DreamForge Intertainment, 1995
DreamForge Intertainment, 1995

穿过神秘的光墙后,两名冒险者被困在哈拉基尔(Har'Akir)的沙漠地带。一堵灼热的镭之墙(Wall of Ra),挡住了他们的逃跑路线。瘟疫和毁灭性的风暴威胁着穆哈尔村(Village of Muhar)的剩余村民,《石之预言者(Ravenloft: Stone Prophet)》的故事就在这里展开。
游戏采用第一人称地牢探索的形式,并使用了与《上古卷轴:竞技场(The Elder Scrolls: Arena)》非常相似的 3D 引擎,有对寻路非常有用的自动地图和使用咒语进行跳跃与飞行等机制,不过这些机制远不如《地下创世纪(Ultima Underworld)》中的那么完备和有用。
游戏需要创建两个角色,而随着游戏的推进,小队中会加入两个 NPC 而扩大到四人。游戏中还有昼夜交替的设定,甚至当烈日无情灼烧着沙漠的时候,玩家需要保持充足的供水以维持生命。
After traversing a mysterious wall of light, two adventurers are trapped in the desert land of Har'Akir. A wall of searing heat, known as the Wall of Ra, prevents their escape. A flesh-rotting disease and devastating storms threaten the survival of the remaining inhabitants of the desert, most of whom are concentrated in the Village of Muhar. Thus begins Ravenloft: Stone Prophet.
The game takes the form of a first-person dungeon crawler, using an early 3D engine that feels very much like that of The Elder Scrolls: Arena. It includes an automap that is extremely useful to maintain one's orientation, and also supports jumping and flight by means of the appropriate spells – although these game mechanics are much less polished and useful than in a game like Ultima Underworld.
The party begins with two characters you create at the start of the game, and can grow to include two additional NPCs for a maximum party size of four. Stone Prophet also features day-and-night cycles, and the blazing sun battering the desert by day requires players to maintain a supply of water in order to survive.
《石之预言者》以一种不同寻常的方式填满了它的 CD-ROM:一个唱着“难以捉摸的幽灵之歌”的幽灵来讲述发生哈拉基尔背后的故事。
Stone Prophet uses its CD-ROM capabilities in an unusual way, featuring a spirit that sings the “Song of the Elusive Ghost”, which tells the story behind the events happening in Har'Akir.

The inhabitants of the Har'akir desert are suffering from a terrible curse and blame outsiders such as yourself for their fate. Some quite disturbing scenes are presented.
游戏的实时战斗系统与《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》、《大地传说(Lands of Lore)》类似。游戏中各类生物的设定极为丰富,了解他们的特性才能轻松战胜。敌人可以中毒、生病、瘫痪和昏迷,也可能施展某些法术或死亡后爆炸。大部分生物可以被普通武器和法术打败,但也有的需要特殊手段。例如,沙漠巨魔只能被酸、火或水杀死,三个巨大的木乃伊也强大到无法使用正常手段打败。
穆哈尔居民认为我们的小队应该为瘟疫与风暴负责,这种恐惧和迷信使得我们很难找到伙伴。虽然如此,但还是有很多 NPC 用风趣的对话和故事片段为游戏氛围增色。
也有 NPC 愿意加入小队,他们相信同伙伴一起离开哈拉基尔的可能性比独自一人更大。这些 NPC 不仅可以是普通人类,更可能是半人马、沙漠巨魔、不死战士甚至豺狼等其他生物。
选择哪些 NPC 与你同行需要策略,因为他们各有所长。例如,沙漠巨魔擅长战斗,在游戏开荒阶段十分有用,但是他无法获得经验,也携带不了多少道具,甚至手中无法握住任何东西。
The combat system is real-time, very similar to titles such as Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore. The game features a rich bestiary, and being aware of the abilities of each creature is important to be able to overcome them – enemies can be poisoned, given diseases, paralysed, stunned, explode upon death, or cast certain spells. While most creatures can be defeated using normal weapons and spells, some require a special approach. For instance, desert trolls can only be killed by acid, fire or water, and the three greater mummies in the game are so powerful that they cannot be destroyed by normal means.
There are few friends to be found among the frightened and superstitious inhabitants of Muhar, who believe the party to be responsible for the plague and the storms. Nonetheless, many NPCs contribute to the quest with interesting conversation and bits of history that add a lot of atmosphere to the game.
Some of these NPCs are willing to join the party, believing that they stand more of a chance to leave Har'Akir as part of a group effort than on their own. These NPCs range from regular humans to exotic creatures such as a wemic, a desert troll, an undead warrior and even a jackalwere.
Choosing which NPCs to keep is a strategic decision, as each of them has his strengths and weaknesses. For example, the desert troll is an excellent combatant, especially during the earlier stages of the game; however, he can't gain experience, has a very limited inventory space, and can't hold anything in his hands.
The inventory is very elegant, with a simple drag and drop interface and mannequins that display your current equipment and held items with nicely drawn artwork. The inventory capacity, however, is quite limited, both in slots and in maximum weight.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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