Eidos Montréal, 2011
Windows, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360 和 Wii U
Eidos Montréal, 2011
Windows, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U

杀出重围:人类革命(Deus Ex: Human Revolution)曾经有很多不被看好的理由。它是 Eidos Montréal 开发的第一部游戏,而且所有开发者都不曾参与过之前两部作品的开发工作。尽管《隐形战争》(Invisible War,2003)获得了不错的商业成绩和媒体评分,但其大幅简化的内容并没有被系列粉丝所买账。当 Square Enix 公布《人类革命》时,许多人都觉得这部作品只会比《隐形战争》更糟。
尽管挑战不小,新的开发者们还是决定忠于初代作品的设计理念,因为他们也非常喜爱初代作品。最初的两年里开发工作集中于游戏原型上,同时制作组也在努力从《杀出重围》[1] 中找寻他们想要的游戏体验。找准方向之后,制作组只花了大约 2 年时间就做完了整部游戏。这确实造成了一些问题,但也使得最终成品更加令人印象深刻。
制作组不想篡改整个系列已有的故事线,因此他们决定将《人类革命》做成一部前传作品,并将故事设置在 2027 年,初代作品的 25 年前。主角名叫亚当· 简森(Adam Jensen),是尖端生物科技公司萨里夫工业(Sarif Industries)的安全主管。游戏开始时一伙佣兵袭击了位于底特律的萨里夫工业(Sarif Industries)总部,简森也在此过程中身受重伤,险些丧命。公司用当时最为先进的强化技术[2] 救回了简森,他也因此成为了当时接受最多强化改造的人类之一。
Deus Ex: Human Revolution had a lot of things going against it. It was the first game developed by Eidos Montréal, and none of its developers had worked on a Deus Ex before. Invisible War (2003), though well-received by critics and commercially successful, was a heavily streamlined sequel poorly received by fans. When HR was announced by Square Enix, many expected the same outcome or worse.
The new developers, however, loved the original and wanted to stay faithful to its design, which proved to be a remarkable challenge. The first two years of development were focused on prototypes, as the team struggled to find the Deus Ex gameplay they wanted. Once found, the team ended up with roughly only two years to make the full game. This did cause issues, but it also makes its accomplishments look more impressive.
The team also wanted to preserve the series' story, so they made HR a prequel set in 2027, 25 years before the first game. The protagonist is Adam Jensen, chief of security at Sarif Industries, an advanced biotech company. After an attack at Sarif's HQ in Detroit by a group of mercenaries, Jensen suffers near-fatal wounds. The company then saves Jensen with the most advanced augmentations available, making him one of the most heavily augmented humans at the time.

强化组件(Augmentations)为游戏提供了更为丰富的玩法。你可以籍此获得移动重物,骇入电脑,透视墙壁和说服 NPC 等能力。
Augmentations empower your playstyle, allowing you to move heavy objects, hack computers, see through walls, persuade NPCs, and so on.
游戏中时常出现伊卡洛斯[3] (Icarus)的意象,游戏预告片的开场就改编自这一神话故事,游戏中优美的主题曲也以此命名。这一主题贯穿了《杀出重围》和《人类革命》,游戏探讨的其他主题还包括阴谋论,巨型企业,监视,自由,科技对社会结构的影响,不一而足。游戏的结局来得有些仓促,但其数量众多的主题都已得到了充分的探讨,游戏的设定也在各种支线任务得到了很好的补充。
《人类革命》的游戏模式遵循了系列的传统:对于 FPS 战斗,潜行,探索和人际互动的有机结合,尽管在实际执行上还是有些许区别。关卡设计也遵循了相同的原则,但在设计上选择了更为注重环境细节而非开放程度。游戏还内置了一个具有重要地位的黑客小游戏,同样非常惊艳。但是新的对话系统却把谈话弄的跟解谜游戏一样。
战斗系统也有整体上的提升,但是有些设计令战斗过于简单了。掩体系统,击倒功能(takedowns)和经验系统(XP system)是这一问题的元凶。游戏通常都是以第一人称呈现的,但进入掩体后却会切换到第三人称,玩家可以直接越过掩体观察战况。这原本只是一个可选功能,但游戏中的很多区域都是基于这个功能设计的,因此关闭这个功能会令情况变的非常棘手。
击倒是游戏中唯一的近战功能。通过致命或非致命的方式,你可以快速放倒任何不是 boss 的目标(升级之后能同时击倒两个),而且在此过程中你既不会被发现也不会受到伤害。没了这个系统游戏也能正常进行,因此寻求挑战的玩家通常会完全无视这个系统。
One of the narrative's main influences is the myth of Icarus, featured in some of the trailers and the beautiful theme song. It's a theme seen in both DX1 and HR, along with conspiracy theories, mega-corporations, surveillance, liberty, technological progress affecting social classes, and others. The story suffers from a rushed ending, but its numerous themes are well-explored, and the side-missions do a good job fleshing out the setting.
Human Revolutions's gameplay follows the series' pillars: a versatile combination of FPS combat, stealth, exploration and social interaction, albeit with a different execution. The level design also follows similar principles, but areas are less open-ended in favour of more detailed environments. A surprisingly good hacking mini-game was added and plays an important role, while the new dialogue system makes conversations play out like a puzzle.
Combat as a whole is improved as well, but some mechanics can make it a bit too easy, mainly the cover system, takedowns, and the XP system. The game is played in a first-person view, but entering cover switches it to a third-person camera, allowing players to peek around corners and see what's behind them. It's an optional tool, but many areas were designed around it, so some may find it awkward to avoid using it.
The takedown is the game's only melee attack. Available in lethal and non-lethal forms, it quickly neutralises any non-boss target (or two, with an upgrade) in a single attack, during which you cannot be detected or harmed. The game plays fine without it, so players wanting more challenge can ignore it entirely.
The game offers experience rewards for finishing a mission completely undetected and without raising alarms, but other rewards don't feel so appropriate.
1 译者注:如无特殊说明,本文中出现的“《杀出重围》”均指 2000 年发售的系列初代作品。
2 译者注:游戏设定中的一种通过机械义肢和人造植入物来增强或替换原有器官以提升身体机能的技术。系列前两部作品中出现的纳米强化技术此时还并未出现。
3 译者注:伊卡洛斯源自希腊神话,为代达罗斯(Daedalus)之子。在用代达罗斯制作的双翼飞行时因飞得太高,离太阳太近,双翼上的蜡惨遭融化,从而坠入海中丧生。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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