Nihon Falcom, 1987
MSX2, MS-DOS, Apple IIGS, PC-88, 等
Nihon Falcom, 1987
MSX2, MS-DOS, Apple IIGS, PC-88, etc

在日本电脑游戏的早期,有很多基于动作 RPG,比如 T&ESoft 的《梦幻仙境(Hydlide, 1984)》和 SystemSacom 的《童话森林(Märchen Veil, 1985)》但最著名的是 Falcom 的《伊苏(Ys)》(发音为“eese”)。该公司以前在诸如《屠龙记(Dragon Slayer, 1984)》和《世外桃源(Xanadu, 1985)》等早期游戏中摒弃了回合制。但是《伊苏》是一款更具野心的游戏。
它讲述了红发英雄阿道尔・克里斯汀(Adol Christin)的故事和他探索传说中的伊苏之地的旅程,伊苏之地从地球上的位置挣脱出来,飞向天空。在一位神秘的算命师的帮助下,阿道尔得知六本魔法书以及两位远古的伊苏女神,她们从此走下神坛,生活在人类中间。
这款游戏的规模非常大,以至于被分成了两个独立的游戏——第一个游戏是阿道尔寻找 Ys 的《失落的伊苏古国・序章(Ancient Ys Vanished)》(也称为《永远的伊苏国》),第二个游戏是《失落的伊苏古国・终章(The Final Chapter)》,则是让他寻找并探索天空中的王国。在大多数现代重版中,这两个游戏都捆绑在一起作为一个版本来发行。
There were a number of action-based RPGs in the early days of Japanese computer games, such as T&E Soft's Hydlide (1984) and System Sacom's Märchen Veil (1985), but the most well-known is Falcom's Ys (pronounced “eese”). The company had previously eschewed turn-based RPGs with earlier games like Dragon Slayer (1984) and Xanadu (1985), but Ys was a more ambitious game.
It told the story of red-haired hero Adol Christin and his journey to uncover the legendary land of Ys, which had broken free from its spot on the Earth and flown into the sky. With the help of a mysterious fortune teller, Adol learns of six magical books and two ancient goddesses of Ys, who have since descended from their thrones to live among the humans.
The game was so large that it was split up into two separate games – the first, Ancient Ys Vanished (also known as The Vanished Omens) is where Adol searches for Ys, and the second, The Final Chapter, has him finding and exploring the sky-bound kingdom. In most modern re-releases, these are bundled together as a single release, which makes sense.
Nihon Falcom 是日本最重要的游戏开发商之一。在 80 年代,它与 Square 和 Enix 并驾齐驱,但由于专注于日本 PC 市场,所以它没有在西方被众所周知。
Nihon Falcom is one of the most important Japanese game developers. In the 80s it stood side-by-side with Square and Enix, but focused on the Japanese PC market – a reason why they aren't as well-known in the West.

BOSS 战可能让你觉得很吃力。但是商店(或隐藏地点)有一些物品和武器可以帮助您
Boss battles can be difficult, forcing you to grind. But there are a few items and equipment available at shops (or hidden) that can help you.
像许多早期的日本 Action-RPG 一样,您通过接触(冲向或者撞向)敌人来触发战斗,你的成功率基于你的经验等级。但是,如果以一定角度击中敌人,您的攻击威力将更大。第二款游戏中还引入了一个魔术系统,该系统允许阿道尔投掷火球,这样对付起敌人来来就容易多了。在其他的战斗法术中,还有一个可以把你变成怪物的法术,让你可以和其他的坏蛋对话,他们的各种想法不仅有趣,还能提供有价值的提示。
《伊苏》最初于 1987 年在日本 PC-8801 上发布,但后来被移植到多种家用电脑和主机上。它几乎在全球的各种主流平台上发布,首先是在 SEGA Master System 上,然后是在 MS-DOS 和苹果 IIGS 上。
这些都是还算不错的移植,但有人认为 PC 的移植糟蹋了优秀的原声配乐。游戏的成功有限,但 Turbografx-16 版本作为美国 TurboDuo 主机的捆绑,使得游戏得到了相当大大的曝光率。而且这个版本还包括新的过场动画,专业的声音表演和令人难以置信的红皮书音乐安排。
The first Ys game consists only of two towns, a tiny overworld and three dungeons, one of which is so gigantic that it occupies about half of the game. The second game is much longer and more involved, sending Adol through lands of ice and fire before reaching the shrine to defeat the evil Darm.
Like many early Japanese Action RPGs, you fight enemies by bumping into them, where your rate of success is based on your experience level. However, your power is much greater if you hit the enemy at an off-angle. The second game introduces a magic system that allows Adol to throw fireballs, which is much easier to deal with. Amidst other combat spells, there's also a spell that turns you into a monster, allowing you to talk to other bad guys, whose various musings are not only funny but provide valuable hints.
It may all sound overly simplistic, considering much of what one does is to roam the landscape, ramming into every enemy in sight, but that's really part of the fun. Ys doesn't bog itself down with puzzles or aimless wandering. For the most part, they're straightforward adventures that are fairly short, but full of the same sense of wonder and adventure that made the Zelda games so consistently popular.
Ys was originally released on the Japanese PC-8801 in 1987, but was ported to several home computer and consoles. It was released internationally on various platforms, first on the SEGA Master System, then on the MS-DOS and Apple IIGS.
These were OK conversions, though the PC ports butchered the excellent soundtrack. They had limited success, but the TurboGrafx-16 version was included as a pack-in for the US TurboDuo console, leading to much greater exposure. This version also included new cinematics, professional voice acting and incredible redbook arrangements of the music.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明