MegaSoft Entertainment, 1991
MS-DOS 和 Atari ST
MegaSoft Entertainment, 1991
MS-DOS and Atari ST

现在一款任意类型或玩法的 RPG 游戏发布,人们都一定会认为它具有这些元素:人物升级系统;丰富的背景故事;多种策略的战斗方式;海量武器、护甲和道具;能与 NPC 对话并伴随各种遭遇事件;一个很大的开放世界供探索;丰富的主线支线任务等等。这些元素可以说是定义了 RPG 游戏甚至影响了它的子类型,比如 roguelikes 游戏。
但是 RPG 游戏在 1980 年代和 1990 年代早期并没有形成这种固有印象。虽然这十年涌现出不少在某个领域十分出色的游戏,但却很少呈现出像今天玩家所理解的那种“完整”的角色扮演元素。如《创世纪(Ultima)》这样优秀的游戏也并未拥有一个出色的战斗系统,而《地牢大师 / 迷宫魔兽(Dungeon Master)》和它的续作也没有讲出一个完整的故事。
《钢铁门徒(Disciples of Steel)》却拥有所有 RPG 游戏该有的元素。它是一个前瞻性强且野心十足游戏,甚至超过了当年的技术力,不过瑕不掩瑜。
If an RPG is announced today, no matter its form or setting, one can assume it will have certain elements: meaningful character development; a rich backstory; combat that offers a variety of tactical options; a full inventory of weapons, armour, and accessories; dialogue and role-playing encounters; a large explorable game world; a variety of quests and, side-quests; etc. These elements have become so codified in what we understand as a “role-playing game” that even its sub-genres, such as roguelikes, have found ways to incorporate them.
There were no such assurances in the 1980s and early 1990s. The decade was full of games that excelled in one area or another but rarely presented a complete “package” of role-playing elements the way that the players of today might understand them. Ultima, for all its strengths, never had an excellent combat system, while Dungeon Master and its clones could never tell a coherent story.
Disciples of Steel offers such a complete package. It's a bold game, ambitious beyond the capabilities of its year. It does so many things that, even though it gets a lot of them wrong, there's still an awful lot that it does right.
《钢铁门徒》是位于德克萨斯州的 MegaSoft 公司推出的唯一一款游戏。原本计划好的着重于军队战斗的系列游戏因盗版、惨淡的销量和尖锐的评论而夭折。
Disciples of Steel was the only game from Texas-based MegaSoft. A sequel was planned, with greater focus on army battles, but piracy, poor sales and fierce reviews ended the series.

你可以用俯视角探索整个世界地图和众多村庄,但是这些城镇大多空空荡荡,除了商店、旅馆和寺庙之外再无其他 NPC。
You explore the world map and its various towns in a top-town view, but the towns are huge and mostly empty, with no real NPCs besides stores, inns and temples.
游戏开头用一段有配音的动画交代了故事背景。十二年前,为了对抗一群半兽人产生的威胁,拉纳托(Lanathor)王国集结了大酋长乌斯法· 内勒(Ustfa Nelor)和他的精英“钢铁门徒”。他们赶走了半兽人却付出了极大的代价。少部分门徒虽然幸存了下来但是在归途中却都神秘消失了。在游戏中,主角扮演内勒的继子,在一个神秘女术士的鼓励下重组“钢铁门徒”来彻底摆脱邪恶势力的威胁。
玩家首先需要创造一个 8 个角色组成的小队。在种族类型(人类 human、矮人 dwarf、精灵 elf、半精灵 half-elf、地精 gnome、半身人 halfling、食人魔 ogre 和巨兽 troll)到职业(战士 Warrior、骑士 Knight、牧师 Priest、法师 Mage、魔术师 Illusionist、盗贼 Rogue、僧侣 Monk、游侠 Ranger 和铁匠 Blacksmith)、技能、魔法、和战斗的基本机制等等方面,游戏都受到了 SSI 的《巫师神冠(Wizard’s Crown, 1985)》的启发。
还有许多细微差别——武器和盔甲可以受到伤害和被破坏;体重和负重严重影响战斗能力;身体部位可以被伤害并有独立的血量,等等。此外,买卖商品需要进行复杂的讨价还价,这个经济系统远远领先于当时的 RPG 游戏。
A fully voiced intro with animated graphics sets up the backstory. Twelve years ago, a horde of orcs appeared and, to counter the threat, the kingdoms of Lanathor united under the banner of warchief Ustfa Nelor and his elite Disciples of Steel. Although they drove off the hordes, it was a Pyrrhic victory, as few Disciples survived, and they all disappeared on the return journey. The game casts the player as Nelor's step-son, encouraged by a mysterious sorceress to reform the Disciples and destroy evil for good.
You start by creating a party of eight characters. For most of its mechanics, the developers were heavily inspired by SSI's Wizard's Crown (1985). The similarities exist in the types of races (human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, gnome, halfling, ogre, and troll) and classes (Warrior, Knight, Priest, Mage, Illusionist, Rogue, Monk, Ranger, and Blacksmith), their associated skills and the basic mechanisms of magic and combat.
Thus, combat is wonderfully tactical. It takes place on a top-down grid full of enemies and obstacles, with characters acting in order of initiative and possessing a huge number of actions – moving, attacking, casting, scanning the battlefield, equipping items, hiding, picking up items, performing first aid, aiming to improve the chance of hitting the next round, etc. The several dozen spells divided among the game's three spell-casting classes – all of which give you the ability to adjust the number of points channelled into them only add to the tactical options.
Then there's a myriad of other nuances – weapons and armour can take damage and break; weight and encumbrance greatly affect combat ability; individual body parts can be injured and must be treated separately from hit points, etc. Moreover, buying and selling items is governed by a complex bargaining system, and the economy itself is far more advanced than other RPGs.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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