来自德国的 Daedalic 因《德波尼亚(Deponia)》、《埃德娜和哈维(Edna & Harvey)》等传统的指向点击[1] (point and click)冒险游戏而出名,因此,当他们推出《黑色守卫(Blackguards)》这款基于“黑暗之眼”(The Dark Eye)[2] 桌游规则的回合制战略 RPG 时,玩家们多少都吃了一惊。
虽然“扮演法外狂徒”的暗黑叙事是游戏的卖点,但整个剧情不乏司空见惯的老套路和陈词滥调般的英雄主义。相比之下,《黑暗之眼》规则才是真正吸引人的地方。尽管经过简化,比如删除了大部分非战斗天赋,这套规则也仍然严谨缜密,同时也颇为复杂,甚至可以说复杂得让人发怵;加之游戏内并不区分职业[3] ,因此你在创建人物时有很高的自由度。这对硬核玩家而言自然是乐趣无穷,但对新手来说,规则稍显晦涩,上手难度较高。。而且,固定的队友实际上会限制你升级队伍的方向,在某些情况下,你甚至只能重开游戏。
Known for old-school point-and-click adventure games such as Deponia and Edna & Harvey, German developer Daedalic took gamers by surprise by releasing Blackguards – a tactical turn-based RPG based on The Dark Eye tabletop ruleset.
While the story sells itself as a dark narrative where you play as outlaws, it's rather cliché and heroic. The Dark Eye ruleset is the true drawing point. While some of it was cut, such as most non-combat talents, it remains a solid and complex (if rather intimidating) classless system, offering ample freedom when creating your character. It's a joy for hardcore players, but very poorly explained for newcomers, and the forced party members end up limiting some of your party-building possibilities – sometimes even forcing a restart.

The game excels on its diverse combat scenarios, like battling zombies on a crypt lit only by occasional lightning strikes.

The character system is complex and allows for a lot of customisation, but Blackguards is sadly lacking in equipment variety.
《黑色守卫》也清楚自己的局限性,于是采用了一些突破常规的设计来弥补它的不足,将筹码全押在战斗环节上,其它内容则一律简化:各个城市不过是简单的动画背景,辅以商店以及可以对话的 NPC;探索仅仅通过布满图标的 2D 世界地图来完成;地牢[4] 不过是一连串不停歇的、半线性的战斗;剧情也只靠简单的过场动画来推进,只有几个地方需要玩家做选择。这营造了一种“西式《最终幻想:狮子战争》(Final Fantasy Tactics)”的既视感。此外,虽然前几个小时的内容十分线性,但在那之后,游戏就会开放大量有趣的支线任务。
在《黑色守卫》中,玩家会以一种不同寻常的方式体会到 Daedalic 在开发冒险题材上的深厚底蕴。游戏不存在随机战斗,这就意味着每一场遭遇都发生在为其量身打造的舞台上,往往有着独特的挑战或是战术上的谜题:陷阱、时间限制、刷新敌人的地洞、可移动和摧毁的物件、回血球、坠落的大吊灯、机械刀刃、飞翔的巨龙、沼气、巨型触手、能操控心灵的植物、吊桥、土崩瓦解的走廊、起重机上的大铁笼,凡此种种,数不胜数。没有哪个 RPG 能像它一样,提供这么多有趣的战斗场景。
单单这点就足以让《黑色守卫》成为战略游戏爱好者或是 RPG 制作人必玩的作品。遗憾的是,游戏时长拖得太久(40 至 60 小时),敌人和装备的种类也并不丰富,导致游戏的后半程相当无聊。
更遗憾的是,Daedalic 自己都没有意识到这款游戏的乐趣所在。《黑色守卫 2》(2015)大幅简化了前作的 RPG 元素,一心要向策略类游戏转型;原本精心制作的遭遇战也不复存在,取而代之的是平衡性极差的战斗,你不得不与成群的、不断刷新的敌人厮杀。测评人士倒是乐见这种变化,但玩家并不买账——《黑色守卫 2》的销量只是前作的零头,这个系列可能也不会有续作了。
Blackguards knows its limitations and uses some unconventional design choices to compensate for them, betting everything on its battles – cities are presented as simple animated backgrounds with stores and NPCs to talk with, exploration is limited to a 2D world map full of icons, dungeons are but a semi-linear sequence of battles without rest, and the story is told via simple cutscenes, with an occasional decision to be made. This leads to a unique “Western Final Fantasy Tactics” feel, and while the game's first hours are very linear, it later opens up to a wide range of interesting side-quests.
Daedalic's background as an adventure game developer is felt here in an unusual way. There are no random battles in Blackguards, meaning that every encounter happens in a unique arena specifically designed for it, often with unique challenges or tactical puzzles. There are traps, time limits, holes that spawn enemies, movable and destructible objects, healing orbs, falling chandeliers, mechanical blades, flying dragons, swamp gas, giant tentacles, mind-controlling plants, drawbridges, collapsing passageways, a giant cage on a crane, etc. There's not a single RPG out there that offers so many interesting combat scenarios.
This alone makes Blackguards a must-play for any tactical fan – or RPG designer. Unfortunately, the game stretches out for far too long (40 to 60 hours), and the limited variety of enemies and equipment results in a rather stale second half of the game.
Even more unfortunate was Daedalic's failure to realise what made the game fun. Blackguards 2 (2015) streamlined the RPG elements to focus on an ambitious strategic campaign, and the tightly crafted encounters were replaced by poorly balanced battles against hordes of respawning enemies. It pleased reviewers, but not players, selling at only a fraction of the first game and likely ending the Blackguards series.
1 译者注:此为 Steam 平台上对“point and click”的译名。“指向点击”是冒险游戏中一个常见的类别,通常来说,这类游戏的操作只有单击、双击和拖动等等,因而得名。
2 译者注:《黑暗之眼》是起源于德国的一套奇幻题材 TRPG 规则,在德国的销量甚至胜于《龙与地下城》系列。
3 译者注:在游戏开始时,玩家需要从“战士”(Warrior)、“法师”(Mage)和“猎人”(Hunter)三个职业中挑选一项,但这只决定了你的初始属性和技能,对后续发展并没有任何影响,所以实际上《黑色守卫》是没有职业之分的。
4 译者注:即 dungeon,指大量连续的、剧情性不强的战斗。“地牢”这一说法来自国内对 dungeon crawling 的译名“地牢探险”,这一概念实际上起源于早期《龙与地下城》游戏以战斗为主、不重视剧情的特点。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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