Ion Storm, 2000
Windows, Mac, PS2 和 PSN
Ion Storm, 2000
Windows, Mac, PS2 and PSN

首先我要坦白:我在《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》发售了很多年之后才去玩了这款游戏。而且,即使在我发现了它之后,我最初也是持怀疑态度的。毕竟《杀出重围》的卖相欠佳:它的美术单调,动画蹩脚,连配音都不是全程都有的。
我打开游戏,试着走了几步并开了几枪,操作给我一种笨重的感觉。而且有些讽刺的是,在一款以杰出 AI 为特色的游戏里,你能看到不断往墙上撞的 NPC,就像是没头脑的发条玩具一样。《杀出重围》似乎乐于当一个卡在你喉咙的鱼刺,就像游戏里的纳米强化部件一样。
我最初是因为对《杀出重围》一直以来的好奇而去尝试的这款游戏,然而在粗陋的外表之下,我发现它极富生命力,放到今天也不显过时。作为一款由 Looking Glass 前雇员开发的浸入式模拟(immersive sim)游戏,《杀出重围》和经典前辈《神偷(Thief)》、《网络奇兵(System Shock)》有许多相似之处,同时它又自成一派。不过,要准确地指出《杀出重围》为何如此引人注目且地位高贵并不容易。
I'll start with a confession: I didn't play Deus Ex until many years after its release. And, even after I discovered it, I was skeptical at first. After all, it's an unattractive game with drab aesthetics, awkward animations and uneven voice acting.
The first steps taken and first shots fired feel clunky, and there's a gentle irony about how a game featuring brilliant AIs has NPCs that routinely run into walls like mindless wind-up toys. And yet, like its powerful nano-augmentations, Deus Ex has a habit of getting under one's skin and staying there.
I first tried Deus Ex out of historic curiosity, but its dusty appearance belied a game that was (and still is) vibrant and fresh. An immersive sim developed by former Looking Glass employees, the game has much in common with classics like Thief and System Shock, yet Deus Ex remains one of a kind. But pinning down exactly why it's so compelling and relevant isn't easy.
You may have heard fans talk about the game's player agency – the freedom to do things your way. To my mind, however, this freedom is just one of many features that contribute to what distinguishes Deus Ex most: its verisimilitude.
Warren Spector 在 1993 年就开始规划《杀出重围》,他在 Origin 提出了最初的雏形,名为《麻烦终结者(Troubleshooter)》,然后在 Looking Glass Studios 变成了《结合点(Junction Point)》。但直到 John Romero 邀请 Spector 加入 Ion Storm,让他去“做梦想中的游戏”,《杀出重围》的开发才真正开始。
Warren Spector began planning Deus Ex in 1993, first under the title Troubleshooter at Origin, then later as Junction Point at Looking Glass Studios. The game only took off when John Romero invited Spector to join Ion Storm and “make the game of his dreams”.

Not only will you have to choose how to spend money, mods and upgrades, but the inventory itself offers limited storage, forcing you to pick your gear wisely.
尽管画面和角色 AI 欠佳,但角色在虚拟世界中的存在感十分真实,我从未玩到过这样的游戏。游戏中地狱厨房(Hell’s Kitchen)和香港这种枢纽区域就像是微缩的宇宙[1] 。和开放世界游戏比起来,这些地区可能显得很小,但其中细节无处不在。这些细节可能是可供探索和研究的秘密、报纸或数据方块,也可能是当地居民,他们高谈阔论,向你寻求帮助,试图操纵你,又或者是细心留意你的行动。
游戏中无可匹敌的互动机制给这些角色带来了真实感。大多数游戏中 NPC 会忽略你的行为,直到剧情来到某个“究极二选一”的节点,然而《杀出重围》中的居民会对你最细小的行为做出反应,他们会评论你去了哪里、以什么方式解决了什么问题、见到了谁、杀死了谁又或者留了谁一条命。
Despite its low fidelity and awkward character AI, I have never played a game in which the player's presence in a virtual world feels this authentic. Hub areas such as Hell's Kitchen and Hong Kong are rich microcosms. These places may seem small in comparison to open-world games, but they are dense with detail in the form of secrets, newspapers and data cubes to discover and study, as well as inhabitants that philosophise, ask for your help, try to manipulate you, and take note of your actions.
The game's unmatched reactivity makes these characters seem real. Rather than ignoring your agency until some Big Binary Plot Decision like most games, the denizens of Deus Ex will react to your most minute actions and comment on the places you visited, the problems you solved and the manner in which you solved them, the people you met, killed, or let live.
The scale and complexity of the main missions' maps is often mind-boggling; the plethora of ways to move through them almost overwhelming. You can blow up a door and go in, guns blazing; pick a lock and sneak inside; stack crates or use your jump augmentation to reach a high window or roof; crawl through twisting systems of vents; hack security panels to turn the enemy's robots against them, etc.
Affordances depend on your character build and inventory. Skill points are awarded for completing objectives or finding secrets and can be invested in weapon handling, hacking, lock-picking, swimming, and more. Augmentation canisters target specific body parts and offer a binary choice: do you want to move quietly or quicker? Do you want to hit harder with melee weapons or lift heavy objects? These augmentations can then be levelled up, allowing further specialisation, while weapon mods can add scopes, increase accuracy or reduce recoil.
1 译者注:地狱厨房(Hell’s Kitchen)是美国纽约市曼哈顿岛西岸的一个地区,正式行政区名为克林顿(Clinton),又俗称为西中城(Midtown West)。地狱厨房早年是曼哈顿岛上一个著名的贫民窟,以杂乱落后的居住品质与高犯罪率而闻名。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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