Dev Team, 1987
MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, Amiga, Android, 等
Dev Team, 1987
MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, Amiga, Android, etc

迷宫骇客是“主要”roguelike 游戏之一。与Rogue 一样,它会将玩家带入一个大型的随机生成的地牢中,随着游戏的深入地牢会变得越来越难。与 Rogue 一样,目标是“Yendor 的护身符”,一旦找到护身符,他们就必须带着它逃脱。但是,正如他们所说的:魔鬼隐藏在细节中。
NetHack is one of the “major” roguelikes. Like Rogue, it send players into a large, randomly generated dungeon that gets tougher as they descend. Also like Rogue, the goal is the “Amulet of Yendor,” which they must escape with once found. But the devil, as they say, is in the details.
NetHack is a game with fearsome complexity the logic of its world defies belief: a player can take a potion, dip it into a fountain to dilute it with water, then drop it on a co-aligned altar and pray to turn it into holy water. Then he can dip another item to bless it, or instead dip a pile of other potions of water into it at once to make lots more holy water in a single go. Or he could throw it at a monster to attack it with its vapour, mix it with other potions, or dip other items into it. Rumor has it the player can even drink them.
That's just a quick overview of one of its features. Even if I wrote just one grossly vague sentence on each aspect of the game, it would require an entire book. Despite this overwhelming depth and its reputation for being extremely challenging for new players, NetHack is also almost always winnable.
《迷宫骇客》是免费和开源的。您可以从 下载最新版本。
NetHack is free and open-source. Download the latest version at

《迷宫骇客》提供 13 种职业 5 种族和 39 个技能。然而,它的真正深度不是来自角色系统,而是来自物品,怪物以及它们与无数复杂子系统的相互作用。
NetHack offers 13 classes, five races and 39 skills. However, its real depth comes not from character development, but items, monsters and their interaction with the complex sub-systems.
玩家们也在网上写了很多关于《迷宫骇客》的文章。您可以阅读有关怪物及其能力介绍,地牢及其内容说明,穿越关卡的最佳方法,很多很多的死亡方式等等。还有 YAAPs(另一种通关方法),玩家可以在这里告诉他们是如何取得胜利的,通常是选择特定角色,或者是带有“行为”的形式进行可选的挑战——成为素食主义者、无神论者、和平主义者,甚至在整个游戏中都让角色戴着眼罩玩。
玩《迷宫骇客》的过程中,需要像大多数 RPG 一样获得等级,但比这更重要的是找到完成任务所需的物品。我们可以说,玩家的力量是以物品为纽带的——一个装备精良的 1 级玩家比一个赤裸的 10 级玩家更强。在地牢里随机发现的好的物品(或幸运的魔法愿望所获得的物品)可以极大地改变游戏局面。这有助于《迷宫骇客》在多次不同的游戏中保持趣味性,即使玩家并没有走多远也能体会到乐趣。
The path to becoming good enough to “ascend” (win the game) takes unaided players years, but with guides and heavy spoilers can be crossed in weeks. NetHack demands a lot from players, but it's a carefully balanced game that promotes experimentation and even has its own internal system of hints, in the form of fortune cookies and pronouncements by an Oracle.
Players also write a lot about NetHack online. You can read about monsters and their abilities, the dungeon and its contents, the best ways of traversing levels, the many, many ways in which one can die, etc. There are also the YAAPs (Yet Another Ascension Post), where players tell of their victories, often role-playing or with optional challenges in the form of “conducts” – being vegan, atheist, pacifist or even playing the entire game with their characters wearing a blindfold.
The process of playing NetHack requires gaining levels like most RPGs, but even more important than that is finding the items needed to complete the quest. We might say that a player's power is item-bound a Level 1 player with excellent equipment is more powerful than a naked Level 10 character. A good item found randomly on the dungeon floor (or provided by a lucky magical wish) can greatly change the game. This helps NetHack to remain interesting through many plays, even if the player doesn't get very far.
One can consider NetHack to have three major phases: early, mid and late game. The early game is the most challenging, as the player is low-level, doesn't know what most things are, and is preparing his “ascension kit” – the items he'll need to win. By contrast, the long mid-game period is pretty boring, both because of monotonous maze levels, and because there's little to test a knowledgeable player. The end game brings several novel situations that liven the game up, but a properly prepared player will probably be able to handle them.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明