时间回到上世纪 90 年代中期,彼时 Interplay 的内部团队正在同时开发两款 CRPG,他们的重点是万众瞩目的《天翻地覆(Descent to Undermountain)》,而另一款次重点游戏叫做《辐射(Fallout)》。
这在今天听起来可能会很奇怪,所以需要做一点补充。1994 年,Interplay 发行了大获成功的《天旋地转(Descent)》,这是一款 3D 的零重力 FPS 游戏,在其中玩家操控一艘可以向任何方向移动的宇宙飞船。与此同时,Interplay 购买了基于《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》开发游戏的许可,于是一个有些上头的点子诞生了:开发一款基于《天旋地转》引擎的,《龙与地下城》式的全 3D 多人地牢探索游戏!
Interplay 在商业层面做出了聪明的决策,但技术层面简直是一场灾难。由于不熟悉引擎,开发团队举步维艰,游戏因此鸽了好几年,然后在 1997 年圣诞节被赶鸭子上架——游戏阉割了多人模式(然而盒子上仍然标明有多人模式)。更糟糕的是,它几乎不能玩:游戏经常崩溃、延迟、敌人飘在半空中、脑残的 AI、爬不了的梯子,以及许多致命 BUG。
即使你能够让游戏正常运行,战斗也是一团糟。《高级龙与地下城》规则被粗糙地改编成一款即时的 ARPG,玩家和敌人都打不中对方,直到其中一方掷骰子掷到了命中的一面——所以在游戏初期的几小时里,一次普通攻击就可以秒杀玩家。
玩家可以扮演战士(Fighter)、牧师(Cleric)、盗贼(Thief)或法师(Mage),或者将职业混搭——拥有诸如火球术(Fireball)、隐身(Invisibility)和羽落术(Feather Fall)等标志性法术。但在你达到一定级别之前,每天只能用一种法术。用了法术后,你就要选择是拿着匕首对敌还是找一个安全屋(很少见)休息。
敌人和环境比较单一,但至少背景和剧情设定还不错,故事发生在地下山(Undermountain),一座位于深水城(Waterdeep)下方的巨大地下城,也是 CRPG 游戏的绝佳场景。
Back in the mid-90s, Interplay's internal teams were working on two CRPGs: their big bet was the eagerly awaited Descent to Undermountain, while the other was a side-project named Fallout.
This may sound weird today, so some context is needed. Interplay scored a hit in 1994 by publishing Descent, a 3D zero-gravity FPS were you controlled a spaceship and could move in any direction. Around the same time, the company bought the license to make games based on AD&D, and thus a bold idea was born: a fully 3D Dungeons & Dragons multiplayer dungeon crawler based on the Descent engine!
While a clever business decision, the technical side was a disaster. Unfamiliar with the engine, the team struggled and the game was delayed for years, then suddenly rushed out for 1997's Christmas – without multiplayer (which was still listed on the box). Worse, it was practically unplayable, with constant crashes, slowdowns, enemies floating in mid-air, a brain-dead AI, unclimbable ladders and many other serious bugs.
Even if you got the game to work, combat was a mess. The AD&D rules were crudely adapted into a real-time Action RPG, as monsters and the player just keep missing each other until someone scores a lucky dice roll – in which case a single blow can kill your character during the first several hours.
Similarly, you can play as a Fighter, Cleric, Thief or Mage (or even multi-class) – with iconic spells like Fireball, Invisibility and Feather Fall. But until you level up a few times, you're limited to one spell per day. After that, your options are to battle monsters with a dagger or to find a (rare) safe place to rest.
There isn't much enemy or environment variety, but at least the setting and lore are both well employed, with Undermountain, a massive dungeon beneath the city of Waterdeep, being a great location for a CRPG.
地下山由四个中心区和几个互相连接的地牢组成,遍布陷阱、隐藏通道和可选择的探索区域,游戏拥有很棒的原声音乐以及有着不寻常任务和对话的 NPC。地牢做得也不错,尽管过于依赖幻影墙了。
遗憾的是,由于勉强运行的引擎、众多恶性 BUG、模糊的画质、乏味的战斗和开发商给玩家画的大饼,《天翻地覆》中的优秀设计都被埋没了。
Composed of four hubs and several interconnected dungeons, Undermountain is filled with traps, hidden passages, optional areas, a great soundtrack and NPCs with unusual quests and dialogues. The dungeons are also well-done, although too reliant on illusory walls.
Sadly, any quality to Descent to Undermountain is buried deep beneath a barely working engine, gamebreaking bugs, muddy graphics, tedious combat and many unfulfilled promises.

Combat is real-time, dull and mostly luck-based, as enemies can kill you in one or two hits – if they can roll past your Armour class.

主线任务从深水城的“黑杖”凯尔本(Khelben Blackstaff)处开启,但在地下城里也有许多寻求帮助和提供奖励的生物。[1]
Your main quest comes from Khelben Blackstaff in Waterdeep, but you’ll find many creatures inside dungeons asking for help or offering rewards.
1 译者注:凯尔本,全名凯尔本 ·“黑杖”· 奥罗桑(Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun),《龙与地下城》战役设定的虚构人物,深水城的法师领主。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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