自动模拟公司(Automated Simulations) 1979
TRS-80, 雅达利 8 位机, Apple II, MS-DOS 等
Automated Simulations, 1979
TRS-80, Atari 8-bit, Apple II, MS-DOS, etc

由酷爱地下城冒险的吉姆·康奈利和他的两个 D&D 游戏朋友乔恩·弗里曼(Jon Freeman)和杰夫·约翰逊(Jeff Johnson)构想,《阿帕莎神庙》最初是为了满足他们对一个“图形冒险”游戏的渴望而发行的,这个游戏需要策略和一点运气,而不是需要玩家自己想象的纯静态文字游戏(比如:《巨洞探险》和《魔域》)。
这是所谓的 Dunjonquest 系列中的第一部。该系列虽然至今鲜为人知,但却催生了几款游戏,续集和扩展包,并且是最畅销的早期计算机游戏之一,最初的销量超过了《巫术 1》和《创世纪 1》。
尽管 TRS-80 的黑白块状图形在 1979 年得到了高度赞扬。但《阿帕莎神庙》成功的真正秘诀在于其深层次的战略体系、丰富的文字和人物塑造上。
Dungeons smell faintly of vanilla. This was one of many important life lessons I learned in my early adventuring days while descending into the depths of Temple of Apshai.
Conceived by avid dungeon master Jim Connelley and two of his D&D gaming friends, Jon Freeman and Jeff Johnson, Temple of Apshai was originally released to fulfil their desire for a “graphical adventure” game that required strategy and a little bit of luck to get by, as opposed to the text-only adventure games (like Colossal Cave and Zork) of the times that were imaginative but had static solutions.
It was the first in what would be called the Dunjonquest series. While rarely remembered today, the series spawned several games, sequels and add-ons, and was one of the best-selling early computer games, initially outselling both Wizardry I and Ultima I.
Although the blocky, black-and-white graphics of the TRS-80 received high praise back in 1979 (we didn't have much to go on), the real secrets to the success of Temple of Apshai was its underlying strategy system, rich writing, and sense of character.
Apshai 的引擎已被用来重复开发了 12 款游戏。由于自动化模拟公司拒绝更新其技术,最终使它在新游戏上失去了市场,并导致乔恩·弗里曼离开了公司。
Apshai's engine was reused for over a dozen games. Automated Simulations' refusal to update its technology eventually made it lose markets to newer games and led to Jon Freeman leaving the company.

由于您无法保存到 Apshai 的盒式磁带中,因此每次游戏开始时,您都可以随机一个新角色或输入以前英雄的统计数据,装备和经验等级。
Since you couldn't save into Apshai's cassette tapes, every time the game starts you can roll a new character or type in the stats, gear and XP of a previous hero.
就像所有的冒险一样,玩家从旅店开始,然后他们可以自定义自己的角色属性(或者让店主为他们掷骰子决定)并购买装备。受到 D&D 的启发 Apshai 的角色表使用了与 D&D 相同的核心属性。这些属性可以自由编辑,因为这样玩家就可以从 TRPG 上导入他们的角色。还有一个原因就是:在原始的 TRS-80 盒式磁带上,玩家无法保存自己的数据。
一旦有了充足(或不充足)的装备,玩家就开始了冒险。最初的地牢:Apshai 神庙是一座被过度生长的荒芜所吞噬的被遗忘神庙。这是充满了陷阱、密门、闪闪发光的宝石和恶心的生物 - 史莱姆,杂草丛生充满各种昆虫,还有不少前段时间死了但看不出是什么的东西。
1981 年发布的《增强版阿帕莎神庙》增加了一个新的副本地下城,主要是为游戏增加类似漫画的热闹和滑稽属性。任务发生在旅店和旅店的菜园内,菜园发生了很多奇怪的事件,供英雄们调查。这里有愤怒的家庭主妇和杀人的西红柿可以打,如果你运气好,还可以找到一锅美味的鸡汤或一些不合身的衣服。
第二个扩展包为“金字塔的诅咒(Curse of Ra)”(1981 年)的任务发生在沙漠里一个被诅咒的金字塔中。这里到处都是狭窄而曲折的走廊,到处都是陷阱,还有麻烦的石块掉下来堵塞出口。玩家们将面对狮身人面像、木乃伊以及最糟糕的野生骆驼等颇具异国情调的敌人。
Like all good adventures, players begin at the inn, where they can customise their character stats (or let the Innkeeper roll the stat dice for them) and purchase equipment. Being inspired by D&D, the character sheet for Apshai used the same core stats and they could be freely edited – both so that players could import their characters from tabletop RPGs, and because it was not possible to save character data on the original TRS-80 cassette format.
Once sufficiently (or insufficiently) equipped, the adventure begins. The original dungeon, Temple of Apshai, is a forgotten temple consumed by wild overgrowth. It’s chock-full of traps, secret doors and glittering gems, and inhabited by all manner of disgusting creatures – giant slimes, overgrown insects of all sorts, and various things that died some time ago but didn’t have the decency to acknowledge it.
Released in 1981, The Upper Reaches of Apshai expansion added a new dungeon. A comic relief act, it takes place in the gardens and houses behind the inn. There are peculiar happenings in the vegetable garden for heroes to investigate, angry housewives and killer tomatoes to fight and, if you are lucky, a delicious pot of chicken soup or some ill-fitting laundry to find.
The second expansion, Curse of Ra, (1981) takes place in a cursed pyramid in the middle of a desert. Full of narrow, twisting hallways, traps at every step, and inconvenient slabs of stone that drop to block exits, heroes will square off against exotic foes like sphinxes, mummies and, worst of all, wild camels.
There are four levels for each dungeon, each one more difficult than the last, but players could choose which level to explore in any order. There’s no true ending; players could revisit the dungeons as often as they liked and see it repopulated with monsters (both fixed and wandering) and treasure.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明