1996 年,智冠科技(Soft-World)——一家总部位于台湾的游戏厂商——交给了它旗下一个名为河洛工作室的团队一项任务,制作一款基于著名作家金庸的武侠小说的游戏。
他们制作了《金庸群侠传(Tale of Wuxia)》,这是一款策略 RPG,玩家在武林豪杰辈出的时代漫游中国,金庸小说中的人物和情节交织在游戏中,你可以改变故事线,招募超过 30 名角色加入队伍,与正反两派人物战斗。
5 年后,团队制作了续作《武林群侠传》——英文名字很随意地被翻译成了《武林英雄传奇》(Legend of Wulin Heroes,不要把它和同名桌游搞混),本作背景设定在前作的一百年后,拥有全新的角色和原创的剧情。它保留了前作中的开放世界和策略 RPG 元素,但引入了全新的《美少女梦工厂(Princess Maker)》式的模拟养成模式,游戏拥有诙谐的 Q 版美术风格,玩家通过制定每周的训练计划使角色成长。
In 1996, Soft-World – a gaming publisher headquartered in Taiwan – tasked one of their teams, Heluo Studio, to make a game based on the novels of famed wuxia writer Jin Yong.
They created Heroes of Jin Yong (金庸群俠傳), a tactical role-playing game where the player gets to roam China in an age of honourable martial arts heroes, populated by a mix of all Jin Yong novels' characters and plots. During your travels it's possible to change certain storylines and recruit over 30 characters to brawl it out with various villains and heroes.
Five years later, the same team made a sequel titled 武林群侠传 – loosely translated as Legend of Wulin Heroes (not to be confused with the tabletop RPG of the same name), and set one hundred years after the first game, with new characters and an original plot. It retained the open world and tactical RPG elements of its predecessor, but also introduced a new Princess Maker-like sim-raising mode, where your character's growth is determined by a weekly training schedule set by the player, presented in a humorous Chibi art style.
金庸是一位备受推崇的当代中国作家,他一生创作了 15 部武侠小说,累计销量突破 1 亿册,其作品被改编为超过 90 部电影和电视剧。
Jin Yong is a highly acclaimed contemporary Chinese author. He wrote 15 books based on wuxia (martial arts and chivalry), which together sold over 100 million copies and were adapted into over 90 movies and TV series.

《武林群侠传》同样也没有英文化,但它是中国最好的 RPG 之一。
Legend of Wulin Heroes was also never translated into English, but it’s known as one of the best Chinese RPGs ever made.
玩家扮演一个梦想成为武林大侠的无名小卒,角色的养成方案尽在你的掌握,你可以在 32 种属性(不包括隐藏属性)的范围内培养角色。这些属性都或多或少有它的用处——即使和战斗无关,也会在各种事件中发挥作用。
You play as a nobody who dreams of becoming a martial arts hero. He is guided by your hand in training, with up to 32 stats (not including hidden ones) being available for the player to improve. All of them are useful in one way or another – if perhaps not in battle, then surely interwoven into various events.
You'll be able to learn several Kung Fu styles, categorised into Saber, Sword, Staff, Palm/Fist, Finger, Leg, Hidden Weapon, and Music, with their corresponding stats affecting the techniques that your hero finds during his journey or learns from his master when he is pleased with his pupil.
The hero's many base stats also affect his overall battle competency in battle, such as Flexibility providing a passive boost to damage and enhancing most sword techniques. In fact, some techniques have a third stat to boost its power, such as alcohol for the Drunken Fist style. Yes, you can learn to become skilled in alcohol in this game!
Aside from preparing the hero for combat, you'll also have chores like chopping wood or cleaning, and can choose to indulge in activities like fishing, hunting, smithing, herb-gathering and gardening – each with its own respective list of diverse mini-games.
Your performance in these mini-games will determine the skills gained and add rewards such as rare meat from killing a bear while hunting, or a treasure chest as a no-error bonus when mining.
You can also learn more about different aspects of Chinese culture, such as Chinese Chess, Calligraphy, Acupuncture, Music and even Gardening. A lot of care went into these, and not only will you get interesting lessons, but you'll later be asked to identify songs, calligraphy styles, acupuncture points or decide upon a chess move – with your performance impacting the bonus your character receives.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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