Mirrorsoft, 1989
Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, MS-DOS, 等
Mirrorsoft, 1989
Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, MS-DOS, etc

1980 年代 CRPG 的一个有趣的方面是:他们敢于尝试新的想法,既要成为更好的游戏,又要适应新的技术。有时他们会成功,也有时不成功。《血巫(Bloodwych)》是后者的一个很好的例子,这个游戏充满了很酷的想法,但几乎没有任何赞誉和认可,尤其是在现今。那么发生了什么呢?
One interesting aspect of 1980s CRPGs was how they dared try out new ideas, both to be better games and adapt new technology. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Bloodwych is a great example of the latter, a game full of cool ideas but barely any praise and recognition for them, especially today. So what happened?
The screenshots show the biggest idea: split-screen. Now two players can try to save the world together.
《血巫》之后发布的是《赫克斯:巫师的异端(Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard, 1994)》,是早期的 3D 地牢游戏,与《血巫》具有相同的英雄,但移除了多人游戏。
Bloodwych was followed by Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard. Released in 1994, it was an early 3D dungeon crawler featuring the same heroes, but no multiplayer.

One player battles a giant crab, while the other tries to bribe his way through a pair of ghost warriors.

The first player tries to figure out a locked door, while the second buys a spell from the magic fairy, which visits heroes when they sleep.
在创建角色的过程中会有更多的想法冒出来。从 16 个预先生成的角色中挑选一个,按颜色和牌型分类,以便确定他们的角色等级和魔法流派。黑桃是战士,红心是吟游诗人,梅花是魔法师,方块是盗贼。做好选择,玩家就可以在开始的地牢里走动,使用领先时代多年的基于关键字的多功能对话系统寻找和招募另外三个队友。
玩家还可以停下来,(尝试)与他们遇到的 NPC 交谈,但除了交易提议或使用商店外,几乎不太需要。这么多很酷的想法,真正用到的却很少,显得华而不实。8 位版本的《血巫》甚至直接删去了许多这些很酷的想法。
这一点在游戏的扩展包《扩展关卡(The Extended Levels)》中得到了一定程度的解决,其中的怪物更加健谈,提供有价值的交易,甚至可以被招募入党。但遗憾的是,这次的地牢关卡设计并没有更好的改进。因此,《血巫》就像一个充满了未使用的想法的房子,被历史所忽视,因为紧接着有更多有着更大想法的游戏从它面前经过,成为众所周知的经典之作。
More ideas pop up in the character creation process: Pick one of 16 pre-generated champions, sorted by colours and card suits to determine their character class and school of magic. Spades are fighters, Hearts are bards, Clubs are wizards and Diamonds are rogues. With this one champion the player walks about the starting dungeon to find and recruit three more champions using a versatile keyword-based dialogue system that was years ahead of its time. The biggest problem with the two-player mode reveals itself here: the game has the same amount of resources regardless of whether a friend tags along or not, meaning that players have to compete for champions, XP, food and gear. As there's nothing stopping players from attacking each other, a friendly game can turn nasty in a heartbeat.
The dungeons themselves are basic fare; key hunts, fake walls, pressure plates and spinners, and yet the concept of a second player doesn't play into the level design. In fact, another of the game's cool ideas is that the party can be split up, which opens up many new gameplay options but they are never used. At no time are multiple parties required to complete the game.
Players can also stop and (try to) talk to monsters they encounter, but short of trade offers or using shops there's little reason to bother. So many cool ideas, so little done with them. The 8-bit versions of Bloodwych even cut out many of these cool ideas.
This was somewhat addressed in the game's expansion pack, The Extended Levels, where monsters are more chatty, offer valuable trades and can even be recruited into the party. Sadly the dungeons are no better designed this time around. As a result Bloodwych stands as a house full of unused ideas, ignored by history as bigger games with bigger ideas strode past it to become known classics.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明