Iron Tower Studios, 2015
Iron Tower Studios, 2015

一款游戏耗时了 11 年进行开发,却仍能顺利问世,这不是一件常见的事情。然而,《颓废年代(The Age of Decadence)》[1] 却做到了这一点。并且,这远不是这个游戏违背常理和人们对它的预测的唯一一点。
这款游戏很大程度上受到《辐射(Fallout)》和《辐射 2(Fallout 2)》的启发。游戏发生在一个经历过末日后的罗马文明的帝国中。民众已经陷入了一种自相残杀的野蛮状态中。对他们来说,捕杀陌生人比帮助他人要更加普遍。
从图形画质上看,这款游戏并不能让人留下深刻的印象。Torque 引擎在 2004 年就不够吸引人,放到现在就更别提了。但这并不是说游戏所有的地方看起来都很丑陋。有一些地方运用了足够的艺术设计和技巧,以至于你第一次看到时会感到极其震撼。同时,到达这样的地方的难度和设定中的异域风情也加深了这种震撼感。
It's not often a game spends 11 years in development and comes out well. Age of Decadence however, did, and it's far from the only way it defies convention and expectation.
Heavily inspired by Fallout 1 and 2, the game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Roman-esque empire. The populace has descended into a sort of cut-throat barbarism, and those that would prey on strangers are more common than those who would help.
The once glorious empire fell into conflict with a rival nation and both sides called gods and men to fight and die in droves. At least that's what you learn at the start of the game. What actually happened and how must be discovered over multiple playthroughs by skilled characters. Uncovering the backstory of the world is very enjoyable, even if the final result is a bit inconsistent.
Graphically, the game is not impressive at all. The Torque engine would not have been remarkable in 2004, and certainly is not today. That is not to say the game is wholly ugly; some locations have enough art design and tricks to them that they feel impressive when you first see them. This is also helped by the difficulty of getting there and the exoticness that certain places are imbued by the setting.
如果不确定这个游戏好不好玩,可以试试它在 Steam 上的试玩版本。你同样也以后在试玩版本中保存的存档带入正式版的游戏中。
Age of Decadence offers a demo on Steam. You can later bring the save file into the full game.

《颓废年代》中有 6 种主要属性和 23 种技能,它们被分为社交技能和战斗技能。玩家并不能选择职业,相对地,是从 8 种不同的起始背景中选择自己的身份。
AoD has six main attributes and 23 skills, divided into Social and Combat skills. Instead of classes, it offers eight starting backgrounds.
《颓废年代》不是一个对强迫症友好的游戏,如果你没有足够的开锁技能,你就不知道面前这扇门后有什么。战斗、对话以及其他环境互动也是如此。这样的难度和对于技能的合理运用都是玩家需要适应的,不像在大多数 RPG 游戏中,一个正常的角色可以赢得每一次的战斗胜利,把国王的王冠骗到手,并且偷走这片土地上的所有金币。
除了武器之外,还有相当数量的战斗工具和消耗品——包括制造术与炼金术——来满足你的选择。其中许多工具都非常强力,如果应用得当,可以轻易扭转整个战局。虽然在某些战斗中,你希望可以控制小队的每一个成员,而不是把队友交给 AI 来控制,但当你的游戏达到一定的水平之后,《颓废年代》的战斗还是十分出色的,甚至可以说是令人难以置信地满意。
AoD is not a game that is kind to completionists. If your lock-picking skill is not up to the task, you will not get to see what's behind a door. The same holds for combat, dialogue and other forms of environmental challenges. This difficulty and approach to stat/skill checks requires adjusting to. In most RPGs, a decently built character will be able to beat every combat encounter, charm the crown of every king and steal all the gold in the land.
In AoD, a skilled player might be able to mix two distinct skill sets, but more likely you'll invest everything into a particular method of progress and still occasionally struggle.
For the turn-based combat, this is actually a plus. There are plenty of viable strategies, and, despite being essentially locked into your first choice of weapons and defence (block or dodge) there's plenty of customisability. For the melee weapons, you have daggers that are fast and weak but great with aimed strikes, swords/hammers/axes which can cause bleeding/armour breakage/mini-crits and rounding out the melee weapons there are spears which have high range and can interrupt enemies moving close to you.
For ranged combat, there are bows, crossbows and throwing weapons. Crossbows differ by requiring an action to reload and not scaling with your strength, while throwing weapons are just kind of bad.
Beyond weapons, there's also a decent amount of combat tools and consumables – including crafting and alchemy – to round out your options. Many of these are exceptionally powerful and can easily turn the tide of a whole fight when properly applied.
While in some fights you might wish you had a full party to control instead of AI allies, the combat in AoD is nonetheless excellent and incredibly satisfying once you achieve some level of expertise.
1 译者注:原文中游戏标题写成了 Age of Decadence,应为原作者者笔误,实际的游戏英文名称应为 The Age of Decadence。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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