CD Projekt RED, 2011
Windows, Mac, Linux 和 Xbox 360
CD Projekt RED, 2011
Windows, Mac, Linux and Xbox 360

巫师 2:国王刺客(The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings,后简称《巫师 2》)是《巫师》(The Witcher,2007 年游戏界黑马)的续作。在《巫师》结尾,利维亚的杰洛特(Geralt of Rivia)成为泰莫利亚国王弗尔泰斯特(King Foltest of Temeria)的私人保镖。《巫师 2》里,弗尔泰斯特遭刺客暗杀,杰洛特也踏上了追凶之路。游戏初,杰洛特背上了弑君的罪名。要想证明自身清白,就必须找出幕后真凶。一路上,杰洛特果不其然地卷入了一个又一个政治冲突与军事斗争。
玩家一眼就能看出《巫师 2》与《巫师》的区别。续作采用一款全新引擎(REDengine),由 CD Projekt Red 独立开发。在发售时,《巫师 2》的画面堪称业界顶尖。音效和音乐也质量不俗。不过,由 Adam Skorupa 和 Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz 谱写的游戏原声带舍弃了前作乡土气息浓厚的风笛乐,转而采用更传统的管弦乐。
A sequel to the surprise hit The Witcher (2007), Assassins of Kings puts Geralt of Rivia on the trail of the eponymous assassins, who just killed King Foltest of Temeria, for whom the protagonist has been working as a bodyguard after the events of the first game. Accused of regicide, Geralt needs to seek out the real murderers to prove his innocence and, with his usual luck, gets entangled in more than one political and military conflict along the way.
The game's differences from its predecessor are visible at a first glance. It runs on an entirely new engine (called REDengine), developed from scratch by CDProjekt RED and was, at the time of its release, one of the best-looking games on the market. Sound and music follow suit, although the soundtrack by Adam Skorupa and Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz has more of a traditional orchestral flair than the folk-inspired bagpipe music of the first game.
Gamelay-wise, the original's unusual top-down view and point-and-click movement are gone – the camera is now fixed squarely behind Geralt's back, with his moves controlled by keyboard only, which brings the player much closer to the action. There are also significantly more cutscenes.
在 2012 年,CD Projekt 推出了《巫师 2:国王刺客增强版》,增加多达 10GB 的全新内容,已经购买原版游戏的玩家可免费更新。
In 2012, CD Projekt released The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition. It added over 10GB of new content, and was a free update for those who already owned the game.

The inventory was entirely redone to better fit controllers, but feels rather awkward when using mouse and keyboard.
本作沿袭了前作诸多设定,不过有所简化。每次炼金时,无须准备酒精基质[1] 。由于冥想时才能炼制魔药,且本作删除了只能在炉火边冥想的设定,所以无论杰洛特身处何地,都能炼制魔药。物品栏也从先前的网格视图转为如今的清单视图,方便手柄玩家操作。本作还添加了相对基础的潜行模式与 QTE 事件,这两个设定在游戏中频频出现。此外,前作的拳击、骰子扑克得到保留,并增加了掰手腕小游戏。
角色的升级系统也是重头做起,包括三支彼此独立的技能树[2] ,分别是剑系、法系(即猎魔人的法印)与炼金,解锁每个技能树的前置技能后,能分别习得三个终极技能[3] 。此外,杰洛特还会搜集到名为突变诱发物(Mutagen)的稀有材料,要么是击杀怪物后随机掉落,要么通过炼金术制取。这些突变物可以镶嵌在某些技能的突变槽里(总共有 13 个技能拥有突变槽,大多在炼金技能树上),带来永久增益。
游戏的规模与前作类似,对话、战斗、探索的比例也大致无二。《巫师 2》可对话 NPC 的数量比前作略少,但这些 NPC 各具特色、性格鲜明。整体而言,本作的对话内容要比前作更丰富。值得一提的是,也许是因为与女术士特莉丝· 梅丽葛德(Triss Merigold)的关系日趋稳定,本作杰洛特的“露水情缘”比前作要少得多。
Most of the systems from The Witcher are still present, although simplified or streamlined. Alchemy does not require an alcohol base any more, and can be performed anywhere, since meditation does not require a bonfire any more. Inventory has been switched from grid-based to list-based, optimised for controllers. New additions include a rudimentary stealth mode and Quick-Time Events, both appearing a few times in the game. The fist-fighting and dice/poker mini-games mark a return, and a new arm wrestling mini-game was also added.
The character system has been reworked from scratch and consists of three separate skill trees, one each for sword-fighting, magic (witcher signs), and alchemy, with the most powerful skills unlocking after certain prerequisites are met. In addition, Geralt will find rare items called mutagens, which randomly drop from monsters and/or are created as by-products of alchemy. These mutagens can then be inserted into slots attached to some skills (13 in total, the most in the alchemy tree), granting a permanent bonus.
The game is comparable in size to its predecessor, with similar ratios of dialogue to combat to exploration. The number of people that Geralt can talk to is somewhat reduced, but they are a comparably diverse and colourful bunch and usually have more to say on average. It is perhaps worth noting that the number of casual sex encounters has been reduced, as Geralt is now in a more-or-less stable relationship with sorceress Triss Merigold.
Wilderness areas are not as open as in the first game and usually resemble a collection of intertwining wide corridors. This makes the world seem smaller, although Geralt will spend a similar amount of time running around it, including some dungeon delving into caves, mines and crypts.
1 译者注:酒精基质,alcohol base,在《巫师 1》里,杰洛特炼制魔药时,需要以酒精作为载体(可以是酒精,也可以是各种饮用酒),对其添加各类草药。
2 译者注:《巫师 2》其实有四个技能树,除了文中提到的三种外,还有一条训练技能树(Training Tree),只有解锁训练技能树上六个技能后,才能解锁三条额外技能树。
3 译者注:剑系终极技能是群体终结技(Group Finisher),最多可以同时击杀三名人类敌人(主要用于瞬杀重甲盾兵);法系终极技能是解锁赫利托普法印(the Heliotrope Sign),生效范围是一个以施术者为中心的圆,施法范围内所有敌人速度变慢,施术者不受影响;炼金终极技能是狂暴模式(Beserk Mode),增加伤害、暴击率与负面效果触发率。肾上腺素攒满时即可触发终极技能。剑系肾上腺素靠长剑命中次数积攒,法系靠法印伤害次数(包括反伤与持续伤害)积攒,炼金系只要服用魔药,在药效期间自动积攒。由于主角最多只能升到35级,而角色系统总共有 51 个技能,所以主角无法同时获得三种终极技能。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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