Blue Manchu, 2013
Windows, Mac 和 Web Browsers
Blue Manchu, 2013
Windows, Mac and Web Browsers

如果说 AD&D 和《万智牌(Magic: The Gathering)》之间有了个孩子,那一定就是《卡片猎人(Card Hunter)》[1] 。Irrational Games 的联合创始人 Jonathon Chey 聘请了《万智牌》的原作者 Richard Garfield,请他协助开发一款免费的卡牌游戏,定位为战略和角色扮演。最终,一个前所未有的游戏诞生了,它节奏明快、玩法有趣、战略性强,开发者也脚踏实地,没有眼高手低。
近来游戏设计圈的主流做法是降低 RNG [2] 的比重(也就是减少运气成分),强调其他游戏机制,而《卡片猎人》就朝这个方向迈了一大步。各项数据、属性、技能、天赋等等都被一并简化成卡牌。装备了“屁屁踢之靴”(Boots of Buttkicking)?几张移动牌和护甲牌会进入角色的牌组。脱下了“迷惑魔镜”(Perplexing Mirror)这件饰品?与它绑定的法术牌会从牌组中移除。
If AD&D and Magic: The Gathering had a baby, it would be Card Hunter. Jonathon Chey, co-founder of Irrational Games, hired Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic, to help him develop a tactical role-playing card-based free-to-play game. The end result is unlike anything else out there – quick, funny and deeply tactical, without taking itself too seriously.
A recent trend in game design circles is to eschew RNG (and therefore luck) in favour of other mechanics. Card Hunter is a giant stride forwards in this direction. Stats, abilities, skills, and perks have all been eliminated by simply making everything a card. Equip a pair of Boots of Buttkicking? Some movement and armour cards are added to the character's deck. Removed a Perplexing Mirror trinket? Its spell cards come out.
2013 年刚刚推出时,《卡片猎人》只是一个网页端 flash 游戏。2015 年,它登陆 Steam 平台,面向 Windows 和 Mac 用户推出了独立客户端。
Card Hunter was first released in 2013 as a web browser-based flash game. In 2015, it also got stand-alone Steam client for Windows & Mac.

Some battles have special objectives, such as controlling victory points, surviving X turns or defeating the enemy’s leader.

你的队伍由 3 位英雄组成,可选的职业有 3 个,可选种族也是 3 个,还有无数的法术和装备供你挑选。
You build your party of three heroes choosing from three classes, thee races and countless spells and equipment.
你偶尔还是要掷个骰子,但仅限于部分卡牌,而且只有在触发其特殊能力时才需要这么做。护甲就是个典型的例子。它的机制是“抵消”(counter),有些护甲牌会抵消少量额定伤害,有些护甲牌抵消的伤害多一点,但需要一定的手气,比如掷出 3 以上的点数。整个系统的平衡性做得很好,即便掷骰结果不尽人意,你也不会觉得膈应。
冒险以独立模组的形式进行,和 D&D 的模组十分相似。战役地图(campaign map)上可选的模组越来越多,玩家还能在商店里购买卡牌,在酒馆里招募或是替换英雄。
《卡片猎人》是当今 RPG 游戏中的一个异类。它生动地证明,一群资深的 3A 游戏开发者合作开发独立游戏时,能产生多么奇妙的化学反应。稍加助力,他们就能让一个游戏题材焕发别样生机。
The game still has some dice-rolls but these are only for some cards and only to enact their special power. A good example is armour, which is played as a “counter”. Some armour always slightly reduces damage, while others reduce more but only on a successful dice-roll of, say, 3+. It's a well-balanced system that feels right even when the dice-rolls are not in your favour.
Thus, equipment upgrades are agonising choices compared to the obvious DPS increases found in so many games. One weapon gives you two great attack cards and one lousy one, while another weapon offers three good attack cards. Which is better? You decide.
Battles follow an original formula: at the start of the round each character draws up to their hand limit. Then each side takes turns playing cards: attack cards to attack, movement cards to walk or run X squares, and counter cards (like armour) to cancel opponents' cards. When you have no cards left to play, or don't like your remaining cards, you pass. Once both sides pass, a new round begins. Characters keep up to two cards into the next round, with the remaining discarded. There's strategy in when to play and when to pass.
Adventures are played in self-contained modules, much like classic D&D modules. The campaign map provides increasingly diverse modules to choose, plus shops to buy cards and taverns to recruit/replace heroes.
A free-to-play game, Card Hunter is constantly in development, with new expansions and features (such as co-op) being added at regular intervals. Players can use real money to buy adventures, cosmetic changes, gold, loot chests and club membership – which offers an extra piece of loot in every chest for a period of days.
An anomaly in today's RPG scene, Card Hunter is a shining example of what a few seasoned AAA developers can do if they go indie. With a little help, they can turn a genre upside down.
1 译者注:也译为《卡牌猎人》。
2 译者注:即 Random Number Generator 随机数字生成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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