Sierra On-Line, 1993
Sierra On-Line, 1993

荣耀任务(Quest for Glory)系列的第四部发生在摩达维亚(Mordavia),一个很适合拍环球影业恐怖片的闹鬼山谷。你被奇怪的魔法召唤至这片土地,唯一逃生的希望就是找出来到这里的原因。但是这并不容易:当地人对陌生人并不友好。
和大多数好游戏一样,上手《黑暗之影》需要花一点时间。它有点像 RPG,又有点像冒险游戏,它也有自己的特点。玩家创建角色,战斗,通过反复运用某些属性来使它们升级。游戏中最贵的道具并不是一把剑,而是一把扫帚(别担心,我保证它会很好用)。要想获得治疗药水,你需要赢得一场音乐记忆游戏,答对 20 道问题,捕获一只看起来像毛球(Tribble)[1] 的生物,然后引导这个蹦蹦跳跳的小家伙通过一座旋转的老鼠迷宫。
The fourth Quest for Glory game takes place in Mordavia, a haunted valley fit for a Universal horror film. Strange magic has summoned you to this land, and your only hope of escape is to find out why. But it won't be easy: the locals don't take kindly to strangers.
Here vampires, werewolves, and gravediggers cavort before tainted churches and squirming eldergods. This is an autumn world, ever on the brink of Halloween. Or, perhaps, its invention. But that's not to say the game takes itself too seriously. QfG4 is a perfect blend of comedy and gothic horror.
Like most great games, there's a bit of a learning curve. Part RPG, part adventure game, it's also very much its own thing. You create a character, fight battles, and raise stats by repeatedly using them. But the highest priced item isn't a sword, it's a hand broom (don't worry, I'm sure it will come in handy). And to get health potions you must beat a musical memory game, win a round of twenty questions, trap a Tribble-like creature and guide the bouncy little sucker through a rotating rat maze.
《荣耀任务:黑暗之影》的第一个版本是仓促发布的软盘版本,BUG 奇多,也没有精彩的语音演出,所以你要不惜一切代价避开它。
The first release of Shadow of Darkness was a rushed out floppy version, full of bugs and lacking the game's excellent voice acting. Avoid it at all costs.

The character system remains very similar to previous games in the series, with three core classes plus the possibility of making hybrids.
游戏的战斗部分是持久战,战斗以类似于街机游戏的方式展开(你也可以设置为自动战斗),单场遭遇战的挑战不大,但最后你会发现自己迷路了、中毒了,或是只剩下最后一瓶药。你惊恐地逃亡,身后有会追你到天涯海角的敌人,直到你找到避难所或安全屋为止——先遇到哪个都行。只有少数几个地方可供你休息,当进入安全屋时,你可以松一口气,这种感觉像是在玩初代《生化危机》(Resident Evil)。
《魔障》也是第一批“有声”的游戏,利用 CD-ROM 技术可以存储上千句台词,在当时,能够在游戏里听到角色说话是非常新奇的事。
Seasoned adventurers will try to combine every inventory item with everything in sight. But the world is so vast and there are so many items (you can get over-encumbered!) that brute-force puzzle-solving will get you nowhere. Progress is less about raising stats or combining items than talking to the right person, in the right place, at the right time.
You can play a Fighter, Thief, Magic-User, or import a Paladin from the last game. Problems have multiple solutions, ranging from casting the right spell to picking the right lock to punching the right face. I always picked the Fighter, much to the sarcastic narrator's delight: “You read the book, written entirely in one-syllable words, obviously intended for Fighters. It's absolutely fascinating.”
Combat is a war of attrition. Fought in an arcade-like manner (or set to auto-battle), individual encounters aren't overly challenging, but eventually you'll find yourself lost, poisoned and down to your last potion. Flee in terror and you'll be chased, screen after screen, until you find sanctuary or eternal rest – whichever comes first. Resting is only possible in a few locations, and the feeling of relief when you step into the warm safety of the inn should be familiar to anyone who played the original Resident Evil.
Few games have such atmosphere. As you leave town, the excellent soundtrack slowly fades, as if afraid to follow you into the woods. Darkness doesn't fall in Mordavia, it slowly suffocates the light. And as the gnarled trees look more and more like grasping hands, you might catch yourself wondering: Waitaminute... was that thing there before?
QfG4 was also one of the first “talkie” games, using CD-ROM technology to store thousands of spoken lines. Back then, actually being able to hear people talk was something of a revelation.
1 译者注:毛球(Tribble),《星际迷航》(Star Trek)系列中虚构的外星生物。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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