Runic Games, 2009
Windows, Mac, Linux 和 Xbox 360
Runic Games, 2009
Windows, Mac, Linux and Xbox 360

在开发《暗黑之门:伦敦(Hellgate: London)》的过程中,Flagship Studio 的一个团队开始开发《创·神·传(Mythos)》——一个类似在线版《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》的游戏——以作为《暗黑之门:伦敦》的网络技术测试。该项目由《黑暗史诗(FATE)》的创造者 Travis Baldree 和几位 Blizzard North [2] 的前员工执掌,他们都对该项目抱有相当大的兴趣。然而,财务上的问题使得 Flagship 遣散了这个团队。
于是该团队成立了 Runic Games[3] ,旨在维系原团队成员并开发一个《创·神·传》的“精神续作”。在打造一个完善的 MMORPG 之前,他们决定先用一个更小、更简单、更吸引人的游戏来测试他们的设计理念和打磨他们的工具。十一个月后,《火炬之光(Torchlight)》发布了。
《火炬之光》的故事发生在一个蒸汽朋克世界中,一个采矿小镇在挖掘魔法矿物[4] 时遇到了麻烦。就像原版《暗黑破坏神》那样,在这里你的任务是下探镇子旁边的巨大地牢,到达最底层并击败里面的远古恶魔(ancient evil)。
During the development of Hellgate: London, a team at Flagship Studios began working on Mythos, a simple online “Diablo clone”, to serve as a network technology test for Hellgate. The project was led by Travis Baldree, creator of FATE, and several former Blizzard North employees, who all grew quite fond of it. However, financial issues at Flagship led to the team being dismissed.
To stay together, the team formed Runic Games, aiming to create a “spiritual successor” to Mythos. Before tackling a full-scale MMORPG, they decided to first test their concepts and polish their tools with a smaller, simpler and more inviting game. Eleven months later, Torchlight was released.
Despite the short development time, the team's experience in the genre shines through. Torchlight is a charming and polished game that faithfully follows Diablo's core design, while adding several proven concepts and improvements from similar games, plus some fun new ideas of their own.
Torchlight is set in a steampunk world, where a small mining town found trouble while excavating magical ores. Like in the original Diablo, your task here is to descend the vast dungeon next to town, reach its lowest level and defeat the ancient evil within.
《创·神·传》由 Flagship 团队最早开始制作,后来被韩国公司 HanbitSoft 收购并继续开发,在 2011 年发布,此后又关服停运[1] 。
Mythos, the game the team at Flagship first began working on, was acquired by Korean company HanbitSoft, who continued development and released it in 2011. They have since closed its servers.

Torchlight reintroduces iconic features from FATE, such as Fishing and a Pet that hauls your loot back to town to sell it.
这个深邃的地牢由 35 个随机生成的楼层组成,每隔几层场景的主题就会发生变化,比如矿井、废墟、洞穴、地窖、监狱。但这些场景并不幽闭——它们呈现出一种在该类型游戏中罕见的规模感和垂直度,在你探索的过程中可以看到大片的开放区域和远处的楼层。
从功能上看,《火炬之光》整合了该品类游戏中一些优秀想法,有条有理地打包呈现。《黑暗史诗》中的宠物系统回归了,宠物会与你并肩作战,并将额外的战利品拖回镇上;用户界面高效且友好;你可以对物品进行附魔、转化、镶嵌宝石,以及收集套装;有支线和悬赏任务,每隔几层就有 boss 战;为想要换其他英雄玩的玩家提供了“退休”功能[5] ;甚至在你打通游戏后还有一个无尽模式。
Spanning 35 randomly generated floors, this deep dungeon contains several themed layouts that change every few floors, such as mines, ruins, caves, crypts, prisons. But these environments are far from claustrophobic – they present a sense of scale and verticality that's rare in the genre, with large open areas and distant levels visible as you explore.
Torchlight offers three heroes – the Destroyer, focused on melee combat; the Vanquisher, a range-oriented rogue; and the Alchemist, specialised in magic and summoning. Each has three unique skill trees, with distinct specialisations.
There's a great degree of flexibility here – skills are diverse, heroes can wield (or dual wield) all weapon types, and there are spells found while exploring that can be learned regardless of class or stats. So you can easily play as a melee Alchemist with two axes, or as a gun-wielding Destroyer focused on spells. The trade-off is that some skills feel rather generic.
Feature-wise, Torchlight is like a collection of some of the best ideas in the genre, presented in a coherent and accessible package. The pets from FATE return, fighting alongside you and hauling extra loot back to town; the UI is efficient and friendly; you can enchant items, transmute them, socket gems and collect sets; there are side-quests and bounty hunts, boss battles every few floors; a “retirement” feature for those wanting to switch heroes; and even an endless dungeon available once you beat the game.
The art style is another of Torchlight's highlights. It's whimsical, with cartoony characters and painterly, faux-waterbrush environments. Some of the enemies are borderline cute, adding to the casual-friendly tone of the game. However, the short development time does rear its head here, for the lack of enemy variety is quite noticeable after a few hours playing.
1 译者注:《创 · 神 · 传》是港台代理时采用的译名,于 2011 年 4 月开始公测,于 2014 年 1 月停止运营。
2 译者注:是原暴雪娱乐(Blizzard Entertainment)旗下的工作室,因《暗黑破坏神》系列而知名,2005 年被暴雪关闭。
3 译者注:在 2010 年的时候被完美世界公司收购。
4 译者注:游戏中叫做“Ember”,一代游戏里翻译为“魔晶”,二代游戏的官方翻译为“灰烬”。
5 译者注:当一个角色达到一定的等级之后,他们可以“退休”,新的角色可以继承退休角色的等级、声望,以及一件传承装备。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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