could do.
Still, there are often multiple approaches possible in a quest depending on your character, and other characters will react accordingly to your behaviour, coming alive due to the great facial animations of the Source engine, some of the best voice-overs in gaming history and the witty writing of Brian Mitsoda. He created many very memorable characters and funny dialogues for Bloodlines, especially for the mad Malkavian clan that has entirely different dialogue options. Imagine talking to a TV set or to a STOP sign! Imagine a thin blood making references to the whole story that you can only understand once you finished it!
There are other great moments in the game where a character revelation may surprise you with a depth unusual for a computer game, and some of the different endings may make you laugh out loud, showing at the same time that everything in the plot made sense right from the start, but probably not exactly as you suspected.
The beautiful handcrafted levels push the alpha version of the Source engine to its limits and enable you to visit the greater area of Los Angeles; the windy beaches of Santa Monica, the busy skyscrapers downtown, the fancy streets in Hollywood and even the Far Eastern charm of Chinatown, with excursions to several external locations like strange mansions or dark caverns thrown into the mix as well.
Your adventures will vary from straightforward fights against humans, vampires or other supernatural creatures to solving the mystery of a haunted hotel without any combat, a level that is regarded as one of the spookiest locations in gaming ever!
1 译者注:《血脉 2》由 Paradox Interactive 制作,原定于 2021 年上半年发布,但是很可惜游戏公司几经波折,现已经宣布无限期跳票。
2 译者注:Half-Life 系列目前的官方译名为“半衰期”,这里采用了流传更广的译名。
3 译者注:末卡维氏族是《黑暗世界》设定中十三个吸血鬼氏族之一,氏族长于预言,但深受精神错乱所苦。
4 译者注:经典《黑暗世界》设定中,吸血鬼都是该隐的子嗣。吸血鬼每向下传承一代,该隐的血脉就会更稀薄一点,到第 13 代时,子嗣体内的吸血鬼之血往往会因为过于稀薄而无法展现出完整的吸血鬼姿态,这些子嗣称为薄血族。在新版设定《黑暗编年史》(Chronicles of Darkness)中则改为了吸血鬼血液会随着时间变得更加醇厚。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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