Brace Yourself Games, 2015
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Switch 等
Brace Yourself Games, 2015
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Switch, etc

《节奏地牢(Crypt of the NecroDancer)》是一款色彩艳丽且有着独特机制的 roguelike 游戏,游戏中敌人会踩着音乐节拍进行攻击和移动。
游戏主角凯丹丝(Cadence)是一个活力旺盛的女孩,为了寻找自己失踪的父亲而鲁莽地决定闯入禁地。但很快她就不幸殒命……尽管邪恶的死灵舞者(NecroDancer)[1] 让她再度活了过来,但代价却是一个使她的心脏以及维持生命的方式与地牢中的节奏紧密相连的邪恶音乐诅咒。可希望还是有的,如果她能反过来利用诅咒,抵达地下墓穴最深处击败死灵舞者的话,或许还能逃出生天。
游戏流程的循环很容易掌握,玩家需要找到并击败每关的小 Boss,然后在音乐停止之前抵达前往下一层的楼梯。游戏推荐玩家依照音乐节奏移动和攻击,因为这除了能让地面变成迪斯科地板的特效外,还能使得你的连击槽增加,反过来也会让你从敌人那里获得更多金币并强化某些武器。玩家每探索四层都会遭遇一个高难度的音乐主题 Boss,比如音乐逐渐加速的死亡吟唱者(Death Metal)[2] 。游戏真正的难点在于如何了解敌人行动模式并加以利用,为自己创造有利条件。
倘若没有 Danny Baranowsky 创作的令人难忘的配乐,游戏也不会如此成功。随着角色专属曲混音版的逐步更新,游戏曲风迎来了从电子舞曲(EDM)[3] 到电子合成器(synthwave)[4] 再到金属音乐[5] 的转变。
Crypt of the NecroDancer is a colourful roguelike with a very unique twist: the movement and attacks of every enemy in the game are performed to the beat of the music.
The main protagonist is Cadence, a feisty lass, who recklessly decides to enter the forbidden crypt in search of her long-lost father. She promptly dies... and gets resurrected by the ominous NecroDancer, albeit with a dark musical curse. Her heart, and by extension lifeforce, is now linked to the rhythm of the crypt. But there's still hope: if she manages to turn this curse into a boon, reach the lowest floor of the crypt and defeat the NecroDancer, she may yet win her freedom.
The gameplay loop is easy to grasp: on each level you need to find a mini-boss, defeat it and reach the stairs to the lower floor, preferably before the music stops. It is recommended that you move and attack to the rhythm of the music, as apart from the effect of changing the ground to a flashing disco floor, it increases your combo meter. This in turn gives you more gold from enemies and strengthens certain weapons. Every fourth floor you enter is occupied by a music-themed boss posing a difficult challenge e.g., reaper-like Death Metal with sped up music. The true difficulty of the game though, comes from learning the enemy patterns and utilizing them to your advantage.
Every run that you perform brings you one step closer to victory, not only due to the fact that your skills are improving, but also because in-between the runs you get to unlock new weapons, spells and items for use in the future. By reaching specific milestones and goals it is also possible to unlock new characters to play, each with an additional quirk such as the Monk who dies instantly upon entering a tile with gold. In fact, to experience the full story you will have to finish the game thrice, with increasingly difficult characters.
2019 年推出的《节奏海拉鲁(Cadence of Hyrule)》是一款由《节奏地牢》联动《塞尔达传说(Legend of Zelda)》系列推出的衍生作品。该游戏为 Nintendo Switch(NS)平台独占,但 PC 版的《节奏地牢》可以通过 mod 加入《洛克人(Mega Man)》系列和《传说之下(Undertale)》等游戏的角色。
Cadence of Hyrule is a 2019 spin-off that combines NecroDancer with the Legend of Zelda series. It's exclusive to the Nintendo Switch, but there's mods for NecroDancer on PC that offer similar mashups with series like Mega Man and Undertale.
总而言之,《节奏地牢》是一款极富魅力的轻量级游戏,同时也能带来令人欲罢不能的游戏体验。当你犯下害你过早死掉的错误时,你定会咬牙切齿,不过相信我,当你每次返回初始点时收获都会更多。当然,《节奏地牢》称不上是一款 RPG 游戏,不过我们本来就没把它当作是一款 RPG。在再杀一条恶龙救一个王国之前,有时候跳个迪斯科其实也不错,不是吗?
The game wouldn't be as successful if not for the memorable soundtrack composed by Danny Baranowsky. It has been gradually updated with the remixed versions tied to certain characters, with music genres ranging from EDM through synthwave to metal.
All-in-all, Crypt of the NecroDancer is a lightweight and charmful, but also a very addictive experience. You'll grind your teeth when you make a mistake that leads to your untimely death, but trust me: you will come back for more every single time. And sure, it is not a full-fledged RPG, but it was never supposed to be. Sometimes between slaying another dragon and saving another kingdom it is good just to disco a bit, don't you think?

Inside the dungeons you’ll find weapons that change your attack range, as well as armour, bombs, keys, shovels, spells and other consumables.

《节奏地牢》中有 10 个玩法风格各不相同的角色,包括不需要跟随节奏行动的吟游诗人(Bard)。DLC《节奏地牢:扩幅(Amplified)》中增加了 4 名额外角色和几种新的游戏模式。
NecroDancer has 10 characters with different playstyles, including the bard, that doesn’t need to follow a beat. The Amplified DLC adds 4 more characters and several new game modes.
1 译者注:游戏的幕后Boss,是一个拥有魔法道具金鲁特琴(Golden Lute,也是游戏中的一个 Boss)的死灵法师。
2 译者注:字面意思,就是一个重金属乐手风格的死神。
3 译者注:EDM(Electronic Dance Music)字面意思解释为电子舞曲,主要特征是主要使用合成器、鼓机和 DAW 软件进行创作,带有极强律动感节奏的电子乐,主要用以伴舞。
4 译者注:主要以使用合成器音色为主,添加鼓机和80年代旋律,外加些当代电子音乐的审美和技术来制作的电子音乐。
5 译者注:主要特征为厚重奔放,曲风带有一定攻击性能且引起听者躁动感的音乐类型,细分下可分为黑金属,死亡金属,激流金属,新金属,厄运金属,华丽金属,重金属,工业金属等多种重型音乐。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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