Interplay, 1988
Amiga, Apple II, C64 和 MS-DOS
Interplay, 1988
Amiga, Apple II, C64 and MS-DOS

赛博朋克(Cyberpunk)是一种我希望能够在 CRPG 中获得与桌面游戏同样多的体验的游戏类型之一,就 Interplay 公司而言,威廉・吉布森(William Gibson)的《神经漫游者(Neuromancer)》算作是这类型游戏的源头。而在 2D 冒险与 CRPG 的融合上来讲,《神经漫游者》比雪乐山公司《荣耀任务(Quest for Glory)》早了一年发布。
游戏并不遵循书中的事件,但使用相同的设置和一些角色。2058 年,人们通过手术植入的插孔将所有的 0 和 1 转换成了数字幻觉,从而实现了字面意义上的互联网。而里面的某个人或某种东西让你所有的朋友接二连三地消失不见。
作为一个名下只有 6 个信用点的网络空间“牛仔”,昨晚享用的食物都还处在尚未支付的状态中的家伙,玩家将被拉入同样的谜团——审问 NPC 以获得线索,找到进入你其实不想去的地方的方法,然后最终进入矩阵寻找数据和信用点,获得升级和连接时间。
人们也可以用廉价的塑料来代替身体器官,尽管不要指望你所剩下的肉体能在网络空间中存活下来——哪怕是来自赛博空间的轻微生物回馈冲击都抵抗不了——但这在概念上很有趣。虽然《神经漫游者》是一部黑暗的、令人恐惧的小说,但游戏采取了一种幽默的方式。最能体现这一点的事件莫过于遇到一个Pong 崇拜者的教派——是的,那款经典游戏。
Cyberpunk is one of those genres I wished had gotten as much play in CRPGs as they did on tabletops. For their part, Interplay went straight to the source with William Gibson's Neuromancer. The result was a sort of cross between a traditional 2D adventure and a CRPG, a year before Sierra's Quest for Glory hit retail.
The game doesn't follow the events of the book, but uses the same setting and some of the characters. In the year of 2058, people plug into the ‘net in a literal sense thanks to a surgically implanted jack in their head transforming all those 0s and 1s into a digital hallucination. And someone or something in there is making all of your friends disappear one by one.
As a cyberspace ‘cowboy' that only has six credits to his name and who spent the last night face down in food he hasn't paid for yet, you'll be pulled into the same mystery – interrogating NPCs for leads and finding ways into places you're not wanted, then eventually hitting the matrix in search of data and the credits for upgrades and connection time.
Skills are learned via chips that can be bought and upgraded the same way software and your cyberdeck can be. Spells are software. Those are used in combat within cyberspace against intrusion countermeasure electronics (ICE) and the occasional AI watchdogs, protecting their fortress of corporate secrets.
One could also sell organs, replacing them with cheap plastic, though don't expect what's left of your meat body to survive more than a minor biofeedback shock in cyberspace. While conceptually interesting, these interactions are when the tone difference stands out. While Neuromancer was a dark, frightening novel, the game takes a tongue-in-cheek approach. No event is more emblematic of this than meeting a sect of Pong worshipers. Yes, the video game.
“I suppose the ultimate Neuromancer game would pit you against a real AI...”
– William Gibson
尽管 Interplay 的愿景很独特,但其他人的目标甚至更高。LSD(迷幻药)的倡导者心理学家蒂莫西・李里(Timothy Leary)也有这本书的授权,他推出了一款不同的游戏——一个 CYOA(Choose Your Own Adventure,自选历险)类型的“心灵电影”,你以明人的身份进行游玩,把网络空间视为你的另一个分身。
As unique as Interplay's vision was, others had even higher aims. Timothy Leary, the LSD-advocating psychologist, was the book's licence owner and pitched a different game – a CYOA “Mind Movie” where you played as celebrities and saw cyberspace as fractals.
No matter the interpretation, Neuromancer's cyberpunk manifesto continues to influence dystopian futures where flesh is cheap and information can flash-fry the wetware between your ears.

A big part of the game is spent trying to get money to survive, in any way possible.

Surfing through cyberspace, you'll use ‘warez' to infiltrate databases.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明