Iron Lore Entertainment, 2006
Iron Lore Entertainment, 2006

神话风格的角色扮演游戏出人意料地非常稀少,但是《泰坦之旅(Titan Quests)》的制作组尽其所能填补了这片空白。作为一名古希腊英雄,在努力追查魔物侵扰的根源的同时,你会游历古中国,沿着丝绸之路前行,并经过希腊、古埃及,然后登上奥林比斯山,深入哈迪斯掌管之所,穿过彩虹桥走进英灵殿。没人会觉得这款游戏仅仅是《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》的另一个模仿者罢了。
除了神话风格的设定,《泰坦之旅》的另一个特色在于它的角色系统。本作提供十种专精(包含拓展包中提供的两种)以取代职业,每种专精都具有其特有的技能树。精妙之处在于每个角色可以最多学习两种专精。所以你可以选择以范围性法术为特色的“大地”专精(Earth mastery),扮演一个纯粹的法师,把它与“防御”专精(Defense mastery)结合起来以提升生存能力或者与“风暴”专精(Storm mastery)结合来获得更多单体法术等等。
不像其他类暗黑游戏,《泰坦之旅》的世界并不是随机的——敌人和区域总是一样的。虽然从视觉上来讲雅典(Athens)、中国长城(the Great Wall of China)或者吉萨金字塔(the Pyramid of Giza)这样的地标可以出现在游戏里,但它却把你的绝大多数时间花费在大同小异的平原与山脉中,一次又一次的屠戮同样的敌人。
游戏的难度系统进一步加重了这一问题,你必须通关两次才能解锁最高难度(在最高难度中会有额外的 boss 与物品)——要知道每次通关都有可能需要花费 40 多个小时!在《暗黑破坏神 2》中这样的设定尚可接受,但是在《泰坦之旅》中,游戏世界的质量与复杂程度都难以支撑玩家花费如此精力。
Mythological RPGs are surprisingly rare, but Titan Quest does its best to make up for it. As a Greek hero trying to find the source of a monster infestation, you'll travel across Greece, Egypt, the Silk Road and China, then climb Olympus, descend into Hades and cross the Bifrost into Valhalla. No one can say this is “just another Diablo clone”.
Alongside the mythological setting, Titan Quest's defining feature is its character system. Instead of classes, the game has eight masteries (ten with the expansions), each with its own skill tree. The trick is that each character can learn up to two masteries. So you can pick the Earth mastery, which specialises in AoE spells, and play a pure caster; combine it with the Defense mastery to increase survivability; or with the Storm mastery for more single-target spells; and so on. It's a fascinating and deep system that allows for 55 different mastery combinations, plus the variations from your choices inside each individual skill tree.
Each mastery was supposed to be tied to a god, but higher ups asked the developers to avoid controversial and religious themes, leading to a mythological game that doesn't really explore its setting. This, the low game difficulty and the simplistic loot system can make the game feel underwhelming at times. On the other hand, the 6-player co-op definetly makes it stand out.
Another great feature are the visually stunning landmarks, like Athens, the Great Wall of China or the Pyramid of Giza. However, unlike other Diablo-like games, the world of TQ is static – enemies and areas are always the same, greatly reducing its replay value.
This is made worse by the game's difficulty system, where you must complete it twice to unlock the highest difficulty setting (which has additional bosses and items). This was how Diablo II worked, but Titan Quest is a longer game and doesn't have the same replayability.
《泰坦之旅》对 MOD 支持性很好,产生了众多受人欢迎的 MOD,例如“暗黑破坏神 2 - 莉莉丝”(Diablo 2 Lilith)这个 MOD 中加入了《暗黑破坏神 2》中的职业以及一个全新的世界,再比如 MOD“灵魂装备”(Soulvizier)利用新职业、新怪物以及新装备丰富了游戏内容。
Titan Quest has great support for modding, leading to popular mods such as Diablo 2 Lilith, which adds Diablo II's classes and a new world, or Soulvizier, which expands the game with new classes, monsters and items.
Iron Lore 工作室在 2007 年发布资料片《不朽王座(Immortal Throne)》后关闭,但是 THQ Nordic 在 2016 年重置了本作,并在 2017 年发布资料片《诸神黄昏(Ragnarök)》。这些后续内容进一步延长了本就过长的游戏时间,这使得这个系列变得更加小众。
作为替代,想要在《泰坦之旅》中体验到完整专精系统的玩家可能会喜欢《恐怖黎明(Grim Dawn,2016)》,一部由《泰坦之旅》原班人马利用相同引擎、继承了诸多特性制作的伟大 ARPG。
Iron Lore closed down after releasing the Immortal Throne expansion in 2007, but THQ Nordic remastered the game in 2016 and released the Ragnarök and Atlantis expansions. These add even more length to an overly long game, making them rather niche in appeal.
Instead, those looking for a fresh take on Titan Quest's mastery system might enjoy Grim Dawn (2016), a great Action-RPG by original TQ developers, which employs the same engine and many similar features.

Titan Quest makes great use of iconic landmarks like the Great Wall of China, but these are interconnected by generic areas that can drag for far too long.

You can spend points learning and improving skills, or use them to level up the mastery itself, earning stat boosts and unlocking more powerful skills.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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