龙歌(Drakensang)改编自知名的德国桌面 RPG 《黑暗之眼(The Dark Eye)》。这一规则上一次被改编为电脑 RPG 要追溯到 1996 年的《阿卡尼亚王国:里亚的暗影》(Realms of Arkania: Shadows over Rivia,以下简称 RoA)。
自那以后很多事情都改变了。《龙歌》采用了更新的第四版规则,而且也没有使用 RoA 的第一人称小队制模式和回合制战斗。按照开发者的说法,《龙歌》是“3D 的《博德之门》(Baldur’s Gate)”——一部波澜壮阔的可暂停即时制 RPG,玩家创建一个角色,然后募集伙伴拯救世界。
说到这个,很多人首先会想到 2009 年的《龙腾世纪:起源(Dragon Age: Origins)》,但《龙歌》实际上比它更早。而且两者的基调差别也很大,《龙歌》采用了一种色彩丰富、略显卡通的美术风格,塑造一个异想天开的世界,其中到处都有滑稽可笑的角色。《龙歌》给人的感觉就像是好友之间一次愉快的桌面 RPG 记录一般。
Drakensang adapts The Dark Eye, the popular German pen-and-paper RPG, to a computer RPG for the first time since Realms of Arkania: Shadows over Rivia, way back in 1996.
A lot changed since then. Drakensang uses the updated 4th edition rules and, instead of a blobber with turn-based combat like RoA, plays as what its developers described as “Baldur's Gate in 3D” – an epic real-time-with-pause RPG where you create a character and gather companions to save the world.
This instantly brings Dragon Age: Origins (2009) to mind, but Drakensang actually predates it. It also goes for a very different tone, with a colourful, slightly cartoony art style and a whimsical world, populated by burlesque characters. It feels as a game born out of a fun pen-and-paper RPG session between friends.
Its main feature, The Dark Eye ruleset, is both a blessing and a curse. It's a complex, classless system, that offers a lot of freedom in character building. Experience points are used to directly upgrade your characters – improving attributes, spells and talents, or being spent on trainers to learn new ones.
在《龙歌》发行时,很多基于《黑暗之眼》规则的“自选历险体验”(Choose Your Own Adventure)在线游戏也随之一同推出,你可以在 www.tde-games.com 上玩到这些游戏。
A series of online Choose Your Own Adventure games based on The Dark Eye were released alongside Drakensang. You can play them at www.tde-games.com

游戏开始时,你可以从 20 个原型角色中选择,例如人类战斗法师(Human Battlemage)或矮人勘探者(Dwarf Prospector);你也可以选择“专家模式”(Expert Mode)然后按照《黑暗之眼》规则来定制角色。
You can start by choosing from 20 archetypes, such as Human Battlemage and Dwarf Prospector, or toggle the “Expert Mode” and customise your character using The Dark Eye ruleset.
另一方面,游戏对这些天赋和细枝末节的处理方式也给玩家带来了更大的挫败感。举一个例子,游戏中有五种社交(Social)天赋,其中包括快速交谈(Fast Talk)和诱惑(Seduce),但能够用上的机会非常少。游戏中大量的对话完全没有提供角色扮演选项,玩家只能点击唯一一个可以按的选项然后继续读对话;或者干脆跳过对话,因为尽管 NPC 大多造型独特,但台词却很无趣,而且翻译质量也很差。
总的来说,《龙歌》具备了成为一款伟大 RPG 游戏的基本组件,但是内容质量欠佳,而且也没有利用好自己的长处。这款游戏给人的感觉是怒其不争。它看上去很棒,而且系统丰富,它明明能成为一款优秀的游戏的!然而它没能做到。
Such degree of freedom demands understanding to be fully enjoyed. The developers added tooltips and a nice manual, but it's a system much more complicated than Dungeons & Dragons. Some nuances, such as how parry works, can be hard for newcomers to grasp.
A bigger frustration comes from how poorly the game employs all these talents and nuances, e.g. there are five Social talents, such as Fast Talk and Seduce, but you'll have very few chances to use them.
The majority of dialogues won't even provide a single role-playing option – you'll just click on the only available option and continue reading. Or just skip, since NPCs have unique looks but dull, poorly translated lines.
In fact, Drakensang as a whole suffers from a poor overall quality of content. Everything is linear and railroaded – once you explore an area and finish the main quest there, you're sent to the next area, unable to ever return to the previous one. Some quests have creative premises, but too often they force you to walk back and forth over large area, usually fighting the same respawning enemies over and over.
The combat is also a mixed bag. It has great animations and flows well, but lacks depth. During most of the game, characters will only have one or two combat skills, limiting your options. Worse, there's no collision detection – enemies can walk right through your heroes, making positioning useless.
This is tolerable during most fights, but hurts during the challenging boss battles – especially when they overwhelm you with large numbers of enemies, exposing the lack of tactical options available.
Overall, Drakensang has all the building blocks required for a great RPG, but the content lacks in quality and fails to take advantage of its strengths. Playing it leaves you disappointed. It looks great and has a rich system, it should be fun! But it isn't.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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