Spiders, 2014
Windows, PS3, PS4 和 Xbox 360
Spiders, 2014
Windows, PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360

法国工作室 Spiders 作为游戏开发商来说并不爱走寻常路。他们于 2009 年发售的第一款 RPG 《妖精:阿瓦隆传奇(Faery: Legends of Avalon)》便非同一般。玩家在其中扮演妖精(fairies)并参与 JPRG 式的回合制战斗,还可以在如巨型世界树尤科特拉希尔(Yggdrasil)或飞翔的荷兰人(Flying Dutchman)[1] 等硕大的地图上自由翱翔。
接着工作室又于 2011 年推出了《妖兽与人类(Of Orcs and Men)》,一款含可暂停即时战斗系统(RTwP)[2] ,更加“规范”的 CRPG,但他们大胆地让玩家扮演起怪物的角色——肩负消灭人类国王这一重任的一名兽人(Orc)和哥布林(Goblin)。在这之后的 2013 年,《火星异种(Mars: War Logs)》这款动作类 RPG 发售了,在被科技异种(Technomancers)统治的反乌托邦科幻社会中,玩家将扮演逃离监狱的老兵与男孩。以上提到的这些游戏都非常不同寻常且富有创意,但都被紧凑的开发成本与不明智的设计思路深深拖累了,比如狭小且线性的区域、重复性高的战斗、极其有限的探索内容与角色成长,以及仓促的结局等。
French studio Spiders is one odd developer. Their first RPG, Faery: Legends of Avalon (2009), was an extremely unusual title, where you would play as fairies, battle in JRPG-style turn-based combat and freely fly across maps such as the giant world tree Yggdrasil or the Flying Dutchman.
They followed with Of Orcs and Men (2011), a more “standard” kind of CRPG with RTwP combat, yet bold enough to cast players as the monsters – an Orc and a Goblin tasked with killing the human king. Then came Mars: War Logs (2013), an Action RPG about a veteran soldier and a boy escaping prison in a dystopian sci-fi society ruled by Technomancers. All these games had exotic premises, but suffered heavily from tight budgets and some poor design choices.

Combat is in real time, but you can freely pause to cast spells, use items or give orders to your companion.

The crafting system stands out and allows you to add or replace parts of your weapons and armour to customise them to your playstyle.
《火焰限界(Bound by Flame)》正是工作室摸索着修补这些问题的一个尝试,他们翻新了《火星异种》的各类系统并加深了从 BioWare 那受到的影响。游戏内的场景仍旧被划分为各个区域,但比起之前作品中的地图要大得多。战斗设计被大大优化,包括了战士(Warrior)、盗贼(Rogue)与火炎术士(Pyromancer)三种战斗风格与种类多样的武器。游戏中还有五名可供发展恋爱关系的队友,以及设计杰出的打造与定制系统。
然而,游戏中的故事却是一部烂俗的中世纪魔幻英雄之旅。剧情中主角艰难抵抗着威力足以毁灭世界的冰霜领主(Ice Lords)与它们的不死瘟疫(undead scourge),一场意外却导致其被火焰恶魔(fire demon)附身。虽然因此被赋予了强大的力量,但主角只得不断在维持自己的人性或向恶魔交出人格换取力量之间做出选择。
游戏中的战斗与敌人用不了多久就会不断重复,需要回溯的内容繁多,大多数时候玩家做出的选择都没有意义,游戏的节奏也不始终如一,内容缺乏打磨且质量随着流程推进只会不断降低,最终迎来一个突兀的结局,即使它本该成就一段传奇。因此,《火焰限界》实在是很难被拿上台面。尽管它的游玩内容理论上已经是 Spiders 最优秀的出品,但相较之下还是比不上大部分 RPG 作品,更糟糕的是《火焰限界》失去了 Spiders 先前作品中那股大胆、奇异的创造力。简单地说,这款作品即平庸,也乏味。
如果有谁正在寻找一款由剧情主导的动作类 RPG,并想体验一下还说得过去的战斗与恋爱等等,这款低成本的类 Bioware 式作品或许还有点意思。但若你想体验一些新鲜的内容,我的建议则是不如尝试一下《妖兽与人类》吧。
Bound by Flame is an attempt to fix all that, polishing the systems from Mars: War Logs and solidifying their BioWare influences. The tight budget is still visible in things like how the game is divided into very small areas – similar to 2004's Fable – but the combat has been greatly enhanced, featuring three fighting styles (Warrior, Rogue and Pyromancer), as well as varied weapons, five romanceable companions, and a very well-done crafting/customisation system.
You play as a member of a mercenary company, taking a contract to help a group of cultists hold off against the evil Ice Lords and their undead scourge. Then things goes wrong and you're possessed by a fire demon – this gives you new abilities, but must often choose whether to keep your humanity or allow the demon more control in exchange for more power.
For the first two hours or so, Bound by Flame is an impressive game. But, sadly, as you go on, the same old problems begin to rear their heads. Combat and enemies quickly grow repetitive, there's too much backtracking, few choices matter, the pacing is inconsistent, it lacks polish and the game's quality declines as you advance. Spiders always had issues with endings, but here it's jarring how they abruptly conclude what should've been an epic saga.
All this makes Bound by Flame hard to recommend. While one of the best Spiders title gameplay-wise, it's underwhelming next to most RPGs – worse, it lacks that exotic creativity that their previous games had. It shows the direction that Spiders would follow with Greedfall in 2019, but couldn't realize yet.
Still, it might be interesting for those just looking for a story-driven Action RPG with decent combat, romances and all those BioWare-like elements. But if you're looking for something fresh, then I suggest giving Of Orcs and Men a try instead.
1 译者注:飞翔的荷兰人是一艘传说中的幽灵船,因为诅咒导致其永远无法返乡并只能在海上永远地航行。
2 译者注:Real Time with Pause,即可暂停即时战斗系统。指的是游戏在战斗中既可以进行实时输入,也可以暂停并给角色下达命令。它和其他游戏的主要区别在于,在 RTwP 游戏中暂停是游戏玩法的一部分,而其他游戏仅在您需要休息时才使用暂停。博德之门(Baldur’s Gate)系列就是 RTwP 最著名的实例。同时,如钢铁雄心(Hearts of Iron IV)等游戏虽然不是 RPG,但也应用了 RTwP 系统。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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