Westwood Studios, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, C64 和 NES
Westwood Studios, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, C64 and NES

作为 SSI 的 AD&D(专家级龙与地下城)系列的一部分,《希尔斯法尔(Hillsfar)》其实算是个“支线任务扩展包“,像现在的 DLC 一样,对于那些敢于追求的人来说,是有奖励的。
之前可以将你的角色从《光芒之池(Pool of Radiance)》导入《青色枷的诅咒(Curse of the Azure Bonds)》,你可以直接将这两作中的角色导入《希尔斯法尔》中,在本拓展作中角色并不会升级,但是在其中获得的经验会累积下来,玩过后你还可以将角色导回去。
Part of SSI's AD&D series, Hillsfar is a very elaborate side-quest and, like all side-quests, there are rewards to be had for those daring enough to seek them.
Instead of importing your characters from Pool of Radiance straight into Curse of the Azure Bonds, you can import them into Hillsfar, then transfer them back out. Characters cannot level up in Hillsfar, but the experience they earn will transfer with them.

You can visit guilds, stores, pubs, or you can break in, by lock-picking or using a magical Ring of Knock.

To pick locks you must find the correct pick for each tumbler. Besides the time limit, you must be careful of traps and of breaking the picks.
The game plays much differently than its Gold Box brethren. Your party camps outside the city of Hillsfar, where the mage Maalthiir has taken power, outlawed magic and oppressed the populace.
You take individual characters inside the city to quest alone. Based on their class, they find quests by visiting their respective guilds. Quests range from finding lost items to investigating a kidnapping, and may require you to fight for information in the arena or check out the latest gossip in the taverns. Three quests, with increasing rewards, are available for each class.
Most of the action takes place in the form of arcade segments. Travelling to outlying areas requires riding a horse across dirt roads while avoiding obstacles. Investigating locations (or breaking into them) takes place in a top-down perspective as you explore mazes for treasure and clues, avoiding the town guards and magical traps. There is an archery range where you may compete for prizes and an arena where you may fight for the same (sometimes your life).
All combat takes place in the arena, and since magic is outlawed, magic users will not be permitted to cast spells during the game. The mini-games are the same despite your class, though class will affect certain aspects of them. For instance, chests that you find will often be locked, and you can either force them open, risking dangerous traps, or if you are a thief you may engage in a lock-picking mini-game that requires good eyes and fast fingers.
Although as a standalone title the game can be tedious considering the lack of an overarching quest, as a companion piece to Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds and a chance to build your characters beyond the usual methods of experience farming, Hillsfar is an entertaining diversion and a fun place to explore.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明