Subset Games, 2012
Windows, Mac, Linux 和 iOS
Subset Games, 2012
Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS

“令人沮丧”、“刺激”、“独一无二”,这些词只不过是人们对这款游戏评价的一小部分。《FTL:超越光速(FTL: Faster Than Light,以下简称 FTL)》正是这样一款难度极为残酷,却又令人疯狂上瘾的 rougelike RPG。
FTL 的故事中,一队联邦(Federation)士兵正在逃离不断推进的叛军势力。他们要穿越 8 个关卡,分别代表银河中的 8 个星区,每一个星区都比上一个更加危险。
“Frustrating”, “thrilling”, “unique”. These are just a smattering of the words used to describe the brutally difficult, insanely addictive roguelike RPG that is FTL: Faster Than Light.
FTL tells the story of a crew of Federation soldiers fleeing the advancing hordes of a rebel force across eight sectors of a galaxy, representing the eight stages of the game, each more dangerous than the last.
Dogged at every turn by the insurrectionists, your implacable enemy slowly moves from left to right across each starmap, pushing your ship inexorably toward the next sector, or doom, if you decide to turn and fight. Your crew will encounter pirates, automated drones, distress beacons, ion stars, ship fires, enemy boarding parties and giant alien spiders, to name just a few things that want to kill you.
FTL 是靠众筹完成的。2012 年 4 月,Subset Games 在 Kickstarter 上发起了众筹,初始目标为 10,000 美元,最终筹集到了 200,542 美元。
FTL was funded by a Kickstarter campaign in April 2012. Subset Games received 200,542 dollars, from an initial $10,000 goal.

Some battles can have special hazards, such as fighting against an unmanned drone ship while inside an asteroid field.

Not only do you have to choose what systems to upgrade, but also how to distribute your ship’s energy between them.
不过有些时候,似乎是游戏本身更想要你的命。和很多 roguelike 游戏类似,FTL 使用一个简单的随机数生成器决定各种事件的结果,例如在星球之间每次跃迁会遭遇什么事件、你装备的爆裂激光 II(Burst Laser II)每次开火是否命中,以及每次你派一名船员深入险境会取得什么成果。尽管某些成员技能以及飞船升级可以增加随机数对你有利的几率,极端的坏运气还是有可能找上门来,这往往就会让一片大好的形势直接中道崩殂。
另一项 roguelike 要素是永久死亡。当你的飞船被摧毁,这一次游戏也就结束了,你必须从第 1 星区重新开始。这给你的每一个决定带来了真实的压力,你需要好好考虑这会如何影响你的飞船和船员。
RPG 要素在 FTL 中也大量存在:作为一个谨慎的指挥官,为了战胜位于第 8 星区的叛军旗舰,你必须升级自己飞船的系统,寻找、购买或者是打捞新的武器,还要招募并训练新的船员。这些要素直接影响了一场游戏能否成功,如果没有充分的准备,你将难以获胜。
最后,经验丰富的指挥官们还有不少 mod 可以选择。《船长版(Captain’s Edition)》加入了一大堆新特性,包括新的武器、随机事件、空间站战斗、星区环境障碍以及很多其他特性。另一个 mod《力挽狂澜(Turning the Tide)》则允许勇敢的(也可能是有勇无谋的)FTL 船长调转船头去迎战紧随在身后的恶魔,现在你不只能逃跑,还可以把叛军打回去。所有的 mod 都和《FTL:高级版(Advanced Edition)》兼容——这是个完全免费的 DLC,加入了新的飞船船体、种族、武器、次级舰船系统以及一些对游戏的调整。
不要被 FTL 的难度所吓倒。死亡是这游戏一半的乐趣——不,说真的,其实是全部的乐趣!
What most wants to kill you, it seems at times, is the game itself. FTL, like many roguelikes, has a simple random number generator which determines the outcome of every jump between the stars, every shot fired from your Burst Laser II, every time you send a crew member into harm's way. While certain crew skills and upgrades to your ship increase the percentage chance that the randomly generated number will come up on your side, there's always the possibility of an extraordinary string of bad luck that ends an otherwise successful run prematurely.
Another roguelike element is permadeath. When your ship is destroyed, your run ends and you must start over again in Sector 1. This adds real weight to every decision you make, and how it will affect your ship and crew.
RPG elements abound in FTL: in order to overcome the Rebel flagship at the end of Sector 8, a prudent commander must upgrade his or her ship's systems, find, purchase, or salvage new weaponry, as well as recruit and train crew members. These elements contribute directly to a successful run, and it is almost impossible to win without them.
Finally, many mods await the experienced commander. The Captain's Edition mod installs a host of new features including new weapons, random events, space station battles, and sector hazards, to name just a few. Turning the Tide, another mod, allows a courageous (or perhaps foolhardy) FTL captain to turn and face the demons in pursuit, and not only escape, but push the rebels back. All of these mods and more are compatible with Advanced Edition, a completely free DLC which adds a new ship and race, new weapons, subsystems, and a few tweaks to the game.
Don't be daunted by FTL's difficulty – dying is half the fun. No, really, it is!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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