Black Isle Studios, 1998
Windows 和 Mac
Black Isle Studios, 1998
Windows and Mac

“你可以让你的配偶在新里诺卖淫!”这消失在游戏杂志中的寥寥几个字便是我对《辐射 2(Fallout 2)》[1] 的第一次接触。不用说,我看见这几句话简直高兴的不得了:当时我还小,也不是很懂什么仁义道德之类的东西,最主要的是我当时确实有点荷尔蒙紊乱。跟我同年龄的那些男生也都这样,于是我便自然而然的觉得《辐射 2》这个游戏简直就是专门为我而生的。
紧随老大哥(指《辐射 1》)步伐,在其一年之后发售,《辐射 2》也算是不负众望,但是其过人之处却让人始料未及。
首先,你不再是一个避难所居民了,而是他的子孙——一个靠放牧婆罗门[2] 和狩猎蜥蜴为生的新时代部落。作为“天选者(Chosen One)[3] ”,你必须找到伊甸园制造器(Garden of Eden Creation Kit)[4] 这是一个战前改造地球的设备,可以使你的村庄免于受饥荒之苦。但是这个伊甸园创造器只不过是抛砖引玉,仅仅是一个送你在这个无情的后启示录残留的美国西海岸旅行的借口。《辐射》系列的故事背景便是这个游戏的最大亮点。
“You will be able to prostitute your spouse in New Reno!” Lost in the pages of a video game magazine, these few words were the first contact I had with Fallout 2. Needless to say, I was thoroughly delighted with this statement: I was young, my moral compass wasn't quite functional yet and – most of all – I did have hormonal disorders. The same kind that seems to plague most boys of my age. Naturally, I felt Fallout 2 was made for me.
Walking in the footsteps of its big brother barely a year after its release, Fallout 2 had to answer a lot of the player's expectations. It did so, but in quite an unexpected way.
First, you're not the Vault Dweller anymore, but his grandchild – a brahmin-herdin' gecko-hunting neo-tribal. As the “Chosen One”, you must find the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, a terraforming pre-war device that can save your village from starvation. This GECK in itself is little more than a MacGuffin, a pretext to send you on a trip through the ruthless remnants of a post-nuclear West Coast. Fallout's setting in itself has always been the true star of the show.
《辐射 1》和《辐射 2》在一些国家都被重度删节,英国和德国甚至直接把所有游戏中的孩童全部移除掉了,这就使得一些支线任务无法完成。
Fallout 1 and 2 were both heavily censored in some countries. The UK and German releases removed all children from the games, making some side-quests impossible to complete.

《辐射 2》中有 14 个可以成为伙伴的 NPC,你可以改变他们的装备和战术,但是他们在对付一些敌人的时候依然非常不可靠[5]。
Fallout 2 has 14 recruitable NPCs and allows you some control over their tactics and equipment, but they are still very unreliable in some battles.
Black Isle 的团队确保玩家能够在合适的条件下充分漫游废土:这部游戏比上一部更加开放,玩家在穿越沙漠和与本地居民交谈时会发现新的地点。你的任务目标非常难以捉摸,因此你不得不穿越废土的大半个西海岸并且和那些四分五裂的社区群体打交道最后得知伊甸园创造器的位置。你访问地点的顺序并不是固定的,而且每个城镇的冲突都由多个视角来演绎。
论自由度,开放世界并非是《辐射 2》的唯一自由度体现,这款游戏的设计目标是为玩家提供更多选择自己道路的机会。游戏早期弹药稀缺,而且你在数量和武器上都处于劣势,一般这时候游戏就会鼓励你去找一个像样的装备,但是一般这些装备的获取方式都不太像样。同样的,《辐射》的世界是很残酷的,为了生存你可能被迫在一些小帮派之间的斗争中站队、盗墓、拐卖奴隶或是入室偷窃。
Black Isle's team made sure that you would roam the wasteland in the right conditions: the game is even more open than its predecessor and you will discover new locations as you go through the desert and talk to its denizens. The elusive nature of your quest will ensure that you will go through most of the West Coast and its broken, twisted communities before getting a lead on where the GECK is located. The order of the locations you visit is not set, and each town provides another viewpoint of the conflicts playing out.
Decades have passed since you walked the wasteland in the first game: communities have somewhat evolved and human societies had enough time to rebuild themselves. Though the rule of law now seemingly governs many of those settlements, you will quickly discover that these “laws” doesn't necessarily mean “greater good” and that man is still a wolf to man. You will encounter countless situations where slavery is perfectly accepted, and where people are experimented upon with drugs in so-called “stables.”
When it comes to player freedom, open-worldness is not the only thing Fallout 2 has going for it, for the game is tailored to reward you for going your own way. The early-game ammo scarcity, the frequency at which you'll end up outnumbered and outgunned, basically encourages you to find ways to get your first decent gear, often in undignified ways. Again, the world of Fallout is ruthless and you might just have to take sides in petty gang wars, pillage graves, sell slaves and rob honest people's homes in order to survive.
Always promoting the player's agenda, the way most of the skills are used is left to the player's discretion of when and how to use them. You're rarely prompted to use them at all, and no message will pop up on the screen to tell you which quest can be solved by sneaking into the criminal kingpin's office.
1 译者注:又译作《异尘余生 2》,贴近游戏的文学气质,但是考虑到实用性和其接受度还是选择译为《辐射 2》
2 译者注:游戏中受到辐射感染的双头牛。
3 译者注:因为辐射历代主人公没有固定的名字,所以《辐射 2》的主人公被国内玩家音译称为“邱生旺”。
4 译者注:游戏中简称为 GECK,因其与蜥蜴(gecko)读音相似,所以玩家在询问别人的时候一度被人误会要找蜥蜴人。
5 译者注:在游戏后期可以选择与麦朗和玛莉亚等人成为伙伴,但是他们的战术默认是懦夫型,只要碰到敌人就会逃跑。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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