Robert Alan Koeneke, 1983
VAX-11/780 (MS-DOS, Amiga and Linux)*
Robert Alan Koeneke, 1983
VAX-11/780 (MS-DOS, Amiga and Linux)*

摩瑞亚(Moria)最初发布于 1983 年。开始的设想是俄克拉荷马大学 VAX-11 / 780 小型计算机的 Rogue 克隆版本(不要与 1975 年的 PLATO Moria 游戏混淆)。随着开发的进行,该游戏与之前的游戏开始有了很大变化:场景变成了托尔金的中土世界,目标是杀死炎魔。
更重要的是,《摩瑞亚》引入了一些功能,这些功能后来对于某些 roguelike 游戏必不可少:在地牢顶部有带有商店的城镇,滚动多屏地图,咒语,具有特殊属性的人造物品,角色类别和种族,以及需要携带光源。
First released in 1983, Moria started out as a Rogue clone for University of Oklahoma's VAX11/780 mini-computer (not to be confused with the 1975 Moria game for PLATO). As development went on, the game started to differ significantly from its predecessor: the setting became Tolkien's Middle Earth and the objective was to kill the Balrog.
More importantly, Moria introduced several features that would later become essential to certain sub-genre of roguelikes: a town with shops at the top of the dungeon, scrolling multiple-screen maps, spells, artefact items with special properties, character classes and races and the need to carry a source of light.
At the beginning of each game, a new character must be created. Race, class and sex are chosen by the player while all the stats, as well as the character's background, are randomised (the game allows rerolling so one shouldn't worry too much). From then on, Moria is pure dungeon crawling with occasional trips back to the town in order to sell useless equipment and buy better ones, replenish food and torches and identify unknown items.
最初的 Moria 是为 VAX11 / 780 计算机制作的,但其创建者共享了源代码,从而允许各种版本和移植,但必须保持其非商业性。
*The original Moria was made for VAX-11/780 computers, but its creator shared the source code freely, which allowed various versions and ports – under the requirement that it was kept non-commercial.

The town shops allow you to prepare yourself for the dungeon. But beware, as beggars and thieves also roam the streets and may steal your gold – or life.
这款游戏(以及其他受其启发的游戏)主要集中在战斗和探索上,没有 NetHack 的基于物品的谜题或 ADOM 的任务——就像之前的 Rogue 一样,目标都是在对抗成群怪物的同时到达地牢的深处。《摩瑞亚》的等级(城镇除外)不会继承——当你重新回到你访问过的地牢时,它会从头开始。
《摩瑞亚》的界面与 Rogue 有点不同,游戏区占据了屏幕的右侧,角色信息放在左侧。也有一些图形上的区别,比如墙壁用“#”表示,楼梯用“不等号”表示。
游戏通过文本终端(通常可以通过 Telnet 或 SSH 远程玩游戏)进行,并通过键盘进行控制。这种控制方案对于笔记本用户来说可能是个问题,因为大多数版本的《摩瑞亚》都是用数字小键盘控制的,而不能使用方向键或 VI 式的键位来控制。
不幸的是,《摩瑞亚》 是早期的 roguelike 游戏,它存在许多与玩家在 Rogue 或“创世纪传说”(Hack)中可能遇到的相同问题:游戏很难,困难到你无法为自己做好最坏的准备。
这使得玩家在任何游戏中的生存都大大依赖于随机数生成器的摆布,但《摩瑞亚》则更具难度了:在开发游戏时,每个新版本都是对那些已经成功击败前几个版本的老玩家的挑战。结果,《摩瑞亚》的高难度使它变得不那么受欢迎,即使对于以前玩过 roguelike,对程序生成的关卡、永久死亡和高难度没有意见的玩家也不是很喜欢这款游戏。
The game (as well as others inspired by it) is focused mostly on combat and exploration and doesn't feature NetHack's item-based puzzles or ADOM's quests – like Rogue before it, it's all about getting to the bottom of the dungeon while fighting against hordes of monsters. Levels (with the exception of a town) in Moria don't persist – when you return to the dungeon floor you've visited, it will be generated anew.
Moria's interface differs a bit from the one of Rogue: this time, playing area occupies the right side of the screen, with the character information placed on the left. There are also a few graphical differences like the walls being denoted by a hash sign and the inequality signs being used for staircases.
The game is played through a text terminal (with the usual possibility of playing the game remotely through Telnet or SSH) and controlled with the keyboard. The control scheme might be a problem for laptop owners as most versions of Moria are controlled with the numpad, without the possibility of using arrow keys or the VI-style controls.
Unfortunately, Moria is an early roguelike and it suffers from many of the same problems a player might encounter with Rogue or Hack: it's difficult while not being complex enough to provide you a way of preparing yourself for the worst encounters.
That would be enough to make your survival in any game dependent on the mercy of random number generators, but Moria takes it a few steps further: while the game was being developed, each new version was supposed to be a challenge for the veteran players who've managed to beat the previous ones. As a result, Moria's difficulty makes the game unwelcoming even to those who've played roguelikes before and don't have a problem with procedurally generated levels, permanent death and a high level of difficulty.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明