在无尽的领域中进行无尽的冒险,这就是对《领域(Realmz)》这款游戏最好的描述。作为最初为苹果 Mac 电脑设计的游戏,《领域》可以很自豪的说它是一款上世纪 90 年代诞生的游戏。它有着鲜亮的颜色,令人眼花缭乱的角色创建选项还有即使多年过去也不显得逊色的共享理念和商业模式,这些都是这款游戏历久而弥新的秘诀。
当第一次运行《领域》的时候,游戏会播放一个画面,心有灵犀般地对玩家说:拜沃特市(City of Bywater),一个简单并相对朴素的冒险,可以于一个雾气弥漫的夏日午后中游玩。但是不包括需要购买并注册才能解锁的内容。
尽管游戏的内核简单而又直接,拜沃特市中的探险仍然趣味丛生且多姿多彩。支撑着这一切的,是《领域》那复杂得令人难以置信的角色创建系统。海量的选项和状态书记令人目不暇接。它允许玩家建立一个真正海纳百川的队伍。队伍的人数上限是六人,其中包含了来自异域的英雄,如妖精秘法师(Lepre-chaun Cabalist),狗头人十字军(Kobold Crusaders)和末代血族[1] (Vampire Dabblers)。
Countless adventures across countless realms – this might as well have been the slogan of Realmz. Developed primarily for Macintosh, Realmz is a game that proudly wore its genesis in the 90s on its sleeves – bright colours, an incredible assortment of character creation options, plus a shareware philosophy and business model that led to an incredible staying power, even as time wore on.
On first running Realmz, the player is presented with a single “scenario” that they can play to their heart's content: the City of Bywater, a simple and relatively bare-bones adventure that could be completed in the haze of a summer afternoon. Not counting the areas sealed off until you paid for and registered your copy, that is.
Despite the simple and relatively spartan roots, Bywater is still a fun and surprisingly versatile little adventure. And behind it lies Realmz's incredibly complex character creation system. The plethora of options and statistics is astounding, allowing you to create truly complex parties of up to six characters, with exotic heroes such as Leprechaun Cabalists, Kobold Crusaders and Vampire Dabblers.
* Windows 版本的《领域》是旧版本,并且没有预装神力(Divinity)工具包。建议用 Basilisk II 或 SheepShaver 模拟器游玩 Mac 版本。
* The Windows version of Realmz is outdated and doesn't have the Divinity toolset. It's advised to play the Mac version, using emulation software such as Basilisk II or SheepShaver.

Realmz was quite ahead of its time, allowing events to be solved in multiple ways: dialogue choices, skill checks, special items, spells, etc.
游戏中所包含的 19 个种族和 20 种职业,都有着它们的优点和缺点。例如恶魔有着火焰抗性,而蜥蜴人可以再生。角色的各项属性和数据的范围囊括移动速度和每轮攻击次数,种族抗性,宿敌和一张复杂的角色衰老表[2] 。
这种灵活性也同样体现在战斗中。游戏的回合制以及具备高度战术性的战斗模式让我想起了由 SSI 工作室制作的“金盒子”(Gold Box)系列 RPG 游戏。此外,鼠标操作界面也进行了优化,比如地形、障碍物以及对于敌人的接近防御等等。每一场战斗都是如此的独特,例如大量的敌人翻越障碍物,巨型蜜蜂麻痹了整只小队,死灵法师召唤不死大军,脆皮盗贼投掷油壶来拯救自己的生命等等。
Each of the 19 races and 20 classes – or castes, as they are known in Realmz – also possesses other advantages or disadvantages, such as fire-resisting demons or regenerating lizardmen. Stats range from movement and attacks per round to racial resistances, hated enemies and even complex ageing charts.
Fine-tuning your party leads to one of Realmz's many surprising strengths – the multiple approaches to certain events. Wandering around Bywater, for example, might lead you to a young boy whose dog has fallen down the well. To help him you can use a rope, have an acrobatic party member flip down into the well, call the town guard, try to use a spell, etc.
This flexibility also lent itself well to combat. Turn-based and highly tactical, combat is reminiscent of SSI's “Gold Box” RPGs, updated to include a mouse-driven interface and improvements such as terrain types, obstacles, guarding against approach and much more. Every battle feels unique as large enemies jump over obstacles, giant bees paralyse the party, necromancers summon undead hordes, squishy rogues chuck flasks of oil to save their lives, etc.
Realmz is a potpourri of old-school pen-andpaper ideas, and nowhere is that more true than magic. There are three different schools of magic, each with their own utility, combat, and scenario-based spells. The Waterworld spell, for example, makes your party able to breath underwater, opening new horizons for you to explore – or allowing you to survive a flash flood in a murky cavern. Casting is mana-based, and you can “overcast” a spell, increasing its mana cost, but also its damage and area of effect.
The scenario is a melange of fantasy that does whatever it pleases, and it's all the more charming for it. Barring some twists and turns, Bywater is a shallow and linear story, but can be surprisingly effective.
1 译者注:即新手吸血鬼。
2 译者注:《领域》中的角色都有他们的最大年龄,超过最大年龄的角色并不会死亡,而是会受到一定惩罚。同时,一些魔法效果会影响角色的衰老。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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