Peter Whalen, 2014
Windows, OSX 和 iOS
Peter Whalen, 2014
Windows, OSX and iOS

不可否认,CRPG 和桌面 RPG 的体验截然不同,各有所长。另一方面,大多数电脑卡牌游戏玩起来更像是原封不动地移植了桌面版的游戏——比起与其他玩家面对面、购买数百张卡牌来说,这种方法要轻松得多。
这可能就是为什么 1997 年的 PC 游戏《万智牌(Magic: The Gathering)》——俗称《山德拉(Shandalar)》——时至今日依然经典[1] 。它保留了原版《万智牌》的规则和复杂性,并且你还可以探索一个等距视角下的幻想世界、访问城镇以购买卡牌,做任务、解开谜题、探索地牢[2] 、与具有特殊机制的敌人作战,而不仅仅是与其他玩家决斗和购买补充包。
《梦境任务(Dream Quest)》非常清楚这种吸引力,并充分利用了它作为一个单人电脑卡牌游戏的优势。它不需要为 PvP 进行平衡,也不需要把卡放在补充包里,让玩家花上许多时间去收集。你只需选择一个职业,探索地牢,与越来越强的敌人战斗,赚取经验和金币。每个敌人都是一次独特的挑战,例如食尸鬼(ghouls)对伤害免疫,但在几个回合后就会腐化,而巫妖(liches)则需要特定卡牌才能被击败。
没错,敌人的强度就是这样一边倒,这往往令人愤怒。但这正是其 roguelike 方面的乐趣所在:游戏的核心就是让玩家构筑卡组,努力在敌人诡计多端的攻击中幸存下来。你永远不知道你将会得到哪些牌,或者你要面对什么样的敌人。如果失败,你将从零开始。游戏流程很短,通常一局只要几分钟,玩家可以一次又一次重玩,令人上瘾。
每轮游戏的开局都很简单:一开始,玩家的牌库有 6 到 10 张牌,每回合要从牌库中重新抽牌、洗牌。游戏还引入了卡牌升级、状态效果、法力和其他一些独特的机制。这套机制很有深度,却依然适合在通勤时在手机上游玩,并且因为有可解锁内容,玩家会一直回来玩。
It is undeniable that CRPGs and tabletop RPGs are very distinct experiences, each with its own strengths and focus. Computer card games, on the other hand, mostly play like direct ports of their tabletop counterparts – an easier alternative to actually meeting other players and buying hundreds of cards.
That might be why 1997's Magic: The Gathering PC game, commonly called Shandalar, remains such a cult classic. It kept the rules and complexity of MtG but, instead of just dueling other players and buying booster packs, you could explore an isometric fantasy world, visit towns to buy cards, do quests, solve riddles and explore dungeons to battle foes with special rules.
Dream Quest understands that appeal, making full use of the fact that it's a single-player computer card game. It doesn't need to be balanced for PvP, or put its cards in booster packs for you to grind & collect. You simply choose a class then explore a dungeon, fighting increasingly stronger enemies to earn XP and gold. Each enemy offers unique challenges, such as ghouls that are immune to damage but rot away after a few turns, or liches that requires a specific card to defeat.
Yes, that's heavily one-sided, often frustratingly so. But that's where the fun of its roguelike aspect comes in: the game is based precisely around trying to build your deck as you play and survive the wicked tricks enemies throw at you. You never know which cards you'll get, or who you'll face. Fail and you'll restart from zero. Since the game is short,that's usually just a few minutes, leading to an addictive replay loop.
Each run starts simple, with a deck of 6 to 10 cards that you draw from and reshuffle each turn. It then introduces card upgrades, status effects, mana and several unique mechanics. It's deep, but still perfectly suited for playing on the phone during commute, with several unlockables to keep players coming back.
《梦境任务》于 2014 年首次在 iOS 平台发布,然后在 2015 年被移植到 PC 上。它的开发者 Peter Whalen 随后被挖去暴雪的《炉石传说(Hearthstone)》工作。
Dream Quest was first released for iOS in 2014, then ported to PCs in 2015. Its developer, Peter Whalen, was then hired to work on Blizzard's Hearthstone.
这款看起来很粗糙的 iOS 游戏创造了一个全新的类型:卡组构筑型 roguelikes。2018 年的《杀戮尖塔(Slay the Spire)》使这一概念成为了主流,于是又有许多作品紧随其后,如《骰子地下城(Dicey Dungeons,2019)》、《Erannorth 重生(Erannorth Reborn,2019)》、《怪物火车(Monster Train,2020)》和《欺诈之地(Griftlands,2021)》。还是那句话,不要被《梦境任务》简单的画面和卑微的出身所劝退了,它一直是一款有趣而富有挑战性的游戏,充分展示了该类型游戏的优势。
The result is that this crude-looking iOS game created a brand new genre: deck-building roguelikes. The concept reached the mainstream with Slay the Spire in 2018 and was followed by many iterations since, such as Dicey Dungeons (2019), Erannorth Reborn (2019), Monster Train (2020) and Griftlands (2021). Still, don't be put off by its simple graphics and humble origins, Dream Quest remains a fun and challenging game, that fully displays its sub-genre's strengths.

游戏不再被 PvP 平衡所束缚,因此可以自由发挥,设计不公平的卡牌和效果,比如要求玩家在有限的回合数里击败敌人。
Freed from the worries of PvP balance, the game can freely play with one-sided cards and powers, like having a limited number of turns to defeat an enemy.

You start by picking one of several classes, each with a distinct play style. As they level up, you’ll unlock new skills and card options.
1 译者注:这款 PC 游戏由 1993 年的同名桌面卡牌游戏《万智牌》衍生而来,山德拉是万智牌游戏中的架空世界之一,因该游戏的故事发生于此,因此常以《山德拉》代指该游戏。
2 译者注:《梦境任务》游戏分为战斗内和战斗外两部分,战斗内是标准的回合制卡牌玩法,战斗外是一个走格子形式的地牢探索玩法。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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