阿尔比恩 - CRPG BOOK 翻译计划 | indienova 独立游戏


Blue Byte Software, 1995

Blue Byte Software, 1995

1995 年,我到家附近的电脑店,问老板有没有什么新出的好游戏。他知道我钟情于角色扮演类游戏,便推荐了一款由 Blue Byte Software 公司制作的《阿尔比恩(Albion)》。一款德国人制作的科幻题材 RPG?

起初我不以为然,但在听到这个游戏的制作者们也参与了我最爱的两款游戏——《琥珀之星(Amberstar)》和《琥珀之月(Ambermoon)》的开发时,便毫不犹豫地买下了它。当时我渴望玩到一款优秀的 CRPG 新作,游玩了几小时后惊喜地发现自己已经爱上了这款全新佳作。

首先,《阿尔比恩》拥有细节丰富,令人沉浸的故事,剧情相当出彩:23 世纪,地球上的一些大型跨国公司试图利用巨型采矿飞船开采无人行星的自然资源。你扮演一名多伦多(Tronto)号采矿飞船上的驾驶员汤姆· 德里斯科(Tom Driscoll),驾驶着侦查机执行侦察任务时在异星阿尔比恩上坠毁。据观测,阿尔比恩是一颗荒芜的星球,资源易于开采,但汤姆很快便发现事实并非如此。

In 1995 I went to my local computer shop and asked the owner for a new good game. He knew my preference for role-playing games and suggested a game called Albion, from Blue Byte Software. A sci-fi RPG made by German developers?

I was a bit skeptical at first, but after hearing that the game designers were also involved in Amberstar and Ambermoon – two of my all-time favourites – I was convinced and bought the game. I was starving for a new good CRPG and was positively surprised when I realised after a few hours of playing that I already was in love with this new fantastic game.

First of all, Albion shines with an immersive and detailed story. In the 23rd century, powerful multinational companies from Earth try to mine natural resources from uninhabited planets with great mining spaceships. You play Tom Driscoll, a pilot from the mining ship Toronto who crashes with his shuttle during a reconnaissance flight onto the exotic planet Albion. Albion is supposed to be a barren world, ready to be mined, but Tom discovers quickly that nothing could be further from the truth.

《阿尔比恩》原本是《琥珀之月》的续作,但因 Thalion Software(《琥珀之月》开发公司)的倒闭,《琥珀之月》的开发团队进入 Blue Byte,创造了一个新的故事和设定。

Albion began as a sequel to Ambermoon, but Thalion Software closed down and the development team moved to Blue Byte, creating a new story and setting.


Each race and class has access to different items, equipment and spells. For example, the Iskai can wield an extra small weapon in their tails.


在《阿尔比恩》里玩家可以在多个外星部落和派系之间互动,探索历史遗迹,发现丰富多样的景色,寻找用途各异的装备。Blue Byte 决心要做一款面向成年人并包含第一类接触[1] 、环境保护主义、反资本主义要素的游戏,与 2009 年的电影《阿凡达》(Avatar)有点相似。故事中包含曲折,背叛,谋杀相关的情节和凯尔特古魔法。


《阿尔比恩》的游戏流程很长,拥有 60 种不同的怪物和超过 166 名 NPC,与他们互动总是充满乐趣:你可以向每一个人询问各种问题(在对话框中显示)或是输入关键字来了解新的话题、秘密、文化、语言、任务、药剂制作、流言和角色关系。只和 NPC 互动的话故事进展会很慢,所以你必须阅读、推测后问更多的问题。当然多数情况下只能通过完成一些支线任务或招募到一些新的队友来获得答案。

Barely surviving the crash, you wake up in a village, surrounded by Iskai – exotic and intelligent cat-like creatures. Together with your scientist partner, Rainer, you must earn their trust through good deeds and intelligent conversation, while trying to find a way to warn the mining ship about its mistake.

Albion is full of alien tribes and factions to interact with, historic places to explore, rich and varied landscapes and various useful equipment to find. Blue Byte decided to make a game for a mature audience that addresses alien first-contact, environmentalism and anti-capitalism, similar to the 2009 movie Avatar. The story also features some twists, betrayal, murder and ancient Celtic magic.

The main plot is linear, but each major location offers plenty of things to discover. You can feel that the level design in Albion is a labour of love. Every little detail, creature, item and puzzle is carefully planned, created and placed manually. Around every corner a new little adventure or secret is waiting for you, to be discovered. This makes exploring a rewarding and exciting experience. The limited inventory, the deep dungeons, the serious wounds or conditions, the lack of provisions, the need of rest and some adventure game-style puzzles will force you to backtrack quite a lot. And you'll discover many optional areas as well.

Albion is a very long game, with over 166 NPCs and 60 different monsters, and interacting with them is always interesting: you can ask everyone about many topics (listed in a dialogue screen) or type in keywords to learn about new topics, secrets, culture, language, quests, potions, gossip and relations. The story develops slowly through interacting with people, so you have to read, guess and ask a lot. Of course often you'll only get answers by doing some side-quests and sometimes by recruiting new party members.


1 译者注: 指人类在 152.4 米内目击不明飞行物体,并且能清除描述其形状及细节。

GameDB 相关游戏: 阿尔比恩

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息

英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。

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