New World Computing, 1999
New World Computing, 1999

一个《魔法门 7(Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor)》的爱好者,例如我自己,会告诉你这个游戏吸收了之前游戏的所有优点并且更进了一步。机制被雕琢到完美,技能系统经过了调整,游戏深度有所增加而且经过了细致打磨——所有这些都呈现于一个比以往更加有趣,更加生机勃勃的世界中。
更传统的玩家则会说这个游戏正是系列衰落的开始,因为尽管《魔法门 7》有许多精心打磨的内容,但同时也有许多粗糙之处。
A fan of Might and Magic VII, such as myself, might tell you that the game takes everything the previous game did and improves on it. Sculpting mechanics into perfection, tweaking the skill system, adding depth and polish – all within a world more vibrant and interesting than ever.
More traditionalist players will tell you that the decline of the series began here, because while M&M VII has more polished content, it also has less.
GrayFace MM7 patch 增加了诸如鼠标外观之类的新特性。Maestro mod 则是一个大扩展包,增加了新的任务、职业、种族、首领敌人、高清贴图,还有高分辨率选项。
The GrayFace MM7 patch adds features like mouselook, while the Maestro mod is a big pack with new quests, classes, races, bosses, HD textures and options for higher resolution.

Your faction choice greatly changes the game's second half, including its interface. Side with evil, and you can even become a lich!

魔幻牌(Arcomage)非常受欢迎,2000 年甚至单独发行了一版游戏。除此之外还有很多开源版本,例如 MArcomage。
The Arcomage card game was so popular it got a standalone release in 2000. It also inspired various open-source copies, such as MArcomage.
游戏在地下城的设计上有所妥协。相比于此前游戏庞大的地下城,《魔法门 7》中的地下城数量更少,结构也没有那么错综复杂。不过,内容广度缩小换来的是深度的增加。你在这里所做的一切内容都更丰富,更密集,也经过更精心的调整。怪物种类更多,机制更复杂,探索有更多样的回报,而且你有更多的方式来定制自己的队伍。
游戏开始阶段和《魔法门 6(Might and Magic VI)》很相似,你需要建立自己的四人冒险者小队,不过职业、种族和技能的种类更加丰富。而接下来的内容就是 RPG 游戏中非常罕见的了:一片非常有趣的教学区域,同时这片区域还能自然地与游戏其余的部分结合起来。
翡翠岛(Emerald Island)并没有硬塞给你一大堆游戏内容。这里是整个游戏的一片微缩景观,包括了危险的沼泽、一座小型城镇、任务、地下城和一个会在游戏后期显示出影响的抉择,甚至还有一条危险的巨龙!
这个游戏还有一个特色,或许也是 RPG 历史上最好的小游戏。在《巫师 3(Witcher 3)》的昆特牌(Gwent)出现之前还有个名叫魔幻牌(Arcomage)的小游戏。魔幻牌毫无疑问是一个更有深度、更平衡的集换式卡牌游戏,时至今日还有线上的多人游戏大厅。
《魔法门 7》甚至还给角色扮演留下了不少空间,其中最突出的是一个在游戏中段的分支会完全改变游戏:加入天空之城(Celeste)的天使势力,或者和地狱城(The Pit)中凶暴的魔鬼为伍。根据你的选择,你的角色可以获得不同的转职方向与能力,而且主线任务走向会完全改变。甚至游戏的界面都会根据你的选择而改变。
简而言之,《魔法门 7:血统与荣耀》或许是系列由盛转衰的转折点,但同时也是集系列 10 年经验于大成的系列顶点。
The game compromises on the magnificent dungeons of the previous game by making its own less prevalent and less sprawling. With less breadth of content comes more depth, however. Everything you do here is meatier, denser and more fine-tuned. There is more monster variety, more mechanical complexity, more diverse rewards for exploration and more ways to customise your party.
You begin the game as in M&M6, creating your blob of four adventurers, but with an expanded catalogue of classes, races and skills. Then comes a rare treat in an RPG: a genuinely interesting tutorial area that ties naturally into the rest of the game.
Rather than shove you down a content-tube, Emerald Island is a micro-cosmos of the actual game, with its own dangerous swamp, a small township, quests, dungeons, a choice that will affect you much later in the game and even a menacing dragon!
The game also features perhaps the best minigame in RPG history. Before Witcher 3's Gwent there was Arcomage, a decidedly deeper and more balanced trading card game that is still played in online, multiplayer lobbies today.
M&M7 even makes room for a bit of roleplaying, among other things presenting you with a game-changing fork halfway through: join the angelic forces of Celeste or cast in your lot with the brutal fiends of The Pit. Depending on your choice, your characters earn different promotions and abilities, and the main quest line changes completely. Even the game's UI alters to reflect your decision.
In short, Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor might be the point where cracks start to show in the series, but it is also the series at its peak, developed using every lesson learned over the 10 years since it began.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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