Blizzard North, 2000
Windows 和 Mac
Blizzard North, 2000
Windows and Mac

于 2000 年 6 月发售的《暗黑破坏神 2(Diablo 2)》是备受瞩目的 PC 端 RPG 游戏《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》的续作。《暗黑破坏神 2》在《暗黑破坏神》的基础上做了大规模扩展,其中包括五个新角色(在 2001 《毁灭之王(Lord of Destruction expansion)》资料片中增加到 7 个),技能树以及将颜色与物品品质相关联(普通白色,魔法蓝色,稀有亮金……)等在 ARPG 中普及的众多游戏特性。
在 20 世纪初,《暗黑破坏神 2》以超过 1000 万的销量取得了巨大成功。这得益于暴雪(Blizzard Entertainment)所建立的战网(,使得它成为了多人游戏的先驱。除此之外,它还引入了 roguelike 的思想以及过程生成技术(Procedural Generation)[1] 的概念。《暗黑破坏神 2》能成为当时最受欢迎的游戏,与这些想法密不可分。
与 90 年代出现的许多标志性游戏类似,《暗黑破坏神》系列源于多个流派的碰撞,如 roguelike 类游戏和以《创世纪 8:异教徒(Ultima VIII: Pagan)》为代表的早期 ARPG。
Released in June of 2000, Diablo II was the highly anticipated sequel to the successful PC Action RPG, Diablo. All that anticipation was well-rewarded, as Diablo II delivered a massively expanded experience of the original game, including five new character classes (seven, with 2001's Lord of Destruction expansion) and numerous features which became ubiquitous to Action RPGs, such as Skill Trees and the coloured Item Quality tiers (white for common, blue for magical, yellow for rare, etc.).
Diablo II was a tremendous success, selling more than 10 million copies across the early 2000s. It was a pioneer of online multiplayer, taking advantage of Blizzard Entertainment's popular service. It also introduced an entire generation to the niche roguelike genre, and to the concept of procedural generation, an idea which has become massively popular in contemporary games.
Like many iconic games that came out of the 1990s, the Diablo series was born of the collision of multiple genres – mainly roguelikes and early Action RPG titles like Ultima VIII: Pagan.
时至今日,暴雪依然在努力维护着《暗黑破坏神 2》,并且在 2016 年对其进行优化以便于在在现代计算机上运行得更好。
Blizzard still provides support for Diablo II, and in 2016 they patched it to run better on modern computers.

《暗黑破坏神 2》从 rogue 类游戏中吸取了思想并将它扩展到了魔法道具中,创造了著名的颜色分级系统。
Diablo II took the concept of magical items from roguelikes and expanded it, creating the now-famous coloured rarity tiers.
在上世纪 80 年代初,RPG 中的“邪典”《Rouge》从根本上重新诠释了 RPG 游戏。它并没有试图创造像《龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)》等 TRPG 中的巨大不定性空间,而是试图将它们分解为几个核心思想。剧情,城镇和 NPC 都被削减,以便玩家可以立即开始探索自动生成的地下城。一个完整的亚流派从这个模式中涌现出来。玩家挑战无尽的地下城,或突然死亡,或天降横财。
上世纪 90 年代中期《暗黑破坏神》的创造者 David Brevik,Max Schaefer 和 Erik Schaefer 着手创作 roguelike 游戏,但他们马上就妥协了。因为开发商暴雪要求《暗黑破坏神》必须是实时的,这意外地给该游戏里带来了很多疯狂的战斗。设计师们向其中添加了许多非传统的 roguelike 元素,比如角色职业和多人游戏。这些所有设计融合在一起诞生了一个奇怪而美丽且令人上瘾的游戏,一部分是探索地牢,一部分是打打杀杀。
《暗黑破坏神 2》是《暗黑破坏神》的一次全面升级。所有核心思想再次出现,但交互界面和核心循环体系做了精简。实际上,游戏的每个部分都大大扩展。《暗黑破坏神 2》不再是由四个地下城组成,而是由十六个关卡构成,其中有数十个庞大的地下城,玩家将通过五大系列任务探索其中。特殊物品数目由几十个增加到了上百个。《暗黑破坏神》中疯狂的战斗也被重现,玩家要打败数千个小怪以及五个超强的特殊头目。联机人数由四人提升到八人。事实上,多人游戏才是《暗黑破坏神》系列的魅力所在。
In the early 1980s, the cult game Rogue radically reinterpreted the RPG genre. Rather than trying to recreate the massive possibility space of tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons, Rogue sought to strip them down to just a few core ideas. Plot, towns and NPCs were all removed or greatly reduced so that the player could immediately start exploring a procedurally generated dungeon. An entire sub-genre sprang up from this model, in which players challenge an endless variety of dungeons, dying suddenly, dying often, and sometimes finding an amazing piece of treasure.
In the mid-1990s, Diablo creators David Brevik, Max Schaefer and Erik Schaefer set out to create a roguelike, but design compromises crept in almost immediately. Their publisher, Blizzard, told them that their game had to operate in real time – serendipitously giving Diablo the frantic combat for which it is known. The designers also added other non-traditional elements to its roguelike core, such as character classes and multiplayer support. The result of all these design compromises is a strange and beautiful game, part roguelike, part hack-and-slash, and entirely addictive.
Diablo II represents a refinement and expansion of the original Diablo. All of the same core ideas reappear, but the UI and core loop are streamlined. Virtually every part of the game is greatly expanded, as well. Instead of four dungeons spanning 16 levels, Diablo II features dozens of sprawling dungeons, taking place across five large “acts”. Instead of a few dozen unique items to find, the loot tables contain hundreds of them. The frantic action of the first game reappears, as players hack their way through thousands of monsters and five extra-tough, unique bosses. Multiplayer returns, and raises the party size from four to eight players. Indeed, multiplayer is the place where the real magic of the game happens.
1 译者注:过程生成技术指使用少量的代码,生成一个无限可能性的空间。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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