当一群俄罗斯人玩了很久的《席德梅尔的海盗(Sid Meier’s Pirates)》后,他们觉得自己能够做出更好的游戏,于是便诞生了《海盗时代(The Age of Pirates)》系列。他们几近成功。
这一系列开始于 2000 年的《海狗(Sea Dogs)》[1] 。贝塞斯达(Bethesda)为其签订了发行续作的计划,但将其更名为《加勒比海盗(Pirates of the Caribbean,2003)》,以便借用流行的迪士尼电影系列的名声。2006 年,Akella 发行了《海盗时代:加勒比传说》,由于版权问题,他们更改了这一系列的名字。
在此之后,其他制作者们开始了续作的开发。2007 年的《海盗时代 2:沉船之城(Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships)》是一次巨大的飞跃,游戏增加了三名可玩角色,改善了战斗,拥有了更具深度的属性系统,以便玩家进一步培养游戏角色。几年后,《海狗:各得其所(Sea Dogs: To Each His Own,2012)》发行,这是一款被独立发行的专业化制作 mod,游戏提高了画质,加入了更曲折复杂的剧情。
The Age of Pirates/Sea Dogs series is what happens when Russians play a lot of Sid Meier's Pirates and decide that they can do it better. By Crom, they almost did.
The series began with Sea Dogs (aka Corsairs) in 2000. Bethesda then signed to publish a sequel, but renamed it to Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) to take advantage of Disney's popular movie series. In 2006, Akella released Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales, changing the series' name due to copyright issues.
Afterwards, other developers began to make sequels. Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships (2007) was a huge leap forward, adding three playable characters, better combat and a deeper stat system for you to further customise your characters. Years later came Sea Dogs: To Each His Own (2012), a professionally made mod released as a stand-alone game, it improved the graphics and added a more involved story.
Each new game improved the engine and some of the systems, building upon the assets of the previous one, so the series' core gameplay remained constant: open-world sailing, fencing and swashbuckling.

在城镇的酒馆可以招募船员,打听传言,众多的商店和 NPC 可以给你提供任务。他们也可以被你俘获或打劫。
Towns offer taverns to hire crew and hear rumours, multiple shops and NPCs that can provide you with quests. Or they can be captured and pillaged.
你可以用第三人称或第一人称航行,用鸟瞰旅行模式在世界地图上旅行,徒步探索城镇,城堡和丛林,和 NPC 们交谈,获取任务或打听传言。你可以交易,打架,探索加勒比海,如果你探索地足够细致,就可以接到特殊任务,完成后会得到可观的财富和稀有船只。
You usually start the game choosing a character (some games only have one, others have multiple), a starting class (which defines your stats and initial gear) and a nation (England, France, Spain or Holland). You'll then have to complete a starting tutorial, which ranges from short and skippable in some games to somewhat longer story-based intros in others. After that, you set sail – the entire Caribbean now open to you.
You can sail in third- or first-person view, travel the world-map in a overhead travel mode and explore towns, forts and jungles on foot, talking to NPCs for quests and rumours. You'll trade, fight and generally blunder your way across the Caribbean and, if you wander enough, run into special quests that can reward you with considerable wealth and rare ships.
Your character's skills improve the more you use them, and you can buy perks that add key benefits to your playstyle. You can also hire ship officers and fighters to cover whatever skill deficiencies you have.
Fighting on land or while boarding involves two key parameters: health and stamina. You die when you run out of health, and you can't swat even a fly without stamina. You and your opponents play by the same rules, and while one-on-one combat is easy, getting swarmed in a group can be anything from challenging to tedious, depending on how well-stocked you are with potions. You also have the emergency option of firing a pistol, which, while handy in a pinch, takes long enough to reload that swordplay remains the chief means of fighting.
The first games have a button-mashing combat, but the swordplay was upgraded after Caribbean Tales, offering six moves: a light swing, a lunge, a heavy overhand blow, a counter attack, a parry and a huge swing that cuts at everyone in front of you. You can also block attacks, and sidestep or dodge backwards.
1 译者注:又称《海盗船(Corsairs)》。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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